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stories about incest!

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Started by #106611 at 06,Apr,11 18:01
tell me some of ur stories incest makes me horny as hell

Similar topics: 1.IS IT AN INCEST OR NOT?   2.incest   3.incest   4.Share your incest stories!   5.Anyone like incest  

New Comment

By #190275 at 19,Oct,11 03:25
Actually incest with cousins, secondcousin and even sometimes simblings жre deemd "natural in many coultures. But with our civilization it has becomed taboo, through medecine we have also learned that it can and often will have negativlly outcomes on offsprings, еnd is the main reason it has been illegaliced in many countries. We dont have to look very far back, infact most royalties (in europe) are closely realted, regardless of wich country they are from. Anyways if he was talking about taking advantage of children, he should be inprison, where he should recive coounsling.

By #7976 at 18,Aug,11 00:28
Give us another 24 years and I'll be able to comment. As for now, although I had sex with a few women in their 50's and one in her 60's, I'm now older than all than one of them was when we got together.

By #5532 at 17,Aug,11 23:53
I agree with Matt's Wife, and I disagree with Bush Pilot in his asking the admin to delete this. The argument turned into whether it is okay to have sex with a cousin which I find disgusting. BUT, in other parts of the world that is not off limits. This being a world wide site...well? Now, incest in general, as between parent - child, sibling - sibling. I would agree that is off limits. See my earlier response to this post. Just sayin
By #7976 at 18,Aug,11 00:26
Here's a case where I don't understand your response. I've traveled and lived on five continents and incest isn't tolerated anywhere. As you highlight, incest is between family members which are too close to marry. The rest of the family tree doesn't have any bearing on an incest topic.

The issue of incest is simply immoral any time, any place. Anyone engaging in sexual relations with family members that will likely cause seriously physical and/or mental health in the next generation and ones to follow, is playing with biological fire.

As I read this string, the question is to provide incest stories for one's sexual gratification. While I don't use the word often or lightly, this is perverted.

So darlin, we'll have to agree to disagree on this topic. And as for deleting this topic, yes, I'm all for it. However, I don't have any problems with someone discussing this in their private chat. If this were an intellectual debate on the topic of incest, that's a different matter. I'll get in on that one and enjoy the conversation, much as this response does.


By #159671 at 17,Aug,11 03:54
Let's just ask them to close this whole site down! Showing your genitals and looking at other naked people is immoral, degrading and wrong, and leads to many bad sexual acts. This site just enables satan to do his thing. People can't be trusted to just look away. And these same people can't avoid reading a forum topic that is of ill taste. In fact, people can't be trusted to photograph anything, and can't be trusted to write about anything, or even speak about anything. We need a governing body to help us decide what we can discuss, write and photograph. Sounds kind-a silly, doesn't it?

By #68656 at 06,Apr,11 19:07
Incest is a despicable thing plus it is NOT an appropriate topic for this forum.
With the greatest of respect, anyone who obtains gratuitous "pleasure" from such activities or discussion of it should consider seeking psychiatric assistance.
By hogweed at 06,Apr,11 20:12 other posts of hogweed 
Well said. I couldn't agree more. The very thought of it makes me want to heave.

By #7976 at 07,Apr,11 04:43
So, here's a philosophical rebuttal John. If this isn't the forum, what is? One thing about this site that is amazing is that it's free for everyone to express their questions, opinions, deepest desires, and to delve into subjects that are of a sexual nature both the physical and the psychological.

While I agree 1000% that incest is a deviant subject that holds no attraction for me, it is still a subject which is very much a social issue. I don't mean child molestation or rape, but consenting sexual and emotional attractions between closely related members of the same biological family.

It's a very tough subject and there are both emotional and physical negatives to such relationships however, to say they shouldn't be discussed is perhaps going too far and anyone with a serious question about this issue should feel free to ask and those who wish to respond should do so; hopefully in an intelligent manner.

As for our friend playboy253, I certainly can't help him with his prevision, or perhaps a better term is fetish, and this invitation to tell incestual stories to gratify his desires isn't in my interest range. But you and I and the others here who disagree with incest as a topic need to simply ignore those who do. This thread alone, albeit saying we don't like the topic, is still a negative reinforcement of his request.

So, there's my opinion. Whether it's worth anything is in the realm of the reader.

