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i want to get my penis pierced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Started by #130048 at 17,Jan,11 00:58
should i ....? and if so what type??????

Similar topics: 1.cock piercing advice!   2.What does everyone think about pierced dicks?   3.Penis piercing in home   4.should i get pierced   5.What do people think about man with pierced penis  

New Comment

By #55376 at 21,Jan,11 23:06
I want 2 get 1 to but I'm afraid cuz my penis is small and I don't want 2 b made fun of after I left
By #94263 at 22,Jan,11 10:07
If you go to a reputable piercer they are not likely to make fun of you. I too don't have a big penis, but have 13 piercings in my penis and scrotum and as far as I am aware the piercers I have been to have not made fun of me. Most piercers will have done many penis piercings, so they will have seen many shapes and sizes.
I would say just go for it. Find a good piercer and make an appointment.

By #94263 at 17,Jan,11 19:49
Definitely start with a Prince Albert

Adult Discussion Forum