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Started by bella! at 13,Aug,23 11:15  other posts of bella!
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

Similar topics: 1.Cum isn't stored in the balls!!!   2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF   3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II   4.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III   5.Be honest!!  

New Comment

By phart at 24,Jul,24 20:24 other posts of phart 
Harris's campaign bus had a wreck,
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By ChainsawGutsFuck at 27,Jul,24 04:09 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Pretty funny that the lefts go from wanting to defund the police to wanting one to be President.

By Numb_Nuts at 25,Jul,24 05:27 other posts of Numb_Nuts 
Here is something Questionable, dumb ass CAT denying that this is one of her accounts Big-Eddie
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Your such a dumb ass CAT with your wall dumps here & there, its in the way you speak, just like everyone here knows who I am because of the way I speak, oh maybe you haven't figured it out yet cause your to fucking stupid
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You backlisted me with both your dodgy accounts CAT, your a fucking idiot, somethings neva change, let the games begin
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I respect you thread bella! I'll continue this elsewhere

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 18:09 other posts of #578610 
Old Joe is out.
By bella! at 21,Jul,24 18:31 other posts of bella! 
I JUST HEARD THAT VIA TEXT! Gotta flick on the news and listen to what's going on.
By phart at 21,Jul,24 18:43 other posts of phart 
we will see a clinton-harris ticket, or a harris-clinton ticket.
then we will see Donald J Trump Use their pant suits for floor mops!
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 09:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If the Democrats do that, they are complicit in Trump destroying democracy.

They need a strong progressive with charisma.
Unfortunately, neither of these women fit the demand.
Democrats are stuck with Kamala, but they need to find the most democratic way
to pick her running-mate, ASAP.

Joe needed to go, but their is now a problem to find a replacement, quickly and legally. There is a high chance of the Republicans starting a legal fight, to try to invalidate whatever candidate and let the supreme court declare victory for Trump.

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 19:38 other posts of dgraff 
Yep I just got the word about an hour ago it’s for the good of the people even the Clinton’s can’t do as bad as joe
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They are going to run Kamala Harris for sure but I still don’t know who her running mate will be
By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 22:54 other posts of kebmo 
Joe Manchin
By phart at 21,Jul,24 23:06 other posts of phart 
um, he might would have a chance
By kebmo at 22,Jul,24 00:09 other posts of kebmo 
Rumour has it that Manchin is going to become a Democrat again and run for president.
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Small dollar donors raised over $27.5 million on ActBlue in the first five hours of vice president Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

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Update: it is two hours later and that total has risen to $47 million. $20 million more in two hours.

I can’t wait to see the debate if Trump doesn’t chicken out, which I think he will. Harris will chew him up and spit him out. She is an experienced prosecutor and he is… not.

By phart at 22,Jul,24 00:36 other posts of phart 
Amazing that Trump spoke of draining the swamp and biden was the first thing to fall out the drain!
By kebmo at 22,Jul,24 00:45 other posts of kebmo 
So now we have the prosecutor versus the convicted rapist.
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Drain that swamp!
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By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 01:05 other posts of dgraff 
Any one who was the fence before i think will vote for trump it’s to late in the game to switch gears now no one wants Kamala Harris she’s nothing more than a Nancy Pelosi want-a be I think the democrats are done stick a fork in them
By phart at 22,Jul,24 01:13 other posts of phart 
Well you might want to take a photo of this as It does not happen often, I actually agree with obama and peelowcee ,in that they want a primary held to decide who to run for pres instead of just sticking kamel toe in the spot.
That is more sensiable,give the dems a chance to go vote for who they want to replace biden on the ticket. Anything else would be dishonest and short handed.
By kebmo at 22,Jul,24 01:54 other posts of kebmo 
Nobody’s going to run against Harris. Everybody is supporting her and the money is rolling in already to the tune of $30 million today.
The Biden Harris campaign has $100 million in the bank and that all goes to Harris. It does not belong to the Democratic Party.
If someone wanted to run against her I’m sure she would have no problem with that…. but they won’t.
By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 11:56 other posts of Cody8789 
Your wrong, the money does belong to the democratic party and will be released to who ever gets the nomination which is given to them by the deligates.
By kebmo at 22,Jul,24 12:05 other posts of kebmo 
Well, I’m sure she certainly can’t take it home if she doesn’t win the delegates required but the money was raised for the Biden Harris campaign, so she takes over the money
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By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 13:09 other posts of #578610 
The Biden-Harris campaign has raised a considerable amount of money toward Joe Biden's re-election, and campaign-finance experts say that cash can't simply be transferred to another candidate if Biden drops out—unless that candidate is Kamala Harris, who would inherit the campaign committee
That is what everyone is saying from both sides of the isle. Remember, these donations were made to the Biden/Harris campaign, not to the Democratic party.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 15:27 other posts of phart 
Well if you had donated money for biden, and it got handed to some other asshole you didn't vote for in the primary, it would tend to piss you off I would think. Your money is not going where you intended.
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 17:02 other posts of #578610 
True. That's why the rules say Harris gets it
By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 23:19 other posts of White_Mamba 
The delegates Biden won in the primary can only be transfered to VP... You can still endorse someone else but it would cost a fortune out of pocket. They just don't have the money because their donors have abandoned them.
By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 23:53 other posts of Cody8789 
I dont think so, harris just made 81 million from supporters in the last two days The Biden-Harris campaign could transfer the money over the Democratic party to use in elections, including in support of the new nominee. In other words, if Harris drops out, the money can be transferred to a new person running for pres. Like Hillary, god forbid
By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 01:33 other posts of kebmo 
Harris won’t be dropping out.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jul,24 04:08 other posts of White_Mamba 
She only made 25 million. not 81 million. Early polls shows the subburb in swing swing state absolutely hates her from the failed border crisis. Trump is favored with 318 votes 48 about the 270 needed.

Harris has to run because the president that won delegates in the primary can only give the VP the run off delegates if he quits his job during his turn adter he already won it. That would mean the primary everyone voted for nothing and you start off with zero delegates. No delegates no money, you're on your own.

. Anyone else that runs starts with 0 delegates and you might as well not even spend the money for the election. Trump is the president.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jul,24 04:28 other posts of White_Mamba 
25 mil.
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By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 22:30 other posts of kebmo 
Bill Oriley? Well, of course, if Bill said it must be true! What more reliable source of alternative facts could you possibly find?
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-End Sarcasm
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:44 other posts of bella! 
Was that sarcasm?
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 00:10 other posts of kebmo 
Oops. See edit.

By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 00:47 other posts of White_Mamba 
You're a fucking idiot.
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 01:01 other posts of kebmo 
Awwww you hurt my feelings. 😟

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:37 other posts of #578610 

By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 00:13 other posts of kebmo 
The Harris campaign says that between Sunday afternoon and Monday night it has raised more than $100 million. That includes the largest single one day fundraising haul in American history.

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 11:36 other posts of #578610 
What a difference a day makes
As of last night Harris has broken all records bringing in donations. She brought $100K and most are small donations by the average person.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 11:42 other posts of bella! 
You know, I've received several text messages requesting that I donate to the Democrats. My guess is that everyone else with a mobile device has received the same request.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 14:26 other posts of #578610 
I think you are right. I'll be happy to reach the day after the election with a working iphone.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 15:26 other posts of phart 
Join the Rebellion and ditch the "smart" phone and get a FLIP.
I don't get bothered with all those junk messages.

