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For the ladies...

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Started by #14182 at 19,Jun,09 19:30
I have seen some nice comments and not so nice comments to the ladies' pictures. I'll admit I have been a bit bold myself but not to the extent that some will go. So, ladies, what type of comments do you like when responding to your pics? I will try to adhere to your wishes and maybe others will do likewise.

Similar topics: 1.ANY LADIES ON HERE??   2.for ladies only   3.CFNM (Ckother Female, Naked Male)   4.Mature ladies   5.Ladies ladies ladies!  

New Comment

By #7976 at 20,Jun,09 02:08
I find this a disturbing question. The ladies, and the men as well, want to be told nice things about themselves. They want to be made to feel good about themselves, and want to believe you really love looking at them and in some cases, they want to think your getting off to their photos. The "Thumper" principle works here. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. As for me, I try to be honest, courteous, and genuinely interested in the lady or gentleman when I make comments. I try to thank them for posting their photos for us to enjoy. Mostly, I hope they read the comments and feel better about themselves afterwards. Anything else, is a waste of words. That's my o opinion at least.
By #14182 at 20,Jun,09 10:10
I agree with you but I don't find the question "disturbing". What is "disturbing" about it? It's an honest inquiry regarding an issue in which people are interested.
By #7976 at 21,Jun,09 01:22
What I find disturbing is the fact that someone has to get "not so nice comments" for any reason. It is disturbing to think there are people who in the name of "honesty" will berate another human being and give them cause for emotional pain. That is very uncool and to me disturbing. I'm glad we agree though. Thanks for responding to my comment.

Adult Discussion Forum