By #159671 at 17,Aug,11 03:42
Amen. Freedom of speech. Freedom of photography. How many people in the general public would defend this site? It would most likely be shut down in a minute if they could do it. We need to let people be free to do as they wish. Speech - and writing electronically - can not and should not be censored. But to be fair, others also have the right to say incest is despicable too! (personally, I'm not into incest at all, I'm also not into anal at all.)

By #30729 at 05,Jun,11 11:21
I fucked recently my cousin (40 years old) really cool. She wll always fuck with me. When we ware Jung (I: 25) and (she: 19), we have often fucked. She is now married but wants to sleep with me. Is this incest?
What do you think about it, Matt's wife and luvmycl?
By #59855 at 02,Aug,11 17:34
From Matt's Wife: Yes it is incest and it is wrong acacia
By #59855 at 02,Aug,11 17:55
From Matt's Wife: I had to delete and ban this acacia person over this. Truely a sad person
By #30729 at 03,Aug,11 19:34
No! I'm not a sad person! You are one! here in Germany is a cousin to fuck not prohibited. you can even marry her! do you understand?
By #59855 at 04,Aug,11 16:14
From Matt's Wife: I don't care, it still make you a sick person.
By #30729 at 06,Aug,11 12:11
Haha! I'm not sick! Maybe you! I fucked my cousin and not my sister or mother! and that's why I'm sick? haha!
By #30729 at 06,Aug,11 12:26
I have not fucked my sister or my mother, but my cousin at her request. Why are you so aggressive, Matt's Wife?
By #59855 at 07,Aug,11 19:10
From Matt's Wife: Thanks for proving me right for banning you
By #30729 at 08,Aug,11 04:36
If you look the aggressiveness as evidence, then please do it! .
By #59855 at 08,Aug,11 04:43
From Matt's Wife: You make no sense, I banned you a long time ago and took you off of my friends list. You are sad
By #30729 at 09,Aug,11 03:04
First I deleted you . You have not written to me . I was disappointed. You're sometimes a little arrogant!
By #59855 at 16,Aug,11 22:52
From Matt's Wife: You are a loser

By #7976 at 09,Aug,11 03:52

By #2331 at 07,Aug,11 22:27
Thank you Matt52's wife!!!
By #59855 at 08,Aug,11 04:43
From Matt's Wife:

By #2331 at 05,Jun,11 12:05
Markyboii let us know what prison you are in when you go to jail!!!
By #59855 at 02,Aug,11 17:35
From Matt's Wife: At last I agree with Leahcim on something

By #82241 at 10,Apr,11 15:18
I played around with my brother when he was 12 and I was 14. It was a lot of fun for both of us.
By #59855 at 10,Apr,11 23:25
From Matt's Wife: Most times incest happens amongst children that are unable to give true consent or between an adult and a child that is still unable to consent. Even between two adults it is still illegal
By #165750 at 29,May,11 14:47
Id like to know just who Matt's wife is? cause she sounds just like a very opinionated woman! God help Matt eh.
By #7976 at 05,Jun,11 01:17
Opinionated? Seemingly yes. Right nearly all the time? Yes again. As for Matt, I think he's a lucky man no matter what her faults. From my point of view, she's a truly great woman.
By #59855 at 02,Aug,11 17:33
From Matt's Wife: @Style; So women are not supposed to have opinons now???? Be carefull how you talk to women in person, you never know who is a black belt and will kick your ass

By hytiger at 10,Apr,11 15:05 other posts of hytiger 
He has said nothing about age differences, so why are you all jumping to the conclusion that he is talking about adults & children?
If that is the way your minds work, jumping to conclusions like that, then it is YOU who are sick!
Even sicker are those of you mentioning pre-teen children.
By #59855 at 10,Apr,11 23:21
From Matt's Wife: Age doesn't matter, it is all illegal here

By #86844 at 09,Apr,11 11:26
Why are we assuming he's automatically a pedophile? That's rather judgemental and intolerant, especially for a site like this.
By #59855 at 10,Apr,11 23:20
From Matt's Wife: Well it is still illegal here in the USA and could result in the site being closed down so there for it does not belong

By #59855 at 07,Apr,11 00:29
From Matt's Wife: It amazes me that this keeps rearing its ugly head

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