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Started by #146567 at 17,Mar,11 02:41
can someone tell me what its like to play with and suck another mans dick

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By #612667 at 11,Mar,20 12:31
Totaly love sucking dick cock in the mouth feels awsome nice warm twitching dick even better when you se look on dudes face as he is closer to blowing his wad the feel of his warm jizz and the noises totaly awsome

By #7217 at 09,Mar,13 21:02
i sure would like to try it
By spermkiss at 09,Mar,13 22:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it!

By #451452 at 26,Feb,20 07:29
You will regret it if you don't try it soon. It is a very pleasant and pleasurable experience. When you have someone else's cock in your mouth you have them under your control and you can enjoy all of their scents and tastes. You can go slow or fast, use your tongue to massage the head or the whole length. Let them tell you what they enjoy so you can give them more pleasure. You may have to work on your gag reflex t be able to take it deeply into your mouth or throat. The piece de resistance os when they come and you get to savor the taste and the texture of their cum before you swallow it. The final great tease is to keep sucking after they come and over stimulate the nerves in the head of the penis and make them a bit crazy. If you don't like it, then it is just brussel sprouts, you tried and didn't like them, so you don't do it again.

By Dickventures at 26,Feb,20 00:10 other posts of Dickventures 
It's interesting how different cocks are from each other. Even just a slight change in girth or firmness is arousing.

By #608810 at 25,Feb,20 17:05
Only done it once and was pleasantly surprised how smooth that fat cock felt in my mouth. I'm definitely going to do it again.

By spermkiss at 18,Mar,11 21:18 other posts of spermkiss 
Let's face it, for every man his dick is his favorite toy. It's his pride and joy. When he lets you touch it, play with it and suck it he is bestowing a great honor on you. Taking another man's dick into your mouth and using your lips and tongue to bring him to orgasm is the greatest, most rewarding and most satisfying thing in the world. To feel his dick throb in your mouth as he reaches climax and gives you his sperm is bliss beyond description. He has given you part of himself and you should graciously accept that gift. Be happy with the knowledge that his sperm will go down into your gut, be digested and turn into muscle tissue in your body. Part of him will become part of you. There is nothing more fulfilling.
By #7217 at 09,Mar,13 21:01
wow what a great story i wish it could happen to me
By spermkiss at 09,Mar,13 22:18 other posts of spermkiss 
As the sucker or as the suckee? Both are fun. When two men suck each other off and eat each other's sperm it is the greatest connection between two men in the world.

By #350740 at 08,Feb,13 22:13
Well, I can finally comment on this subject. After 42 years of being straight, married happily for the last 23 years, I have a really close family friend from the last 19 years. We get along like brothers... He ususally answeers my text msgs, sitting here thinking of you naked. Quite the comedian.
Today he had come over and I had a few new porn movies and we were watching them, He said I must not like them as he jokingly pointed at my cock. I said it was hot, are you really hard ?? He pulled down his pants and showed me. I forgot how thick he was. We had a 4 sum and a 3 sum about 12 years ago with a MMF and MMMF.
I am straight by all means, but I blurted out "You need a hand with jerking that off?" He sat down and I began stroking him, It was unique... With the goal in mind of giving my best friend a release. He didnt last too long. Then he returned the favor. We then had lunch and went on about our day. Yes, i liked it, why ? I dont know. May do it again if it comes up....
By #269409 at 09,Feb,13 10:18
Great story i have always had a **** fantasy about my best friend but haven't ever tried

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