Recent Posts of member justlooking123


feature request - enhanced blacklist 19,Dec,15 04:16


By justlooking123 at 29,Jan,16 13:44
You have nothing to worry about size wise, you have a fantastic dick when it gets hard, very nicely shaped.

You may be small when soft, but that means nothing. A lot of guts that are bigger when soft don't get much bigger when hard.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 15:41
I prefer to simply blacklist them and ignore them, they do nothing for me and I don't want to talk to them. I'm also not rude to them.

There are some decent older guys here and I make an exception for those, but disgusting old men who are out of shape can kindly stay far, far away from my profile. Lord knows I will certainly not come within bulls roar of theirs!

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 15:30
I barely ever visit your page (did today because of a forum link I didn't know went there) or any other old mans page, do I?

I made you a friend because you needed to be one in order to PM me about abuse reports that time.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 15:00
That was after he had left the first batch of "gifts" and was visiting my profile several times a day.

He was in my blacklist long before that - blacklisted him because of his public post harassing of the other member.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

Not to mention he is an old man, I don't appreciate dirty old men hanging around my profile (and I make no apology for it either!) or guys with bits of their cock missing/opened, cockhead pierced full of "jewellery", bearings embedded in their cock etc and I most certainly blacklist them when they visit my profile.

I'm no fan of transvestites either, so they get blacklisted too. Nothing rude said to any of the above, just don't want them hanging around my page, they don't interest me.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 13:08
Here is another thought. If somebody (person A) sends someone else (person B) a "gift" and person A is banned by person B then if person B elects to destroy the gift, the gift is destroyed with points from person A's account, not person B's account.

In other words sending negative gifts to people who have banned you should cost you points upon gift destruction.

If the sender of the gift has no points when it is destroyed then they should accrue negative points which they have to get rid of by purchasing points before they can earn points by site activities again.

Bella's point cost suggestion could come into play here - make it cost 10 points to ban somebody, and only paying members can make the sender pay for the negative gift destruction, not free members.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 13:00
Thanks for the reply.

I guess you could tie the ban to username OR IP address, whichever matches.

People could certainly try to get through to me via other sites, would do them no good at all since I leave few if any digital footprints that lead back to myself that non admin types could access.

Of course not everyone is as careful as I am though.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 05:43
I disagree.

You should not have to talk or interact with somebody that you don't want to here and Admin agrees (about the talking bit at least).

Some member just don't take the hint of the normal blacklist though and become stalkers and trouble makers. Hence my enhanced ban suggestion.

Think of it like people visiting your home in real life. You get to choose who you do/don't let in (unless they are l a w e n f o r c e m e n t) and 99.999% of the population respect your decision to deny them entry. Its only the psychopathic tiny 0.001% of the population that wont take no for an answer and resort to home invasion, trespass etc.

Same principle here.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 05:00
So people don't abuse the feature.

My request would not replace regular, free banning as it exists right now, it would be the next step up from it for a-r-s-e-w-i-p-e-s who won't leave others alone even when told to.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 03:02
If it is about the dgraff incident, I honestly did believe the person he was harassing was you and that is why I named you when complaining about his abusive behaviour here.

In the event that it wasn't actually you then I apologize for any trauma on your part from the incident.

I have no wish to get on anyones bad side here, but I can snark with the best of them when I need to.

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 02:02
I could link to tons of posts of yours in this forum that boil down to "I'm being reasonable about this and thinking about the situation, you are not!" (always posted in retaliation to somebody who holds a different opinion to you or who is disagreeing with you)

So, you are saying all those posts of yours are lies with your reply above?!

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 01:06
I'll stick to what is posted in the FAQ, thanks (like most members new to the site and unaware of the forums would).

The Admin's ***OFFICIAL*** position is pretty gosh-darn clear (his personal position may not reflect his official position)

And, because I know you will attack over the forum link I posted, I posted that because members are directed to read it on the member support page (which makes it an official admin message for me).


Admin doesn't direct members to read the forum post you linked or his PM to you.

As I know you like to think of yourself as a thinker and reasonable person Bella, I'm sure the above logic will make perfect sense to you!

By justlooking123 at 19,Dec,15 00:18
I think admin is pretty gosh-darn clear about this.

"Especially beware of the members who post fakes from the internet instead of their own pics. A person who uses fakes is dishonest by default and thus unreliable and unpredictable by default."

