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Started by routemaster at 26,Dec,16 10:42  other posts of routemaster
OMG, what shocking and very sad news this Boxing Day morning. Gay pop star George Michael passed away yesterday, Christmas Day of all days, aged just 53 from heart failure. Ironic that one of his records with Wham! was "Last Christmas" and, obviously, being this time of year, it was on the radio just a few days ago.

R.I.P. George

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New Comment

By #509613 at 27,Sep,17 03:14
No matter what people say about George Michael, back in the day hundreds of thousands of women wanted a piece of him !
By routemaster at 27,Sep,17 05:49 other posts of routemaster 
So did hundreds of men!

By t-rex at 27,Dec,16 13:52 other posts of t-rex 
Another horrific loss

By #190702 at 27,Dec,16 13:12
Its very sad the news, he did have a couple of ironic records thinking about it, Jesus to a **** and praying for time come to mind, RIP Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou you will be sadly missed

By pifad at 26,Dec,16 11:19 other posts of pifad 
So sorry to hear of this. He was a great artist. Loved his work and him. Rest In Peace.

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