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Taking suggestions for pics

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Started by #152289 at 26,Jun,11 01:10
I hate to say it but I have run out of ways/ideas/positions to capture my dick in a photo. So, I will consider doing any suggestion you give me. Just comment or private message me and I will do my best to do it. Check out my page to see my other pics of my smooth, white, cut cock.


Similar topics: 1.pic suggestions?   2.kinky ideas for taking pictures   3.Picture suggestions   4.Just getting into posting pics   5.Looking for Suggestions for new pics  

New Comment

By #133997 at 26,Jun,11 08:03
I had a look ar your pictures. You've got really nice stuff. What I'd find appealing is some shots in various stages of softness and completely flaccid. Unless a guy's built like a baseball bat, most hard cocks have a lot of similarities. In a pre-arousal state most cocks take on more personality and I find it really exciting to fondle myself while I look at the "before" shots. Sometimes that's even the best part. Amd make no mostake, soft cocks are just as appealing as the big ones drooling precum. Having a soft cock in my mouth for my tongue to fondle is one of my favorites. I like shots of really tight balls woth lots of texture too. And that's where my name comes from. Love to lick that....
By MoeJoe at 26,Jun,11 12:11 other posts of MoeJoe 
My sentiments exactly....soft cocks are hot!

By #14216 at 26,Jun,11 04:50
How about showing us your ass too? Or your bulge in a tight pair of shorts or briefs?
By #34386 at 26,Jun,11 04:57
yeah valid suggestions send you yoyo a pm with others ideas

Adult Discussion Forum