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I don't like the idea of being a prisoner of my own device either.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 18:32 other posts of #578610 
Unfortunately I use my iphone for a lot more. I have it set to accept favorite callers only. All else goes to voicemail. If they don't leave a message I block them. Everything else gets deleted in batches.
I haven't been to my bank in years. I pay my bills with my phone. And keep up with social media with it. Give me my iphone or give me death.
By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 22:27 other posts of kebmo 
Me too. iPhone only!
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:43 other posts of bella! 
Android, here!
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:39 other posts of #578610 
I used to have a Samsung that was really good but was not as waterproof as I thought it was.

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 22:53 other posts of kebmo 
Not me.

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 22:26 other posts of kebmo 
100M Big Eddie
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 10:58 other posts of #578610 
🤪yes it's $100M.

By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 00:51 other posts of White_Mamba 
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files lawsuit.

By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 13:05 other posts of #578610 
Does that mean that Trump was ineffective at delivering on his promise?

By kebmo at 22,Jul,24 22:44 other posts of kebmo 
In the first 24 hours of her presidential campaign, Harris has raised more than $80 million!
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 22:55 other posts of #578610 
And that's the beginning
By phart at 22,Jul,24 23:26 other posts of phart 
of the end
By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 01:40 other posts of kebmo 
Donald Trump‘s downfall will be his choice of vice president. Vance will bring exactly 0 voters to the Trump Vance ticket. The only people that will be attracted to him are the MAGA base.

Prepare yourself for President Harris phart. I can assure you there will be no repeat of January 6th.but I can guarantee you that Trump will never concede the election when he loses. That’s just the kind of sore loser he is.
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 01:51 other posts of Cody8789 
It’s too early to assume who will be pres. It’s a guess, not a fact. No matter who wins, i really dont care. Remember, its not the american voters that put a president in office, its the electoral votes.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 11:05 other posts of #578610 
Yes, Cody. I'd like to see it changed to the popular vote.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:26 other posts of phart 
I wouldn't mind it as long as there was definitive proof each person voting had the legal right to do so by showing a state or federal id to prove citizenship.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:22 other posts of #578610 
Then you would be happy and accept the results?
By phart at 24,Jul,24 22:57 other posts of phart 
IF IT is done fair and honest. No ballets buryed in land fills, no postal workers tossing ballets in the creek, show a id to vote,
That is the trouble, alot of us do not have any confidence in the process of election

By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:33 other posts of dgraff 
The world is not ready for a woman president what if one morning she wakes up in a mood and decides to start a war or say for instance Putin moved missiles into Cuba again pointing our way is she going to have the balls to march over to Putin and say get those missiles out of Cuba or we are at war or will she have a meltdown and start crying saying oh my god oh my god what do I do oh boo hoo i just think it’s a bad idea
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 11:37 other posts of bella! 
In other countries, there are/have been numerous female leaders that were either President or Prime Minister. Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany, Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister, India, Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, United Kingdom, to name a few.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:44 other posts of #578610 
Don't forget Israeli Golda Meir, and the one they made a whole Broadway musical about, Eva Peron.

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 12:14 other posts of kebmo 
Dgraff, she’s qualified for the job. Maybe the US needs a woman president. You’ve never tried it.
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 12:29 other posts of dgraff 
We did at one point try a gay black president but that didn’t work so well
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 22:12 other posts of #578610 
I find it strange that the criticism of a good president comes down to sexual innuendo. I've yet to meet a conservative say, " Obama was terrible because..........".
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 01:07 other posts of kebmo 
OK Big Eddie, here you go:

Obama was a terrible President because he wasn’t a republican. 🤣
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:42 other posts of #578610 

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 22:33 other posts of kebmo 
So as long as they’re white and male, they would be qualified for the job? Sounds reasonable.

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:44 other posts of #578610 
Dgraff is that gay president a personal experience? Why do you keep it secret.

By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:45 other posts of phart 
Kembo, is it really a good time to try a trophy president right now with so much hate and division?
And Kamel is the border "czar" and has not even BEEN to the border, and look at how it is being handled. Millions crossing over, everything Texas does to protect the rest of the country is being defiled by the feds as if the feds don't care!
Kamel is not a good first woman prez.
We need brains, not a woman that "worked" her way up the ladder on her knees.
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 22:14 other posts of #578610 
Phart, that's BS. She worked her way up. Why can't you just list what she did wrong instead of quoting MAGA innuendos?
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 23:15 other posts of dgraff 
She’s the Monica Lewinsky of the New Democratic Party i wonder if she knows anything about hand dipped cigars
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:29 other posts of #578610 
Are you implying that blow jobs are evil?
By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 13:59 other posts of dgraff 
No not at all I voted for bill Clinton I’m glad he was getting some strange in the Oval Office
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:28 other posts of #578610 
By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 18:07 other posts of dgraff 
Back then it was different to be a democrat bill Clinton said he would pay the deficit and he did just that he left office with a surplus it used to be the democrats were for the little guy but something changed when obama took office and i blame it on their green policies some how it put a lot of middle class and poor people out of work Pennsylvania was big on natural gas and coal and oil all fossil fuels and it drove the prices of everything up
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:32 other posts of #578610 
I don’t understand. You live in a state that was big on natural gas (burritos? lol), coal, oil and other? Then why did the prices went up? All those energy companies decided to screw their customers?
All I know is that when I fill my car the price is the price. I don’t blame Biden, Trump, Obama, or Bush Jr. for going up or down. I blame Standard Oil, Shell, Amoco, and all the others. What can a president do? Eat more tacos?
By dgraff at 24,Jul,24 23:16 other posts of dgraff 
Natural gas involves fracking and they are against fracking
They closed most the coal mines they said it was too dangerous the oil wells are still going
By phart at 25,Jul,24 00:42 other posts of phart 
There is tech out there to make coal burn very clean, there is tech out there for natural gas, which is a by product of drilling for oil, clean burning, but no, we have to run on electricity to suit the dems, but that has to come out of somewhere. and the ideas of sun and wind won't cut it.

By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:33 other posts of phart 
tell me then,as border "czar" what has she done that actually fixed the problem?

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The man was LEGALLY married, regardless of the media painting him to be "estranged".
So that indicates lack of moral character in harris.

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Wanted to keep the innocent locked up?
"“Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.” "

I mean if we could have went thru the web 6 months ago we could have found all kinds of stuff but since she is running for prez, the web has been bleached of anything that would help folks make a more educated decision.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 13:08 other posts of #578610 
Legally married? Yes. Not living together for ten years? Yes. Lack of moral character? That's your view. How does having an overnighter with a porn star while your wife is at home pregnant with your fourth child?
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What did she do as the border czar? Probably not much more than Trump during his presidency. Who has done more?
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The web has not been sanitized, phart, no one could have predicted this development. And even if we had, explain how every MAGA member can quote chapter and verse about her pecadillos?
By phart at 24,Jul,24 14:51 other posts of phart 
Trump tried and did build at least some of a wall to make it more difficult to get over here. He also fixed some terriable trade deals. right to try was another great thing he got thru.
and we could go on about unemployment rates being low and so forth.
Trump has done more for the US than harris.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 15:29 other posts of #578610 
Well, I don't remember President Harris's administration.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:27 other posts of phart 
well she has been assigned things like the border and has done nothing.
so even though it is actually obama's 3rd term , harris had responsibility's and has done nothing to fix the issue.

