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my wife wants to swing

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Started by #131111 at 23,Jan,11 14:16
I have only been with one girl and that is my wife. I was too scared to have sex with anyone because of my curved cock. Now my wife wants to share me and I her but I don't know what people will think of my curve. Please help me out thanks

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By Threesome at 10,Dec,24 10:23 other posts of Threesome 
My wife loves to meet new guys in public, restaurants, clubs, etc. She rubs their bulges, flashes her cunt, let's them feel her up. Sometimes she ends up giving them a blowjob. Or bends over to be fucked from behind. Usually in the parking lot between two cars. I watch and take pics. It make my dick so hard.

By Alwaysnude at 08,Dec,24 05:48 other posts of Alwaysnude 
my wife wanted to swing so I said ok was i wrong my liked the strange men with big dicks so much she could get enough I felt a little insecure but let ti go until pretty soon she would just onr guy and I would watch and join in [deleted image]

By satgeek at 03,Dec,16 05:56 other posts of satgeek 
u will be surprised on what people like to suck & fuck. go for it & enjoy the swinging.

By #311947 at 15,Apr,16 21:10
How curved is your dick? I got a curve and no one has ever cared. Fuckin go for it! Never live with any thoughts of, "I shoulda, coulda, woulda." Go for it!

By #491031 at 15,Apr,16 16:30
I'm not into swinging. All the back and forth motion makes my tummy sick. The monkey bars and slide are awesome, though!

By #131111 at 23,Jan,11 17:45
we also want to try and find someone. A couple would be nice but if not than just a guy. We are pickey has to be a shaved monster cock. And good body. If anyone could help tnanx
By #59855 at 24,Jan,11 18:16
From Matt's Wife: Good luck with that, in all of our times visiting swing clubs everytime we meet a guy that is well endowed he has been a jerk everytime. Maybe that is not a problem for you but someone like that is never going to touch me. For us it is more important that we all click and get along. We have learned to go into these situations with no expectations, otherwise we are always disappointed.

By EarthQuake69 at 15,Apr,16 15:38 other posts of EarthQuake69 
I would love to offer my services...

By #332336 at 15,Nov,13 13:44
My wife and I swing all the time. Just the other night she was riding her boyfriends face and I was sucking his cock, then I lubed his ass and slid my cock in, begin fucking him deep and hard and he blew his nut. It's all good.

By boc at 24,Jan,11 17:47 other posts of boc 
If you do have a threesome, be aware of all the possible consequences that might result from jealousy and insecurity. I have done it, and it wasn't all peaches and cream. But then again anything in life is a double edged sword.

"Tears and fears and feelin' proud

To say to someone I love you right out loud

Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way, sometimes I still do

Now old friends are acting strange They shake their heads and they tell me that I have changed, yes I have

Something's lost but something's gained in livin' every day"

Joni Mitchell from "Both Sides Now"

By #7976 at 24,Jan,11 01:04
I don't think anyone is going to care. Some women might find it different in a bad way and others will love the difference. Either way, you won't know till you try and in trying, there's both fun and education.

As to the second point, be thrilled that your wife is willing to swing with you. It may turn out that one or both of you don't care for the lifestyle but there's the excitement of trying that's great. My first wife and I dabbled with swinging in college and had some pretty amazing experiences. Ones I enjoy thinking about to this day.

On both counts, make your decision on swinging on all of the other issues that may come up such as jealousy, infidelity, disease, etc.; just not on the fact you have a cock with a bend in it. Good luck and have fun - both of you.

By #107983 at 23,Jan,11 22:34
Look on the bright side,, you can shag round corners!!!!! God knows when you would need the ability, but might come in useful one day!!!!

You have a great cock , dont worry about it, and persoanlly i think others would be more attracted to you beacause of its "novelty" for want of a better word

By slipper at 23,Jan,11 17:57 other posts of slipper 
Like anything else, one person's "meat" (no pun intended) is anothers poison. GO for it... and take pix to post for US!!!

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