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First time girl masturbated by a girl?

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Started by #5532 at 18,Jun,09 21:48
I ask this after reading all of the responses by the men as to when was the first time they were masturbated by a girl, etc. I do know there many ladies out there who have experienced the FF masturbation (including me). Curious.

Similar topics: 1.Strangest place you have masturbated?   2.Masturbated by a Girl   3.does anyone like being pegged   4.Pabst Blue Ribbion Girl   5.First time with a girl  

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By #591921 at 28,Jun,20 06:14
Wow thats a very long time ago. It was a girl from the church youth group. I used to go visit her at her house and they had a trailer in the back of the house and she asked me to go in with her and she didn't want to be penetrated so I told her you can't just leave me all excited like this so she took it out and took care of it by hand. I must have been 14. She was 16.

By #64328 at 21,Jun,20 17:47
I was 11 when a nieghborhood girl that was a few years older ask me if I masturbated. I acted like I didnt know what she was talking about. She then asked me to play truth of dare. We ended up showing each other. It started with just truth questions but quickly went to dares. She showed me her boobs first and then I dated her to show her pussy. Next question was show her my dick which was hard as a rock and she just jacked the skin back and forth and I almost immediately got the feeling but I didnt have sperm yet but she knew from my hips that were involuntarily bucking that I was having an orgasm. Afterwards she rubbed herself until she had one too. She thought she taught me how but i had been doing it regularly since i was 8.

By #610869 at 18,Jun,20 19:46
My first and only time came when I had a sensual massage at a massage studio. The masseuse was naked too, and I didnt have a towel. She spent most of the time massaging my back, then asked me to turn over. My cock was hard and throbbing, so she concentrated on that, masturbating me to climax.
By #612966 at 18,Jun,20 19:56
did you read the OP?

By #618071 at 17,Jun,20 09:56
Are people reading the subject heading or question carefully?

By #463848 at 17,Jun,20 07:58
I was 21 and my gf's parents had left us alone.

By #434617 at 10,May,20 01:16
When we were younger me and my gf were just best friends but we showed off to each other and touched and played around with each other but it wasn't really masturbation so if you don't count that then a couple years later I spent the night at my friends and his sis asked to see my penis & I didn't want to but she said if I don't she will just look when I fall asleep and if I told she would wait until we are at school and fight me so every one could see a girl beat me up lol... I believed her and we were teens but she was my size and a year older and I saw her fight before so I was pretty sure she really could beat me up if she wanted lol.. So I just let her do what she wanted.. She was like disappointed when she saw it and just said oh and then said she wanted to see how big it for and played with it til I came... I was embarrassed and nervous she would tell people at the time but it did feel great when she jerked it... Plus she actually never told anyone about that so it ended up not being a bad experience like I first thought.

By #469430 at 10,Sep,14 17:18
I was 16 and in her(my first serious gf) bedroom with the door open! The whole time I was afraid her little sisters or **** would walk in. It was her first time seeing a cock and she was just mesmerized by it. I didnt tell her that I was about to cum and it shot up all over her cloths. I then fingered her and she was so dam happy!

By #73083 at 16,Sep,11 02:58
When I was 18 (She also gave me my first blowjob)!
By #5532 at 16,Sep,11 03:39
guess you did not read the post very well....woman on woman
By #190275 at 16,Sep,11 11:37
Haha this is so funny
By #5532 at 16,Sep,11 12:10
Not that this post has gotten much feedback, but looking through the comments it is apparent that there are those who do not read very well
By boy at 24,Sep,11 17:35 other posts of boy 
Men can't read well when they are aroused because all their blood is in their cock and too little left for their brain! By the way, I'm male. Funny thread!

By Walker at 21,Sep,11 22:16 other posts of Walker 
Well yes a very long time ago got to watch older sis masturbate little sis to show her how she masturbated me to show little sis how a boy cums. Wow hadn't thought of that in a long time. Little sis wouldn't stop after that. Masturbating herself and grabbing my cock. Oh I wonder where they are now.

By #62531 at 16,Sep,11 13:56
Wow a lot of people suck at reading compression
By slipper at 19,Sep,11 03:59 other posts of slipper 

By #59855 at 16,Sep,11 04:18
From Matt's Wife: Two years ago at a swing club, it was lots of fun considering it was with Matt and another couple and while her and I were going at it the guys had their hands all over us.

By #7976 at 21,Jun,09 01:29
Whether you can call it Masturbation or not is questionable but by the time I was around nine there were several girls in the neighborhood that were playing doctor with my cock. It was more of a touch here and a squeeze there but it sure felt good to me even if the result wasn't a good shot. I suppose I was between eleven and thirteen before a girl actually jacked me off to orgasm. I know I have enjoyed the practice ever since. FYI, looking at your pictures, I would certainly be able to rise to the occasion for you to perform a penis massage. I would certainly enjoy returning a soft touch massage for your enjoyment.

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