By bella! at 24,Jul,24 17:49 other posts of bella! 
What about our president that professed to our nation; "I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman"? Dang, and that president's semen was all over "that woman"s dress...... JFK was a womanizer, too.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:25 other posts of #578610 
You show me a man that can keep it in his pants and I’ll send his name to the Pope for canonization or to the undertaker. Maybe, maybe, a Jimmy Carter.
By phart at 25,Jul,24 00:44 other posts of phart 
If I stand before God and country and my family and take a vow of marriage, it will stay in my pants unless the wife is using it or i am taking a pee.

That is a life long commitment that so many people take as little more than a tax break. if you can't commit to your spouse, how the hell can you commit to a job,running the country,or your allegiance to the military or anything else for that matter? Kamala was hanging with a married man, used his position to move her self up the ladder. She was terriable to black people, because, she aint BLACK, she is INDIAN and does not care about the black people.
By bella! at 25,Jul,24 01:44 other posts of bella! 
phart, have you remained celibate your entire life?
By phart at 25,Jul,24 01:48 other posts of phart 
no,i had 1 girlfriend and you can read about that misadventures grand finale in my blog.I was very late in life being "active " and it was only with that 1 and no one else.

After all I had been thru, i was not even trying to make that 1 happen but she lead the way and it down a rocky rough road I am thankful to finally no longer be traveling.
and that miss adventure, combined with other life experiences, has me gunshy of any other prospects. just not worth the pain

By #578610 at 25,Jul,24 02:35 other posts of #578610 
Trump couldn't commit to his wife. So, I guess he's not fit to be president.

By kebmo at 23,Jul,24 23:12 other posts of kebmo 
Phart, it is my opinion that the hate and division came from Donald Trump. Directly from his mouth to his base of which you are member.
I don’t think that the US needs a trophy president either but I do think the US needs a good HONEST President that is qualified for the job.
Kamala Harris, that’s KAMALA which of course you know, was elected district attorney of California twice, was a senator and is currently vice president. To say that she worked her way up on her knees is just demonstrating to me how Donald Trump has taught you to behave in the face of adversity.
She will not be a trophy president , a woman president, a black president or an Indian president. She will be a president, a job, which I feel she is qualified to hold and I think on November 5 you will find that a great number of Americans will agree with me.
Of course, Donald Trump will not agree with me and he will try and weasel his way into the White House unsuccessfully because he’s a sore loser. Donald Trump will never concede the election to Kamala Harris if he loses. You know it and I know it.
By bella! at 24,Jul,24 00:05 other posts of bella! 
kebmo, what is your opinion about your Prime Minister?
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 00:09 other posts of kebmo 
He’s got to go. He has been Prime Minister since November 4, 2015.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 01:44 other posts of phart 
so you think the time he has been in is the only reason he needs to go?
What about the "job" he is doing? At least your leaders can stay in long enough to actually make their ideas work or at least try. 4 years is not long enough for any leader to make a real lasting difference.
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 02:00 other posts of kebmo 
Trudeau was elected in 2015 2019 and 2021. He currently holds a minority government which means he has to have other members of Parliament vote with him on his ideas.
Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal party and the New Democratic Party of Canada has supported most of his decisions and voted with him. He has also had to do things in order to please the new Democratic Party. Canada is currently in the process of getting dental care added to our healthcare system thanks to the NDP. It’s a coalition.
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We have also had a female Prime Minister. Her name was Kim Campbell and she served for about four months in 1993.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:29 other posts of phart 
So what of that is "wrong". for him to win,someone was happy enough to vote for him.
By kebmo at 24,Jul,24 21:21 other posts of kebmo 
I didn’t say nor do I believe that it is wrong. That’s how democracy works. I voted for him twice.
By phart at 24,Jul,24 22:51 other posts of phart 
so why does he need to go? Why throw a wrench in the works?
This is 1 of those times when people say, "oh change is inevitable". But no,it's not. If your leader is keeping your people safe,and doing things to suit the majority of the citizens, why change? the new guy might be a jurk.
People hated Trump and he was shafted out of it in 2020 to a decrepit senile old man, the change sucks.

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:55 other posts of #578610 
No matter how good they are a new perspective is always (almost always) a good thing.

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:53 other posts of #578610 
Dgraff, You are being sexist. You mean to tell me men don't get up on the wrong side of the bed and want to kick a...s? And, remind us, how many wars were started by women in the last 150 yrs? Same question about men.

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 11:37 other posts of #578610 
For Trump I think

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 01:53 other posts of Cody8789 
.you have to admit it, Joe is not in the right state of mind to be running anything.
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I have to say this,,, you all know my dislike of politics and all that are running for office, I just say my opinion and with respect, that I don’t like any politicians, but after I state my dislike for them all, certain members feel the need to unfriend me because of my beliefs and opinions,,, which I’m not being disrespectful to anyone. You people that unfriended me, you lost a good friend. I can care less. Seems like you all can’t hold an intelligent conversation without throwing punches. Get a life,,, politics don’t control the person that I am and everyone has the right to like who they want without rocks being thrown at them. Makes me laugh and makes me realize they were truly not my friend from the beginning.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 02:19 other posts of phart 
their loss, your gain, didn't need them hanging on your coat tails if they are that soft
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 04:09 other posts of Cody8789 
What I say isn’t always correct but it’s my opinion,see,,, I can hold an intelligent conversation with phart and dgraff and we still love each other. I hold them both as close friends
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:36 other posts of dgraff 
Thank you Cody i respect and love you for who you are

By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:47 other posts of phart 
thank you sir'

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 04:10 other posts of bella! 
You've been unfriended because of your political belief/stance? Seems to me that sherryann mentioned she's unfriended and/or was blacklisted by members because of her political views, too.

People are straight up cuckoo with regard to politics. I think I mentioned that with the 2020 Presidential election, my sister's beliefs and choice differed from that of her two grown sons and politics divided her family. August 6 will be the time for local elections and there's been a whole lotta shit slinging happening at a local level.
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 10:01 other posts of Cody8789 
I don’t like any of the three, trump, Biden, or Harris, a matter of fact, there’s no one on any side I would vote for, but I never have been rude to anyone about who they like, doesn’t mean I have to be hated because I don’t like any politicians. I don’t dislike anyone because of who they like. Everyone has the right to vote for who they want and I respect their choice, I don’t dislike anyone who likes trump or Biden so why get mad at me. Bella, sometimes I just don’t understand people. And like phart said, if they don’t like me it’s no great loss to me. I know dgraff likes to get bid3n lovers mad and I think that’s funny the way he gets them going I like dgraff no matter who he votes for, I like skittles no matter who he votes for, but like you say, people are just so wacko over politics.
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 10:48 other posts of dgraff 
That’s because we are true friends we click we are beyond the point of difference because of our many likenesses if that makes sense i don’t like Biden because he’s a career politician and i don’t like the stupid thing trump says sometimes but at this point i think trump is the best option remember i blame the democrats for forcing me to retire early the prices of everything and the taxes were just too much and if it’s no longer profitable then why waist my time
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 11:22 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for sharing and showing your "softer side", dgraff! A wise man once said; "we are true friends we click we are beyond the point of difference because of our many likenesses.....". Everyone should embrace those feelings, thank you for sharing.

By the way, that was one hella long, run on sentence!
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 11:43 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah I’m not much for punctuation
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I can do it but it slows me down
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 11:51 other posts of bella! 
Punctuation slows you down? I admittedly suck at punctuation, too! Just keep this in mind.....

Let's eat, grandma.
Let's eat grandma.

