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Father and son - silimar dick?

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Started by #149545 at 13,Jan,13 11:05
Have you ever see your father's dick? Is it similar than yours or very different? My fahter saw my dick when I was masturbated and told that my dick is longer than his but very curved.
My dick:
[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Father and son identical dicks!   2.Is my dick looking like an african cock?   3.PREGNANT   4.where can I find a father-son relationship?   5.happy father's day!!  

New Comment

By LovelyFriend at 16,Feb,25 23:23 other posts of LovelyFriend 
my father was smaller than me, and my son is bigger than me... we are a growing family
By Jimjim at 19,Feb,25 22:22 other posts of Jimjim 
I've always been the smallest in my family

By Hairless at 05,Feb,25 19:19 other posts of Hairless 
My dad was hung like a horse. Sadly i am not.
By Jimjim at 05,Feb,25 22:17 other posts of Jimjim 

By gingerpik at 24,Oct,24 12:06 other posts of gingerpik 
Never really knew my dad as he split when I was a little kid, so I can't say it's something I have thought about before now..

But now that I've got the question in my mind, I'm a bit curious about it myself - a little while ago I accidentalyy found out that my step nephew is hung and now I find myself wondering if my bro-in-law is as well then.. Hmm, shouldn't care but I can't shake the thought of maybe my sister gets a big one , and knowing that is weird kinda

By Mynakedcock at 16,Oct,24 12:03 other posts of Mynakedcock 
Often see my dad naked and noticed his cock is the same size as mine.

By JohnRay1122 at 15,Oct,24 13:48 other posts of JohnRay1122 
My dad and I had identical penises. Size, shape, pubic bush identical.

By Kurzer86 at 13,Oct,24 07:53 other posts of Kurzer86 
My dad got bigger dick than me

By Jamie at 18,Aug,24 17:18 other posts of Jamie 
Never saw my father when growing up. So I wouldn't know
But I did saw my brother big cock

By #711801 at 18,Aug,24 12:32
I remember my dad's fatass cock I seen it a few times in the shower almost at eye level and I mean fat like a squash!

By Alwaysnude at 14,May,24 20:43 other posts of Alwaysnude 
Yes I have he had a long thick dick with big balls my mom and dad were nudist for a while so were my brother and I my little brother was hung like my dad. I was not
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my little brother always walked around with his boner naked. I would get one too! we would compare he never made fun of me being smaller than him.
By #720794 at 14,Aug,24 00:49
While living with my dad, he was a nudist. I became one at his request. I saw my dad's dick all the time. His dick is just over 5 inches erect. My dick is almost 7.5 inches erect. We're both circumcised. My dick is thicker, too! My dad's balls are bigger than mine. I enjoyed showing off my bigger dick to my dad, especially my morning boners. My dad's always complimented me on my larger size. I like knowing I have the bigger dick.

By mmoon42 at 05,Aug,24 08:26 other posts of mmoon42 
A couple times when I was a kid both soft and hard, it looked huge. Another time when I was a bit older he took it out in front of me and my mom. I think he was a little bigger than I am now, but looks pretty similar.

By Sirius5500 at 05,Aug,24 07:37 other posts of Sirius5500 
I saw my dad naked a few times growing up, and in my 30s happened to see his brother naked. Our cocks have the same size, shape, and pube pattern.

By AngelofDeath at 20,May,24 02:32 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Member kitkat has enjoyed the cock of the father of -gringo- and said it is much bigger.

By #715776 at 20,May,24 02:28
I don't know. Ask them sir-skittles _axcx_

By toesuckerp at 16,May,24 17:39 other posts of toesuckerp 
my daddy had a big dick, he'd show it when i was little all the time x

By Maxwell_93 at 13,May,24 22:52 other posts of Maxwell_93 
Wow, thanks for the gravedigs and invoking a childhood memory I would have otherwise never recalled.. The answer is yes and yes, I don't know why I remember being taught to piss standing

By #715578 at 13,May,24 21:13
My father and I share a long thick dick, but my brother didn't get the same genes surprisingly

By #711401 at 03,May,24 05:29
My father's cock was small-to-average. Sadly, I'm exactly the same.

By #699038 at 30,Aug,23 07:46
Yeh and im thicker than my dad my dad has downward curved cock so yeh both pretty different both my brothers cocks are smaller than me so yeh not sure why but im happy

By bostonspdo at 25,May,23 02:20 other posts of bostonspdo 
On a separate topic, the original post says "...saw my dick when I was masturbated...". Were you masturbating or did someone else masturbate you?

