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Ok so I lost my virginity 2 hours ago...

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Started by #16916 at 26,Jul,09 00:49
It didn't go quite as I expected.
I always heard that the 1st time is quite disappointing cus the man usually comes way too fast but for me the exact opposite happened: I fucked her for what seemed atleast an hour, in different positions. And even though I was enjoying it I couldn't seem to be able to come, or get even near climax :s
Not even when she gave me head with that nice tongue piercing of hers, or ate my balls hmm...
...Anyway, back to the point :)

What's wrong with me? oO
Maybe (I hope) it's cus I was quite tired but since it's my 1st time I can't really compare to when I'm not tired.

Any ideas or similar experiences?

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New Comment

By #7976 at 26,Jul,09 03:20
There is no problem with you. Most likely, even though you may not have even been aware of it, you were simply having a bit of performance anxiety. It isn't uncommon to not cum with a woman on the first try, although, it hasn't happened often in my experience, but my first time, the same thing happened. Too much pressure; mine, hers, the situation. I really enjoyed the experience but I didn't dwell on the outcome. Neither should you.

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