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Started by #49676 at 06,Apr,11 12:11
Does the word "boobs" deflate the sexual content of a woman's breasts for you? My wife has gotten many comments about her breasts and she enjoys them all! And I like to read them as well. And we thank the community here for the wealth of positive comments and sexy messages, but seriously, guys. "Boobs"? I think that word is for little boys or Beavis and Butthead (not that there is anything wrong with Beavis and Butthead)

Huh huh, nice boobs.

Breasts, tits, titties, delicious juicy grapefruits.

What do you think? By the way, I read a woman's comment to Esquire magazine about this very issue and it got me thinking.

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New Comment

By #113112 at 06,Apr,11 15:53
Interesting. I do think some words are "sexier" than others, but then I prefer "boobs" to "titties". Same good for men, I think the word "willy" is about as unsexy as it gets!
By botanic at 24,May,11 13:06 other posts of botanic 
you have to suck it and see, I reckon.

By mikeyd270 at 07,Apr,11 05:39 other posts of mikeyd270 
I did a survey on another site and a lot of women thought boobs was a little childish. They really did not like bobbies. Titties was sort of a toss up. Some liked it some thought it to be childish. Breasts and tits came out on top as their favorites.
Just a random survey, nothing scientific.

Adult Discussion Forum