"Legally you can post only the pics you have legal rights for. Generally those are pics of yourself you made personally or pics of other persons you made personally and have their implicit permission to publish the photos.
It's not exactly legal and is not permitted to post pics taken from internet on this site as in 99.99% cases you do not have authorization of the producer of those pics to publish them.
However, the site administration cannot know all the millions pics in internet and in most cases cannot tell if the pics are your own or taken from the net. Which means that only in case when someone report stolen/internet pics to the administration or in case when administration accidentally notice stolen/internet pics the account that posted them gets deleted.
If you notice someone posting internet pics, you can always report this. There is a "report abuse" button below every pic and a "report member" button on every member page.
Also, the administration cannot just take your word on it without any proof. Indeed if the member has obviously internet pics from different sources, proper actions will be taken. But in other cases the administration require some kind of proof - links to the pages with original images for example."

with emphasis on "Indeed if the member has obviously internet pics from different sources, proper actions will be taken."

By justlooking123 at 11,Dec,15 01:31
The smell and taste depends on the guy, but cum should never be wasted, I love the stuff.

By justlooking123 at 11,Dec,15 01:14
Nowadays the surgeon can make a series of small cuts inside your foreskin that will loosen it up for you without needing to completely remove it.

By justlooking123 at 11,Dec,15 01:11
I'm cut, it was forced on me as a baby, so never got to have my own choice (like most).

Most of my buddies I play around with are uncut. I'd be uncut myself if I had the choice.

By justlooking123 at 10,Dec,15 16:58
I don't mind images like Vita's and others that are obviously artistic and you can easily see have been photoshopped, but I strongly dislike people attempting to alter bits of themselves with it (with intent to deceive and mislead), I think it has no place on a site like this unless what is produced is clearly artistic in nature.

By justlooking123 at 08,Dec,15 01:33
I'm sorry Bella, but you are the thick headed one here.

Read what I initially posted. (I saw a comment by dgraff to another poster I believed to be you harassing them for blacklisting him, I commented that anyone here can blacklist anyone for any reason at all).

And yes, I only accept messages from friends. Another thing anybody here can do for any reason they please! (and it is a good thing since it helps control undesirable behavior from other members).

By justlooking123 at 08,Dec,15 00:45
Who said anything about his comment to the other person being made in the forum?!

I'm pretty sure it was on the main page of the site where you can see recent public comments. I didn't bother to document it, since I didn't think it would blow up into anything.

Just ignore that I thought it was you he was hassling, Bella, obviously you are insisting it wasn't you he was hassling, but it doesn't really matter who it was exactly. His behaviour is still way out of line and the gift system should not permit him to enact his wayward behaviour.

By justlooking123 at 07,Dec,15 16:26
Without being able to go back to the old post I made and where it was made (a shortcoming of this site and why are older comments removed? makes no sense!) I don't know for sure if I'm wrong or not. I can only accept your word.

as for the bearing, it is context for why dgraff attacked me in the first place.

By justlooking123 at 07,Dec,15 13:11
I thought it was you he was hassling at the time, I could be wrong, it is a month or so ago that it happened.
--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes

In any case the gift system needs changing so that (at the least) negative gifts can't be sent if either sender or recipient are in each others blacklists (doesn't have to be mutual) or preferably that if either sender or receipent has each other blocked no gifts can be exchanged period.

By justlooking123 at 07,Dec,15 04:58
I would like to see the gift system modified so that people you ban/block/blacklist cannot send you gifts, just as they cannot comment on you or PM you.

I'm currently being targeted by dgraff with negative gifts.

I've never done anything to the cranky old bastard to warrant this.

The only interaction I've ever had with dgraff is to reply to a comment he made about harrassing another poster (bella I think, can't remember) who blocked him until the poster ublocked him.

I merely stated that anyone here can block anyone else for any reason and then blocked him myself.

His behaviour is totally unreasonable and in my opinion constitutes harrassment, which the Terms and Conditions of membership here clearly prohibit.

By justlooking123 at 23,Jul,15 03:10
They don't sound the same if pronounced correctly.

Pique as in a soldiers pike (a spear like weapon or a fish)
also as in pikelet (a type of pancake).

By justlooking123 at 12,Apr,13 05:58
old (he's not) has a beautiful long curved cock.






Drizzle91 has a nice gently curved cock too.




I'd suck both of them off in a heartbeat if I lived close enough.