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sister inlaw

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Started by #27233 at 05,May,11 16:57
I often visit my brother and his wife and stay with them for a few days, and when i do my brother & i tend to burn the mid night oil watching films or the tv but my sister inlaw goes to sleep early however before she does she changes into her nightwear and sits with us before going to off bed ( and it what she wears that my reason for posting this ) her nightwear is a tee shirt and shorts, my sister inlaw is slim blonde and has large natural breast so when she is in her nightwear her boobs seem to be trying to escape and her nipples are standing errect thru the t shirt,I have seen her boobs when she has lent forward but not enough to see her nipples and its this whats driving me crazy coz i want to go over to her and rip the material off and play with them, I also know she has large pussy lips because of the tight shorts she wears, ive got a feeling she has had a look at my cock when i just had my boxers on from her look and her smile on her face, so do i push my luck and go for it next time she is in her nightwear or do i forget about it just because its my sister inlaw and my brother.

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New Comment

By #134837 at 10,May,11 14:21
Go for it! Fuck her brains out!
By #59855 at 10,May,11 18:13
From Matt's Wife: This is the kind of post I hate

By #59855 at 06,May,11 15:38
From Matt's Wife: What makes you think she is even interested in you? You are a guest in their home and she is being polite. People have all kinds of urges but push them back, I suggest you do the same. If one of Matt's brothers ever tried anything like that, first I would kick his ass and than Matt would do it. There are lines that you just don't cross

By #33070 at 06,May,11 14:00
Yep better ask the brother

By slipper at 06,May,11 02:56 other posts of slipper 
Ask your brother! Good luck!!!

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