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Hand job videos

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Started by m22r at 12,Feb,11 18:13  other posts of m22r
I love Handjob videos! Can anyone send me some homemade videos? My email is

Similar topics: 1.Breast size   2.Post your favorite cock videos!   3.videos??   4.i am uploading videos, need help please.   5.How do you type in these forums with only one hand?  

New Comment

By Lvphose at 18,Jan,22 06:44 other posts of Lvphose 

By #64328 at 22,Feb,20 23:24
Something about watching another guy make himself cum as always been an incredible turn on for me. I'm sure it is for most guys but only some of us are willing to admit it. I've as many friends throughout many years and the honest ones all agree is a hot thing to see.

By wanka at 21,Feb,20 12:39 other posts of wanka 
Here are 3 of mine:

By m22r at 22,Feb,20 13:00 other posts of m22r 

By leopoldij at 28,Jan,16 11:58 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]

By leopoldij at 16,Nov,15 06:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Handjob means somebody else playing with your cock. Why do people post videos playing with themselves? That's not handjob, that's a wank.

By slipper at 16,Nov,15 05:21 other posts of slipper 
I've a couple at my page at I'm the same name there as here! Shows me wanking and cumming through my forward foreskin

By #323075 at 04,Nov,15 05:58
Here my video: /jd3k8nzd5xq0pic.html

By leopoldij at 04,Nov,15 01:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's my contribution for a handjob video by a nice female hand

[deleted image]

By #78174 at 16,Mar,13 10:21
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By cocking at 14,Mar,13 18:47 other posts of cocking 
This is my latest handjob video - there are others on my page....

By #201155 at 12,Mar,13 14:46
How about this one? More on my page!

[deleted image]

By #127462 at 12,Feb,11 18:24
Does a self hand job video count ?
By m22r at 12,Feb,11 18:38 other posts of m22r 

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