By andrew999999999 at 13,Jun,20 20:17 other posts of andrew999999999 
I thought penis size was hereditary.
By bostonspdo at 05,Apr,23 17:59 other posts of bostonspdo 
Maybe not from your father though. You would need to find out how big your maternal grandfather's penis was too.

By galaxy123 at 29,Mar,22 19:10 other posts of galaxy123 
I saw my fathers a lot. My parents were naturists so we were all naked in front of each other frequently.
My fathers was very different to mine. His was very long both soft and hard and he was circumcised.
Mine has a long foreskin, flaccid it is on the small side and average when hard.

By #149545 at 26,Mar,22 00:32
I tyle my father about my curved Dick. He told me his is straight

By #434617 at 11,Dec,20 21:13
No not at all I've seen his a couple times on accident and his balls and penis are way way bigger than mine... I've only seen it soft but it was bigger soft than mine gets hard
By #654059 at 25,Mar,22 04:16
Same situation with me and my dad.
By dgraff at 25,Mar,22 08:15 other posts of dgraff 
I’m looking for the milk man are you him or maybe you know were i can find him I have some fresh man milk for him

By #463848 at 20,Dec,21 10:08
Whether your dick is like your father's will usually depend upon which of your mother's X chromosome you inherited. If you inherited your dad's them it may be similar. If it is your mother's then probably not.
By dgraff at 24,Mar,22 00:43 other posts of dgraff 
Now that makes sense or everyone had the same milk man

By #663065 at 20,Mar,22 03:47
I have seen my steps dad's g
Big fat dick when was 15 my mom work 3rd shift one my step dad Jim was 48 he decided to walk around house naked he come my room and I saw his big dick and then he shove it down throat and butt fuck me
By geichat at 20,Mar,22 09:26 other posts of geichat 
hummm nice story, and he often fucked you?
By #663065 at 20,Mar,22 09:36
He used me
By dgraff at 24,Mar,22 00:41 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe he was the milk man

By Alwaysnude at 20,Mar,22 13:00 other posts of Alwaysnude 
My dad has a big long 9 inches we went to nude beaches my younger brother also has a big long dick while I get this little guy
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By dgraff at 24,Mar,22 00:40 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe you are the milk man’s son

By APBay at 23,Mar,22 19:30 other posts of APBay 
I only saw my dad dick once and it looked about the same as my own, but i have seen my brothers dick a lot and i am small compare to them. My biggest brother have a very large one!
By dgraff at 24,Mar,22 00:38 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe your brothers are the milk man’s sons

By leopoldij at 24,Mar,22 00:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Silimar sounds very similar to the word similar.

By LGA6969 at 11,Dec,20 22:22 other posts of LGA6969 
My dad had a big dick and balls. Me just avg

By nekekal at 11,Dec,20 19:17 other posts of nekekal 
Only ever saw my fathers cock soft. He seemed about average in both length and girth, judging from other cocks that I have seen. Mine is much larger than average, my brothers much smaller than average. As a family, we had average cock.

By Manitobamayhem at 11,Dec,20 15:29 other posts of Manitobamayhem 
Me and my dads were very similar. He was uncircumcised with a short foreskin tho, and mine was partially circumcised to resemble his. Add me as a friend and u can see some pics of his I found and posted

By duece at 11,Dec,20 14:48 other posts of duece 
soft to soft as a comparison, I saw his once,they look the same to me.RIP Dad

By DarkMax at 28,Jun,20 14:13 other posts of DarkMax 
I saw a cock of my father once - in the toilet when I was 3 years old. He was huge. I hope, that I have a not small one too.

By #583549 at 27,Jun,20 09:23
My father had a large uncut cock.My cock is cut and 6.1"erect.

By #460523 at 16,Feb,16 23:11
Wish I knew my dad is dead and my **** do not show theres
By #1102 at 27,Jun,20 07:33
mine too

By #619279 at 13,Jun,20 13:54
My father had a huge cock. Mine is pretty big too. Only difference is that I'm uncut and he was cut.