The comma saves grandma from being the meal.
By dgraff at 23,Jul,24 12:24 other posts of dgraff 
that’s funny

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 12:57 other posts of #578610 

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 12:03 other posts of bella! 
I just recalled something I heard and it seems to fit right here. It goes something like this;

The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships.


By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:31 other posts of phart 
anybody fit for the job ,smart enough for the job, doesn't want it.
for biden and the democrats it was like a participation trophy since he was in politics so long.
obama, he identifies as black although he is actually only HALF black, so that's why he got the job.
Some would say Trump is in it for ego, but how strong a ego does a man need to take a bullet and STILL keep trying? most men would fall by the way side and say fuck it.
By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 21:47 other posts of #578610 
I would have been very happy if he had.
By phart at 25,Jul,24 01:22 other posts of phart 
who do you and Kembo want for a republican candidate?
By #578610 at 25,Jul,24 04:06 other posts of #578610 
I like Nikki Haley

By sherryann at 23,Jul,24 12:42 other posts of sherryann 
"Cody has deleted you from friends list" quote - not verbatim - good, I don't care nor am I here for anyone here but one.
But bella, I'd like to say here thanks so much for your generosity and friendship all these years, it doesn't go unnoticed.

By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:50 other posts of phart 
only 2 have had the respect enough to explain why they blacklist me and it is,
1. a pro-life male and an ignorant one at that

2. Pig

Hey, if you don't like me because i am prolife, well, go talk to your mother and thank her for not using the "coathanger" on YOU so you could dislike others freely behind a nickname on the web. real tough guy!~

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 11:45 other posts of #578610 
If you can't express yourself without malice, as you've done, without others dropping you as a friend, they weren't real friends. I don't know you but I'm offering you my friendship.
By phart at 23,Jul,24 14:52 other posts of phart 
That is the approach people should have.
I don't agree with you on alot of things but i get past it and move along.
Some here must not have a life outside the forum and this is their only little world.
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 15:33 other posts of Cody8789 
Ahhh, sherryann, you stated to everyone that I deleted you from your friends list, I deleted you because you deleted me, so why would I leave you on my friends list if you deleted me first. I wasn’t trying to be cruel, I figured you didn’t want to be friends with me so I only did what you did to me first.
By sherryann at 23,Jul,24 19:19 other posts of sherryann 
That's a blatant lie! I have never added you as a friend, ever! How could I delete you when I've never added you in the first place? Why would you even say something like that? Not true at all! During the years I have been on this site, I have added few if any friends, and you were NEVER one of them!
By Numb_Nuts at 24,Jul,24 11:19 other posts of Numb_Nuts 
Hey hey hey guys, pull the ropes back, I have known you both from previous profiles here & both of you guys are cool as fuck sherryann Cody8789 , in my absence from here I do drop in checking in on things & this ding wang seems to be silly & probs a misunderstanding of stuff, friends or not you guys have no need to battle each other over what seems to be a misunderstanding 🤷‍♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

So please don't bash each other around 😢

By #578610 at 24,Jul,24 13:03 other posts of #578610 
People, if the only thing you guys are fighting about is who defriended whom first, it's not worth it. Just friend each other again. Kissy, kissy.

By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 22:52 other posts of White_Mamba 
Why is BJUK on the dick site when he should be on the cunt site?

By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:36 other posts of phart 
oh my
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By phart at 24,Jul,24 17:35 other posts of phart 
Even blm is pissed about the democrats anointing harris!
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By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 01:20 other posts of White_Mamba 
TRUMP Sues Kamala for $91 Million Dollars!

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By bella! at 23,Jul,24 22:52 other posts of bella! 
YIKES! Body-cam video shows Illinois officer shooting African American woman in face.

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By bella! at 23,Jul,24 21:25 other posts of bella! 
President Biden tested positive for COVID on July 17 so will he be meeting with Netanyahu on Thursday, July 25?
By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 21:56 other posts of Cody8789 
I heard Joe just tested negative, and I also heard netan will be coming to Florida to visit trump at his house, mara logo (spelling)

By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 15:17 other posts of #578610 
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They found their scapegoat. Now it's businesses as usual
By phart at 23,Jul,24 15:24 other posts of phart 
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Yea,I am glad there is going to still be a investigation into it and perhaps find others that are more to blame.
I honestly feel like Mayorkis should also be held accountable as he and his staff denied security increases several times, and even tried to leave Baron's high school graduation unprotected.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,Jul,24 04:39 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
When did the forum turn into a political dump for people’s stupid opinions and views? This sucks.
By phart at 19,Jul,24 05:00 other posts of phart 
this is a very diverse group of people, it is the only place i interact with people from other countrys and the only place i am exsposed to liberals that I respond to, it is a small segment of what goes on here, no harm done relly.
By #578610 at 19,Jul,24 12:46 other posts of #578610 
I wondered too. I was ready for long sex opinions. Oh, well.
--------------------------------------- added after 34 hours

Do women like big cocks more or smaller cocks? For instance 8" or 5"?
Do men prefer sucking breasts or licking pussy?
Has anyone, truthfully, had a threesome?
The more a man masturbates the bigger his load?
You know, porn site discussions.
By bella! at 19,Jul,24 13:01 other posts of bella! 
What type of "sex opinions" were you hoping for?
By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 22:50 other posts of #578610 
My answer went into my previous entry. Why?
By bella! at 21,Jul,24 12:31 other posts of bella! 
Your current post attached to your previous post simply because that's where you replied. If you are/were responding to me or anyone in particular, you would choose the "Reply" option found in the lower right-hand corner of whatever post it is that you want to respond to. Capisci?
By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 12:52 other posts of #578610 
sorry about that.

By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 06:18 other posts of kebmo 
I had a threesome. 👍😄
By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 11:18 other posts of #578610 
Kebmo, Lights on or off? Also, how does it work? Who goes first? Who's top or bottom or in between? Did all three of you participate at the same time? Did you like it?
By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 13:58 other posts of kebmo 
Three guys, no anal, lights on, everyone tried two at once (all unsuccessful), we all loved it, yes we tried a “circle suck” and everyone received a “two on one”.

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 14:15 other posts of #578610 

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:03 other posts of dgraff 
Hey me too
By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 14:16 other posts of #578610 
I can't picture it. How do you fit in the bed ?
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:20 other posts of dgraff 
We make a triangle
By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 14:31 other posts of kebmo 
👍 sometimes legs hang over the edge too.
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:56 other posts of dgraff 

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 19,Jul,24 15:03 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
I get that but it’s all over social media. Maybe there should just be one thread for it? There’s like multiple and gets old just like with the guys who constantly post the same topic over and over. Sorry not trying to insult anyone.
By phart at 19,Jul,24 15:48 other posts of phart 
no insult taken by me. There is just a couple folks on here that think because they live in a liberal paradise bubble that could pop at any given moment ,that we all should want the same thing .And I don't lay down and give up to easy.

