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What the FUCK is up with these Porn sites "Pop-UPs Ads" covering displayed photos?

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #74086 at 03,Apr,11 15:08
I remember when a member could enjoy this website and have a pleasant conversation with oher members.... Now the "Website Owner" has decided to make more $$$$ for himself at the expense of other patrons at his website.... This is crap (I believe).... Why spoil the viewing of other members photos with these "PORN POP-UP ADS" that spoil the enjoyment of this site??? The "Website Owner" could of had these "Porn Website Ads" posted on his website but not covering photos viewed....its a pain in the ass!!! Really Pissed off!!!

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New Comment

By #59855 at 03,Apr,11 22:43
From Matt's Wife: Holy crap, what happened? This seems to keep coming up and I really don't understand it at all. It is very simple, if you don't like the pop ups then either become a pay member or leave the site which it looks like whoever started this did or admin deleted his account, either way problem solved

By #81191 at 03,Apr,11 21:42
well not only pissed off but done just that

By admin at 03,Apr,11 21:32 other posts of admin 
Not that I do not like critics, but posting that from account that was full of internet pics...

Adult Discussion Forum