By #570856 at 12,Jun,20 21:37
My Grand dad, uncle, dad, brother and I all have the same 9"er. The saying is that you get whatever is in daddy'd gene(jeans) but apparently that isn't so. It could be a complex combination of genes. Same goes for chest hair. I've friend that are totally furry like mom's family and his dad was a hairless as can be. I'm much hairier than my dad and brother. My mom's dad was hairy.

By #589692 at 01,Jun,20 18:42
Me and my dad both have fat around the pubic area and hairy bushes so our cocks look so small and kinda poke forward. And we both have small balls but I’ve never seen him hard. Most the time I’ve seen it is when we pee next to each other

By Alwaysnude at 24,May,20 13:43 other posts of Alwaysnude 
my father had a very big penis so does my little brother i was not as lucky as them[deleted image]

By new26 at 24,May,20 12:29 other posts of new26 
I remember his being longer than mine. Also his had a foreskin which I don't

By 3fdfd at 12,Apr,13 11:08 other posts of 3fdfd 
My Dad's cock was huge - thick, long, & uncut. I never saw him hard - but soft he was maybe 6" Mine is very small. I wonder about genetics - where did his come from ? where did mine ? Don't have any brothers - but do know a couple of cousins on my mother's side are quite big - so it's a genetic mystery.
By #285354 at 13,Sep,13 17:11
My father was cut but he wanted me to be uncut. I remember seeing him when we showered during camping trips. I think that our dicks have different shapes.

By #612794 at 24,May,20 06:52
How did you see them all naked?

By #578259 at 14,Feb,19 01:21
Whenever I Suck off one Male in a family. I C help but wonder what the other Males in that family would be like. How do they all compare? Do father and sln have similar tasting Cum Loads?

I grew up sucking the cocks of all the males on my father's side of the family. But my uncles did taste anywhere near the same. I have since learned that Semen taste relies heavily on a Man's Dietary Intake, whether they use drugs, smoke or drink.

By #579310 at 09,Feb,19 15:28
I saw my dads dick in a sauna when we were naked. I can tell he have dick like mine.

By johnp at 12,Mar,15 01:02 other posts of johnp 
This topic is weird ...
By *kmadeau* at 19,Sep,15 17:34 other posts of *kmadeau* 
right, very weird!
By johnp at 20,Sep,15 00:57 other posts of johnp 
Am I the only one that is grossed out by it??
By *kmadeau* at 20,Sep,15 15:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
not, we are 2 for now!
By dicklick4u at 23,Jan,19 09:01 other posts of dicklick4u 
now three

By #498370 at 22,Sep,15 23:28
By johnp at 24,Sep,15 20:58 other posts of johnp 
U r I angrily flipping me off??

By #435701 at 22,Jul,16 16:04
Very sadly, no. His was very big, unlike my own...Damn!

By #434617 at 22,Jul,16 04:09
Me and my dads cocks are definitely nothing alike. He is alot bigger. Longer and thicker.... my younger br0 takes after him tho... there's are similar.. both much bigger than mine.

By #373130 at 19,Sep,15 17:16
[deleted image]

This is a picture of me and my dad. Do you guys think we share the same dick ?
By *kmadeau* at 19,Sep,15 17:30 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I do
By #373130 at 20,Sep,15 14:10
yes we have pretty similar dick

By #498370 at 20,Sep,15 15:28
i want to see all of your dad dick
By #373130 at 20,Sep,15 16:15
you enjoyed my dadds dick

By #482690 at 12,Feb,16 18:32

By Sammy at 13,Feb,16 04:41 other posts of Sammy 
wow very impressive

By #497509 at 18,Sep,15 04:51
I have seen my dad dick when erect. It was little shorter( mine is 7 " long)long but thicker ( mine is 6.25") than mine. My mother used to Compaint of pain during sex, I have heard some times.
By #498370 at 20,Sep,15 15:31
i wana see your dad
By #497509 at 21,Sep,15 14:22
I don't have any picture. So not possible to show you.

By leopoldij at 19,Sep,15 13:18 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh I didn't know that you liked silimar too. only registered users can see external links and, yes, there are dicks that look like silimar. Deadly ones.

By firefox553 at 12,Mar,15 03:53 other posts of firefox553 
My dad used to walk around the house naked sometimes so I saw him from time to time. My dad has about an inch on me, but we are about the same girth. He is cut but he has more veins on his cock than I do.

By metalraven13 at 10,Feb,15 01:34 other posts of metalraven13 
Never seen my father's but I know he's uncut and mine's cut.

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