I didn't study greek mythology and Plado "spelling" but that does not mean I am ignorant to how the world should and could work.
By #578610 at 20,Jul,24 23:10 other posts of #578610 
Phart, what liberal paradise bubble. I get up in the morning, get dressed and go to work. Every two weeks I get a paycheck that is good enough for food, a roof over my head, and a few extras. I have to sit down and figure how to pay our bills and have enough to go out for our bimonthly dinner at an inexpensive restaurant. I and most of our friends are in the same boat. What we believe in is nothing like what you Republicans believe we want. We too want a safe Southern border. We too want reasonable food and gas prices. Some of us don't like abortion.
The difference is in the way we believe all the above can be achieved. I also believe that only a woman and her physician have the right to terminate a pregnancy within certain parameters.
You are super engrossed with transgenders, illegal aliens, and the abundance of crime and yet, you can't come up with basic proof that it's bringing the US down.
Don't get me wrong. These are problems and/or moral issues we all have to tackle in a personal level.
Bottom line, we all have lived our lifetime the same. The difference is our outlook on life's personal road.
By phart at 20,Jul,24 23:31 other posts of phart 
You don't eat a elephant all at once ,you take a bite at the time. Fix 1 problem at the time.
When I was in college back years ago ,women were getting abortions like getting perms in their hair, it was just "oops ,i'm preggo" and pay a dr to suck it out. That put a bad taste in my mouth. besides, a dr has no right to be judge ,jury and executioner of a unborn baby.
now if the baby has a issue that will kill the mother,give the woman a choice. if it is from a unwanted act like r@pe,****,give her a choice. Why democrats can't meet in the middle I don't know.
You say you want a safe border.How else will you make it safe if you don't close it to all of the inmates of every prison in central and south america??
By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 23:55 other posts of Cody8789 
Border should have been closed and secured twenty years ago, can’t understand why we can’t train our military on the border instead of putting them under attack in other countries.
By phart at 20,Jul,24 23:57 other posts of phart 
Smart man, great idea!

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 12:59 other posts of #578610 
There’s some kind of Federal law that prohibits that from happening unless Congress authorizes it. The problem is that if the right wants it the left hates it and visa-versa. We should vote all those bums out of office.
High school kids could run this country better.

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 11:12 other posts of #578610 
Women, way back then, did not get abortions like getting perms. That is a real slap in the face to every woman your age.
By phart at 21,Jul,24 12:39 other posts of phart 
maybe not in your nick of the woods.
By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 12:55 other posts of #578610 
I live in MAGA land #2 and conservative Republican stronghold since the early ‘30s.

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,24 13:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Why does it make a difference to you if the woman got
unwillingly pregnant from r@pe or from consensual sex?
If to you, that clump of cells is a person, than it shouldn't matter.

The case of abortion is purely a case of bodily autonomy.
Just like you don't want to be forced to take a vaccine,
you should not want women to be forced to stay pregnant.

Just like people who need a kidney to survive cannot force you to donate a kidney,
a zygote cannot force a woman to be it's incubator.

Doctors cannot force you to donate blood, even to save someone's life.
Donating blood is a minor inconvenience, especially compared to 9 months of burden, a period of not being able to work, a possible reason to lose a job over,
a sure thing to change a woman's body, the hospital costs associated with it and
an existing risk of permanent health issues and death.
Second on that example, is that a person who needs blood to survive is likely a feeling, thinking person, with hopes, dreams and responsibilities, while a zygote has nothing of those abilities yet. All it is, is the possibility of a person, just like every fuck with a contraceptive is a missed possibility of a person.

Calling all the abortions an 'execution of an unborn baby' is a scare tactic.
If it's a baby, it would be able to live outside the whom. No one is killing those babies. No one is agreeing to kill those babies. Someone who maximally supports abortion would provide the woman to have the right to decide to deliver the baby, alive. No one is killing babies who could live outside the whom. That's a filthy fucking lie and you should stop contributing to that.

Democrats are meeting in the middle. Roe v Wade is very much a middle position. It's Republicans who want to take all abortion rights, even in the case of r@pe, in.cest and danger to the life of the woman. They still want a politician to decide, instead of the woman and her doctor. That's while claiming they care about bodily autonomy. It's hypocrisy and it's the worst example of 'Big government'.
By phart at 22,Jul,24 15:49 other posts of phart 
The baby is the womans new job. To raise it and care for it.Motherhood.
Just because you don't value life in it's early form does not mean you or the woman should decide to kill it.
A woman does not have to part her legs, and that is the only way to get pregnant. It is common sense that a baby is the result of unsafe, unprotected sex. If people would simply use the condom or the pill or the surgery ,we wouldn't have to have this discussion.
. Depo-Provera works wonders. insurance covers it,
Trojan condoms, 20 for 15 bucks
Cost of abortion,
"An in-clinic abortion can cost up to around $800 in the first trimester, but it’s often less. The average cost of a first trimester in-clinic abortion at Planned Parenthood is about $600. The cost of a second trimester abortion at Planned Parenthood varies depending on how many weeks pregnant you are. The average ranges from about $715 earlier in the second trimester to $1,500-2,000 later in the second trimester. "

So it is even CHEAPER medical care to get the shot or the pill or the rubber.
99% of abortions are because of irresponsible people playing the equivalent of russian roulette.

By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 06:20 other posts of kebmo 
There’s a lot of threads here that don’t interest me too. I know how you feel CGF. I have a superpower though…. It’s called “scrolling past”.

By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:08 other posts of dgraff 
Me i just enjoy liberal bashing
You should see my work on Facebook a lot of the poor dumb bastards delete their account
By phart at 21,Jul,24 13:13 other posts of phart 
Yes, and keep working at it, we may be able to delete biden and the camel in november!
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:42 other posts of dgraff 
I’m trying my best to convert as many as I can
By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 14:35 other posts of kebmo 
Dgraff, Your chances of converting a Biden voter to a Trump voter are exactly equal to someone’s chances of converting a Trump voter to a Biden voter. 🤣
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 14:58 other posts of dgraff 
The Puerto Rican’s are easily persuaded with a bag of rice
By phart at 22,Jul,24 00:35 other posts of phart 

You know, all jokes aside, a buddy of mine came by to get a power window fixed on his jeep today and the company he works for has MANY mexicans working for them,even at supervisor levels,can't speak english very well. I ask him how they felt about biden,Trump. He said alot of the mexicans had Trump bumperstickers on their trucks and prefered Trump by far over biden.
of course, their ideas on biden are moot as of this evening.

By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 13:13 other posts of #578610 
I thought it was fried platanos (green bananas)
By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 13:32 other posts of dgraff 
They like them to and anything with beans 🫘 you must live in a state where they are plentiful
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 14:34 other posts of #578610 
Friend of the family was married to a Puerto Rican lady. Every time we went to dinner at their home we got fried bananas. I liked them but not enough to eat all the time.
By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 14:52 other posts of dgraff 
I lived with one for a year and I tried to do most of the cooking or i ended up with rice fried banana or refried beans
By #578610 at 22,Jul,24 17:00 other posts of #578610 
I like refried beans on tacos
By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 18:02 other posts of dgraff 
Me too

By bella! at 23,Jul,24 00:16 other posts of bella! 
I like bean burritos!
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 11:39 other posts of #578610 
Those are good too. Now for the bad part
I'm deadly for several hours after.
By bella! at 23,Jul,24 11:46 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, I understand......I react the same to "gut grenades". Do you live anywhere near a White Castle?
By #578610 at 23,Jul,24 13:30 other posts of #578610 
I wish I was. I remember when I was 12 or so having 10 or 12 tire patches. Now, I’d be lucky to get 3 down. They are the best bar non as long as they are fresh off the grill.
That was in Queens, New York around 1990.

By phart at 22,Jul,24 21:30 other posts of phart 
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Um, 650 hp! and looks good to. Just cost more than I can afford.

By phart at 22,Jul,24 21:14 other posts of phart 
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I think it past time this woman left her post, on her own or with someone's foot up her ass.

