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Started by #7976 at 28,Jul,09 03:01
I just wanted to thank all of you who decided the picture on my page is of poor quality. It reassures me that at least some of you are paying attention and actually looking at the photos I post. As for your opinion, everyone has one and yours is at best immaterial.

So far, I have been nothing but polite to everyone on the site. It take being courteous seriously and always thank those who I find deserving of my notice for posting their pictures for everyone to share. I don't bother with the trite practice of denigrating anyone's photos, their biography, or their person with insulting and derogatorily comments.

As far as I am concerned, those who do are not worth the time and effort to get to know and it is a good thing that you can be petty and irresponsible behind the veil of secrecy the site provides. Personally, I hope that each and every one of you who has the timidity to post negative responses of any kind, is prepared to be stoned in the biblical sense.

Otherwise, I wish you well and can only thank you for getting rid of those pesky points. They are a really bad idea anyway and I can assure you that I won't rewarding anyone with them any more. Yours truly, Greg.

PS. Anyone wishing to comment are invited to do so. Positively, negatively, or just plain irritatingly. Whether your as irritated with the negativity on the site as I am or have another opinion, let other know your feelings. And, by the way, don't aim your comments at me because I won't be responding to this one.

New Comment

By admin at 31,Jul,09 17:53 other posts of admin 
Also, you can post whatever you wish on your member page as "not categorized" and those pics are not a subject of quality control, they cannot be reported and you cannot lose point on them. But they, indeed, do not show in categories.

By admin at 31,Jul,09 17:51 other posts of admin 
As I said multiple times at first this site did not have any categories nor any measures of posting limitation. When it has became more or less popular recent the pages became full of hundreds of shitty quality and very similar images half of which had nothing to do with dicks. So some measures of control were introduced. Now most of the pics are of a good quality and every member has an ability to show yourself among others.

But if you wish, I can turn it all back. 1 category, no limitation on quality and number of postings.

I bet you will be first who will come crying when just 3 idiots will flood all the pages with literally thousands of low quality cellphone pics they shoot and upload every 30 seconds for gods know why.

By #14182 at 28,Jul,09 11:57
I can't, for the life of me, understand why points are deducted for poor quality pics. It doesn't make any sense but then again there are many "rules" here that don't make sense. I love this site but I truly believe that it is very poorly managed(I'll probably lose points for saying that).I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the members have too much control. If someone has a hair across their ass for another member they can find a way to deduct points. I mean, give me a break. I lost points for posting pics of my wife just because it wasn't in the pussies category (a member complained). So what! Pics are pics and most on this site are excellent. It is quite frustrating. Another thing, I lose points when I want to watch a video even when the video doesn't play. What a rip-off. I could go on and on but I won't. Anyway, keep up the good pics and comments BP. You're ok in my book.
By admin at 31,Jul,09 17:43 other posts of admin 
Points are deducted for server bandwidth usage. I'm not responsible for your ability to view the videos, they come exactly in the format the users upload them. Technical details of the file is always shown on the page so you can read them and decide if your system can play it or not.

Also, if you behave rude with other members do not be surprised when they come after you. Otherwise I cannot imagine why someone would wish to deduct your points.

By #7295 at 28,Jul,09 11:46
ye, but the pics u posted are def un bad quality

Adult Discussion Forum