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R.I.P Michael Jackson

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Started by #3869 at 28,Jun,09 04:51
R.I.P to the king of pop

Similar topics: 1.Wank to the Music   2.Lake Jackson TX   3.OMG, GEORGE MICHAEL DIES AT 53   4.Diamond Jackson (such an amazing body).   5.LISA MARIE PRESLEY DIES AT 54  

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By #53780 at 02,Aug,10 19:06
he wasnt a paedo , it was all for HIS money
By #53780 at 02,Aug,10 21:50
well some stupid parents wanted maked some money so they accused michael jackson of sexually abusing their children ,but he paid them just to shut them up, and most of the people on this site are either perves or paedos , with all do respect for those who are clean , thank u and please lets leave the KING alone and let him Rest In Peace

By #44693 at 29,Jul,10 20:44
micheal jackson was a pedo
By #53780 at 29,Jul,10 21:20
thats stupid what u saying. what u do here is pedo.u little f***.

By #9834 at 28,Jun,09 08:51
It will get much worse, this is only the begining, it's a repeat of Elvis Presley all over again.
By #59855 at 28,Jul,10 23:30
From Matt's Wife: Since you mentioned this, I will say we went to Vegas and there was an MJ on every corner

By #53780 at 28,Jul,10 22:53
R.I.P king of mankind

By #3997 at 09,Jul,09 20:48
R.I.P Michael Jackson

Adult Discussion Forum