When even AOC is pissed, dems and repubs alike are pissed, she should see the writing on the wall.
I would have thought AOC would be fussing about the shooters aim being off but she seems just as pissed about the threat level as the rest of us.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

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By phart at 22,Jul,24 20:35 other posts of phart 
This is what happens when labor rates get to high,regulations get to strict and cost soar for companys, they shut down or lay off workers.
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Oh wow, so you were making 24 dollars a hour, now you are making NOTHING.
so how did that raise you demanded work out for you long term? Not to good hey?

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 20:19 other posts of White_Mamba 
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By phart at 21,Jul,24 18:25 other posts of phart 
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somewhere in florida there is a miserable cat,
A cat so sad because it's hero,joe biden,has stumbled,farted and fell plum out of the presidential race.
He couldn't cut the mustard anymore,and cat is so sad
By dgraff at 22,Jul,24 12:33 other posts of dgraff 
OMG I can just hear her ranting and raving about it already

By phart at 19,Jul,24 15:45 other posts of phart 
Why would anyone give a fiddlers damn about offending a alcoholic?
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That is fucked up. Alcoholics need to be offended, disgraced, lockedup ,what the fuck ever it takes, to get them unaddicted.
By kebmo at 21,Jul,24 06:44 other posts of kebmo 
I’ve never heard of Liver Lips before now.

As for your view on locking up alcoholics to get them sober you’re going to need a lot of jail space because if you do that to alcoholics, you’ll have to do it to all the drug addicts and smokers too. All of them are doing things to their body that kills them. Who decides who is an alcoholic and who is a social drinker?

I just celebrated 12 years of sobriety and I’m about to celebrate 13 years smoke free. I can assure you that locking alcoholics up to get them sober is a fool’s errand. Nobody quits anything that they are addicted to unless they want to. That’s something I know from experience.
Quitting some thing and staying off of it are two very different things. Who decides that they are no longer alcoholics and can be set free? Do they go back to jail if they fall off the waggon just once?
By phart at 21,Jul,24 12:42 other posts of phart 
you are correct,a person has to want to quit for it to work.
Locking them up is extreme, but the longer they are stuck there ,and can't live their lives, the more apt they are to do what it takes to get out.
Alcohol ruined my family for 2 generations. so i know something needs to be done besides putting a girly man on the can to get folks to quit picking it up.
By dgraff at 21,Jul,24 13:37 other posts of dgraff 
I was forced to see a counselor as a stipulation to my last DUI 30 some years ago and the counselor was a big fat lady that had 2 chairs behind her desk to sit on this woman was 600 lbs at least so she was asking me questions about drinking and I was being truthful with her then she said to me Mr Graff it seems to me like you over indulge a little bit and that didn’t set well with me so I stood up and said to her well mam with all do respect it looks like you do a bit of over indulging your self and I picked up her box of donuts off her desk and threw them in the waist paper basket and stormed out
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Of course her letter of recommendation to the judge was that i needed counseling
By phart at 21,Jul,24 18:14 other posts of phart 
big ed, I know,
People think i am harsh I guess, but it either takes a desire to want to quit or a sudden,hard SHOCK to a person to get them to quit.that's what saved a member of my family, a near death experience

By #578610 at 21,Jul,24 13:00 other posts of #578610 

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 15:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Judge Cannon just DISMISSED the Classified Documents case against Donald Trump.

The justification for this; Special Prosecutor Jack Smith was not appointed by Congress.
It doesn't matter to her that this is not a law, but a guideline at best.
It doesn't matter to her that there is an arms-length list of Special Prosecutors who tried cases and secured convictions, who were appointed in the exact same way as Jack Smith. It doesn't matter that Trump appointed Special Prosecutors in the exact same way, either. Trump had Bill Barr appoint several Special Prosecutors, without going through Congress.
It doesn't matter that she has a duty to Law and Order and the people, and could instead replace the Special Prosecutor with a Congress approved one, if she cares to.
And it certainly doesn't matter to Cannon that there is pile of evidence against Trump,
that no honest, thinking person can deny. The whole world, saw Trump lie, obstruct, cheat and get caught red-handed.

It's not her job to look at evidence; she was appointed by Trump, so she feels she has a duty to protect Trump, even if she has to use the most transparently false technical bullshit imaginable. Well, it's one step up from Trump pardoning himself, which he will probably do in the future too.

Judge Cannon is exactly the type of judge that MAGA accuses others of being.

I could not live with myself, if I even considered to support a representative who got away with obvious crimes, just because he has the Supreme Court and judge in his pocket.
By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 15:52 other posts of #578610 
Somehow Trump must not be reelected, but, if he does, I hope at least that the Democrats take both houses of Congress.
By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,24 20:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
With the powers the SCOTUS gave Trump and his ability to put even more sycophants in the SCOTUS, that would probably not hinder him in taking full control.
I see the Democrats pissing their pants. They will not do anything to stop
a president Trump, making himself emperor.
By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 23:11 other posts of #578610 
If the Democrats control both houses even by one vote, they can change the number of Supreme Court justices and pack the court with liberals. POTUS can write executive orders but they can be rejected by the Court.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 15:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Even I would consider that a dirty trick.
They could do it, but they would get fucked in the next election.

Democrats can win if they finally do this: show they have good plans to improve life
for the American people and then grow a pair to defend their plans.

Republicans are running on lies about the economy and fear about immigrants.
They have nothing good to offer and know it, so they can only lie to people.
Because they are also utterly incompetent to manage the country in general,
the only way for them to stay in power is to stack democracy in their favor.
They have done it for decades, but they still often lost. They are tired of democracy making them do any work for power at all, so they are now planning to just take it. They have been cutting away at democracy enough for the past decades, to make it weak enough to succeed. The Democrats have mostly given up.
By #578610 at 16,Jul,24 20:57 other posts of #578610 
I’m thinking that win or not, Democrats will not win in 2028. It’s not politics. It’s the electorate getting bored or wanting a second term for the Republicans
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If the Democrats are still the same Democrats then,
they will absolutely get bored with them. Who wouldn't.
Give people something to be excited about and directly see their lives improve,
and they will never again vote for Republicans. Remember FDR?

"They are unanimous in their hate for me — and I welcome their hatred."

Republicans have nothing to offer people. It should be easy to beat them.
By #578610 at 17,Jul,24 14:20 other posts of #578610 
If you look at our history, almost all our presidents served two terms and then a president from the other party was elected. Except for presidents that declined to run for a second term the only exceptions have been President Carter and President Bush Sr.
I was very surprised that Trump was not re-elected to a second term.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 22:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's true, and because of term limits, they only can serve two terms now,
but I think that's because of the failure of either party to truly serve the voters.
The voters must have agreed with me, that Trump was a horrible president.
Normally, they stick with the president in a crisis, but not if he fucks it up.
More than a million people died of Covid in the US, which is 25% of the deaths
in the world, while the US has 4.23% of the total world population and while
Covid hit the US much later than other countries. That's either incompetence
or a conscious choice. Most people don't like either one.
By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 18:03 other posts of dgraff 
Hey anal licker your the wizard of looking shit up look up how many times Joe Biden voted to cut social security and raise the retirement age in a 40 year career as a senator so big Eddie can see
By #578610 at 18,Jul,24 19:08 other posts of #578610 
Dgraff, why not ask me? I know how to do research. Biden did vote to change how Social Security works, but, if you read about it, instead of quoting the the headline, you'll see why he voted as he did.
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I noticed in the limited time I've been here that there's many Republicans on site. MAGA Republicans. I'm not a Communist and you are not a fascist. We just have different views on how the country's problems should be fixed.
The difference is that I use the facts at my disposal while you assign labels to people whom you can't find a legitimate argument to their ideas.
By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 20:16 other posts of dgraff 
I can do research to and what I’m trying to show you is for every thing you can find bad about trump I can find just as many things about Biden I was just using anus licker because he’s in Dutch country and look’s up stuff on the internet and thinks he’s knows more about our country than we do I’m living it every day and so are you
By #578610 at 18,Jul,24 21:14 other posts of #578610 
Ok, your argument has merits. Does that mean I should just give up on my quest to have a democratic election?
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 00:16 other posts of dgraff 
No you vote for the old prune but when he fucks up bad really bad don’t complain on here because I will be quick to tell you I told you so he’s from the state of Pennsylvania he lived 50 miles away from me I know all about the Biden family I’m sticking with TRUMP/ Vance 2024
By Cody8789 at 19,Jul,24 00:27 other posts of Cody8789 
I live near trump, i know all about him that no one else knows
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 01:32 other posts of dgraff 
I got to meet Donald Trump he put me up in a sweet at trump palace and he gave me 1000 dollars in **** chips to get me started he’s actually a pretty nice guy any how I gambled his 1000 away and lost 300 of my own money and came home with nothing
By bella! at 19,Jul,24 10:22 other posts of bella! 
Oh, dgraff, that scenario sounds like a page taken straight out of your journal of dreams.

