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how much cum

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Started by #136706 at 10,Mar,11 23:50
how much cum can you produce in one go?

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By #144604 at 22,Jul,11 23:17
check ouy my pics and tell me.

By Ray10754 at 18,Jul,11 23:37 other posts of Ray10754 
Hated to waist it

By WristThick at 24,May,11 23:42 other posts of WristThick 
You'll rarely see less than 8 blasts out of my dick, even if it's my 2nd (or even 3rd) cum of the day. A couple of times after holding off for a very painful 5+ days, I filled a shot glass. My balls were so bloated full of cum that I had to pop off another couple of times before the swelling finally went down.

By #113591 at 13,Mar,11 01:21
Yeah way more than wanted to be honest, but its cool with wild chicks that want it all over em

By suprpumpr at 11,Mar,11 00:57 other posts of suprpumpr 
a lot! I have a video up of a ten squirt.. sometimes its a curse as it gets way to messy

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