Recent Posts of member duece


By duece at 03,Feb,24 12:37
Have A Great Adventure guys!

By duece at 18,Aug,23 12:58
Definetly a Sheeple Democrat thing

By duece at 17,Aug,23 09:22
just trying to type things Dirtbag Dems understand

By duece at 15,Aug,23 10:09
No really it is ok there little Sheeple, one day Ewe will realize how wrong on almost every level Ewe are, Until then Real people have to deal with bad decision making people like Ewe!

By duece at 14,Aug,23 19:43
Thanks for proving you are an idiot!

By duece at 14,Aug,23 12:26
walls don't work? Ewe are mental, who achieved the lowest unemployment? who got those 401's up and introduced tax cuts? on your other hand, he didn't pay off a porn star, she turned out to be a LIAR, Joe Biden is selling favors to foreign nations and you ask how many are traitors? I would say most Democrats are. My goodness you may need therapy when the truth comes to you, Obama sent many jobs overseas, he also allowed the sale of American properties to foreign nations, look around you stop watching CNN and MSNBC for your main news source, oh and as for your deaths of Americans, Your choice for president is, He botched a withdrawl that was set up and ready, He has allowed MILLIONS of illegals into the country and guess what the Cartels are inseminating anything that can produce children for a reason, Ewe really might want to think twice about going down this rabbit hole with me for Ewe will lose.

By duece at 14,Aug,23 10:06

By duece at 14,Aug,23 10:03
if you think Obumble was/is a good president that is your opinion, and fortunately opinions are like donkey hindens Everyone has one, but hey if you support murder, sex trafficking and an over abundance of Drugs, Ewe are on the right track! Congrats, Remember walls don't work, But everyone that is saying that, has a wall around their Houses(s)

By duece at 13,Aug,23 12:17
Obama/Biden look how Barry(3rd term) is running our country into the ground.

By duece at 11,Dec,20 14:48
soft to soft as a comparison, I saw his once,they look the same to me.RIP Dad