By #578610 at 19,Jul,24 01:22 other posts of #578610 
You forget I lived through the Trump presidency too. You remember it like you want. I know what I went through during his term of office.
If Biden screws up I will complain. That's how it's played
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 10:35 other posts of dgraff 
Good luck may the best team win
By #578610 at 19,Jul,24 12:38 other posts of #578610 
By bella! at 19,Jul,24 12:51 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, Big-Eddie!

By bella! at 19,Jul,24 12:50 other posts of bella! 
I'm glad that you were able to come to the conclusion that you could agree on at least one thing..... yeah, you're able to agree that you both disagree and do it in a civil manner. Thank you, dgraff!
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 13:28 other posts of dgraff 
I’m really laid back lately I don’t have a care in the world
By bella! at 19,Jul,24 14:05 other posts of bella! 
Laid back? How long have you been officially retired?
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 14:35 other posts of dgraff 
I pulled out of my shop lease on may the fifteenth
My new job is harassing the good people of show it off and Facebook

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 11:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Indeed, everyone can find whatever they want on the internet.
The skill is to know what's true and what isn't.

You would be looking for stories that confirm your idea.
I would be looking for evidence, to tell me what's true.
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 12:26 other posts of dgraff 
That we agree on

By bella! at 15,Jul,24 22:27 other posts of bella! 
You are hoping for 4 more years of a Democrat running the country? Oi, my head is feeling all hurty and stuff!
By #578610 at 15,Jul,24 23:14 other posts of #578610 
Not entirely. There are many Republicans that would be good presidents. I don't want four more years of Democrats. I don't want for Trump to be elected.
By bella! at 16,Jul,24 02:49 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your response. May I ask why you would be opposed to seeing President Trump return to the White House?
By #578610 at 16,Jul,24 15:58 other posts of #578610 
The man has many faults but, my main objection is how he handled the economy and the government spending. Tariffs and tax breaks for the top 1% may look good but in the end (and usually after his term in office) you and I end up paying for it. Biden’s inflation didn’t suddenly appear. I don’t like how he handled the start of the pandemic either.

By phart at 15,Jul,24 23:39 other posts of phart 
You can't fix stupid, even with duct tape.But it does help muffle the sound.
Trump is the best man for the job at the moment. I just wish he had picked a better vice.
This guy did not even support Trump in 2016, what the hell?
By #578610 at 17,Jul,24 14:26 other posts of #578610 
Phart, why do you think President Trump would be the best man for the job? What is he bringing to the table? Project 2025 is what the Republicans are supporting and Trump agrees with many of the proposals. What he doesn’t say is how he’s going to fix an economy that is the envy of the world.
By phart at 17,Jul,24 17:02 other posts of phart 
look at the economy before the chinese plandemic,it was doing great.and it was recovering after had the dems not drug things back down.
I have not read alot about project 2025 but If most republicans support it, it must be in line with my beliefs enough that it is no concern to me.
I am sick of shit like happening in california. teachers don't even have to tell parents their kids are trying to be another gender.that is the parents bussiness until the kid is 18. NOT the teachers bussiness.things like that are the democrat agenda, letting people off for crimes, making dope legal, those type things will ruin what little is left of America
By #578610 at 17,Jul,24 17:51 other posts of #578610 
None of the stuff you are talking about will help the economy by Trump. You followers of the Art of the Deal like to complain about concerning the Obama economic outlook at the end of his term. It was as good as it gets, then your guy came in and it went to crap. Sure you can blame the pandemic for a lot of problems but what did he do to fix it? HE LOST THE ELECTION BECAUSE OF IT.
By phart at 17,Jul,24 20:39 other posts of phart 
he lost the election due to alot of things, not because of how he made the right to try legal for people to get treatments and so on.
Democrats just can't stand the fact that the common man was doing well under Trump and it was being done with methods opposite of the dems "you will own nothing and be happy" mindset.
By #578610 at 17,Jul,24 22:37 other posts of #578610 
I’m sorry Phart. I’m not sure what you are saying
By phart at 18,Jul,24 00:28 other posts of phart 
Trump worked to get this thru.
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this allowed a good friend of mine to participate in a new cancer treatment that gave him almost a full year past what the dr's said he would live.
This 1 law that Trump Passed,if he did nothing but sleep the rest of the term,was a God send to 1000's of people that are suffereing.
By #578610 at 18,Jul,24 21:16 other posts of #578610 
Ok, that's great. What about the other 100 boneheaded ideas he came up with?

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 19:19 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for being respectful with your replies to phart.

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 20:25 other posts of dgraff 
Are you fucking kidding me
Fuel prices through the roof
Food prices through the roof
Utility prices through the roof
Yeah right an economy envied by the world the 2 most important issues are the economy and inflation
By #578610 at 18,Jul,24 21:21 other posts of #578610 
The economy and inflation are the same. Now, who's to blame for that? And if you think Trump can fix what you feel is wrong, how is he going to fix it? Eliminate the Federal government? Recall the Constitution? Detain all anti-Trump citizens? Give low cost loans to GM and other big companies? You tell me.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 12:47 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
All those things you list, happened in my country too, and in many or most
other countries. That shows none of it is Biden's fault.
If you think it is, then what did Biden DO or NOT DO, to cause it?
And don't make shit up, like you usually do.

Under Trump, a pandemic started that killed 1,18 million Americans.
Under Trump, about 9.6 million U.S. workers lost their jobs.
Under Trump, $8.4 trillion was added to the US national debt.
Under Trump, over 200,000 American jobs were outsourced abroad.

