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Started by knewbi at 26,Apr,21 16:40  other posts of knewbi
About 10 years ago I had, what I felt was, a nice 7 inch slender cock. I had been jerking it almost every day and sometime 2 or 3 times a day. Then one night I had this hard on that lasted for many hours. I was actually enjoying a rock hard cock all of the time that evening. Then after awaking the next morning my cock was so sore. Well, figured it was because of how long it had been hard. Later in the day I wanted to jerk off again and when it hardened it was bent upward quite a bit and was only about 5 inches long. Damn I was so upset.
Over the years I still stroked it and enjoyed my time getting off but sure missed that 7 incher. Once I retired my jerk off sessions are now lasting for hours and it is getting one hell of a good work out. I have been noticing that it has now reach 6 inches and is so much fatter than before and it has straightened out a lot. Still a little upturn but I sort of like that part. So, while I lost an inch so far I have gained in girth and i guess that is a good tradeoff.
Any of you had this experience? I am so hoping to regain that lost last inch and keep the girth. THAT would be perfect..

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