Those things did not happen in my country or most other countries.
That means Trump's actions or incompetence caused it.
By dgraff at 19,Jul,24 14:48 other posts of dgraff 
Well you see anus we’re Joe Biden made his biggest mistake and it happened recently is he was hungry for a McDonald’s fish sandwich 🥪 but it was late and they weren’t open so he ate Kamala’s pussy instead and he made the whole country smell like rotten fish that’s why he is sick at first they thought it was Covid but now they’re thinking it’s salmonella i hope the old guy pulls through he should have known better than to eat smelly fish after midnight

By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:34 other posts of phart 
Anannas, you are missing the major point here.
THis country is very divided, so much hate, this is to try to alleviate some of that.The truth of it is, this so called crime is not really a crime, he had some papers stored at his house, no harm done,no victims,no loss, just as there were no victims in that case that nyc fined him so much money,.These cases were drummed up to mountains from mole hills to cause Trump to loose the election and it didn't work.The dems know this.
Biden and others know full well it coulda been 1 of them in that shooters scope,and this is all a last ditch effort to save lives and reduce the temp of the society right now.
Had Trump killed 40 people in a bus off a cliff, perhaps we would feel different,but he has done nothing but to help this country,and the fact he even took a bullet and is STILL in the race ,that should tell you he is in it for the right reasons,
IF you were running for office, and you took a bullet, would you still be in it? I doubt it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 15:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly
to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
By phart at 16,Jul,24 16:14 other posts of phart 
I am not the photographer attending the Great Train wreck of 1896 but it does seem I am watching 1 today!.
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1 of the photographers got metal in his eye.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Funny, but that deflection just shows me you know I have a point.

I could make an effort to list all the many many investigations, that Republicans have done, for years on end, directly ordering the justice department to do so. Investigations into Hillary, Obama, Biden and his family, while accusing them of not being a citizen, a Muslim, an Al Qaeda Sympathizer, having a demonic sex-ring, committing crimes and covering it up by having a private email server, wiretapping Trump, Benghazi, corruption, the laptop and Biden being part of that.
I'm not talking about citizens or the media, I'm talking about POLITICIANS.

Most of the times, those were clear fabrications. However, whenever even a tiny thing was found, someone did get in trouble over it. I'm talking about getting thrown the book at them, if in anyway possible.

Republican politicians were constantly directly involved in every investigation and constantly hyping the worst possible outcome imaginable. It Democrats did that it was not a tenth of it. Democrats are not creating false evidence or enlisting false witnesses, they are leaving it up to the judicial system and NOTHING MORE.
When crimes are found, they also leave it up to the judicial system.
Trump would have pardoned his son in 5 seconds flat.

The difference is, that ALL THOSE investigations into Democrats resulted in almost nothing, while the investigations into Trump uncovered a mountain of evidence, of decades of crime before he was president, while he was president, when he committed treason to stay president and after he was president.
It's not hard to believe the findings of the justice system investigating Trump, because we have all seen him do crimes, admit to crimes, and promise to do even more crimes.

There has been no one in your history who demonizes the other side like Trump, clearly promising to lock them up or kill them or asking 'the patriots' to 'stand by' for him, for when he wants the killing to start. He has been doing that every day and his rhetoric is only getting worse. Trump is clearly threatening and promising violence and he is clearly requesting crazy lunatics to do violence on his behalf. That's what I mean with Stochastic terrorism or Stochastic violence. When it works, like in the case of Paul Pelosi, he doesn't denounce it, HE MAKES FUN OF IT.
He's getting even worse and he doesn't even care about deniability anymore.

I know you are biassed, but you're being clearly dishonest if you say you don't see what Trump does or that what Democrats do comes even close.
If you are denying it, then tell me which of my examples are not real.

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 19:21 other posts of bella! 
phart, I recognize that you have always been respectful with regard to your posts to other members. Thank you.

By #578610 at 16,Jul,24 20:59 other posts of #578610 
Wait. He was showing those papers to people that should not have had that information.
By phart at 17,Jul,24 00:22 other posts of phart 
HE was a President,he can decide what is classified and what is not.
By #578610 at 17,Jul,24 10:49 other posts of #578610 
But he wasn’t president when all those papers were found to be in his house and he refused to give them back. Phart, you know this. You can’t change the facts.

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So, you think the president can decide that your nuclear codes
are not classified, and post them on the internet?

Even Clarence Thomas would vote to put him in prison for that.

(This argument is called a "Reduction to Absurdity": A Handy Tool for Calling Bullshit)
By phart at 17,Jul,24 17:05 other posts of phart 
Are you naive enough to think that when Trump left office the nuclear codes were not changed? hell they probably get changed often in case of security breach by a foreign power.
What does Trump have to gain by showing someone the nuclear codes that were in place for a time under his leadership?
They are of no value. More like showing off a pen that signed something into law, a keep sake, a curiosity.

Frankly, as a American, I feel like the nuclear codes are in far more danger of being given to the enemy under biden any time now. his mind is so fubar that he is apt to mumble them out during a speech.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 21:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I was not even talking about after he was president, I mean just as president.

On X:

Here is today's nuclear launch code: juHJGDAHD7426487645^^%#^#
Say hi to Ruhollah Khomeini for me.
Kind regards,

Donald Trump

In your mind he could just do that, correct?
Is that an 'official act', for which he has immunity?
By phart at 18,Jul,24 00:25 other posts of phart 
why would he do that?
Why would you not trust your leader with nuclear codes?
We are forced to trust biden with them now,and he is a senile old bastard that won't even wear a mask while around people after testing + for covid.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
My 'Reduction to Absurdity' argument was in answer to your remark:
"HE was a President,he can decide what is classified and what is not."

He indeed has some authority to do that, but it has its limits.
First of all, there is a process to it. Even the president is required to go through procedures, otherwise no one knows what happens to classified documents.

No, you cannot just trust the president with it, if he decides to declassify highly classified documents, the rest of the government needs to anticipate that;
"Do we need extra security on the military airfield, now it's in the open that the new prototype is in the hanger?", "Do we pull our secret agents out of North Korea, because the president compromised them?"

Trump declassified NOTHING. He just decided to keep all those documents, without telling anyone he had them. They were missing, the government archives asked for them, and he neglected to give them back, several times.

Trump has shown he could not be trusted with those documents. They were highly classified material, that posed major security risks. He was being an irresponsible president, when he handed them over to a civilian; himself, after his presidency. Possibly, as a president, he cannot be indicted over that. The point is: HE WASN'T! He is indicted over keeping those documents as a civilian. They were still highly classified material at that time. If they were declassified, there would be a record of it. No record is no official action. He instantly became liable to the espionage act, the day he wasn't president anymore. He had of course a lot of leeway as the former president, but that wore out, after his obstruction, lying, having his lawyers write false witness statements, moving the documents, trying to destroy evidence of moving the documents and obstruction into the investigation.
He even used the secrets in those documents as leverage against the indictment.
That is not how a president behaves, that's criminal behavior.

You keep deflecting every argument. Your what-about Biden is BS here.
Trump WAS trusted as president, with very dangerous information.
That's not in question. What he did afterwards, those are crimes.

But, good question; WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
By phart at 18,Jul,24 11:23 other posts of phart 
Why would he do that? Hell why do you have 2 pens from the office under your couch?
He was President, he took them home,so what? biden's garage is more secure?
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Jul,24 13:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're comparing this with pens from the office?
Those pens have a value attached to them. And they are useful.
Do you think these classified documents have value or a use to him?

That is you suggesting that Trump would sell classified documents to someone who values them. It's possible, because there are still some missing. That would be a violation of the espionage act, which would send him to jail for ever.
And you ask "so what?"? You would demand the firing squad, if it was a Democrat.

The indictments are not about taking the documents home.
You have been told this, but you keep making the same argument.

Biden didn't have documents of the classification level of the documents that Trump had, Biden returned them when they asked, and cooperated with the investigation. He didn't lie about it, he didn't have lawyers lie about it, he didn't try to move them somewhere else, after they asked him about them, and he didn't try to destroy evidence. Nothing Biden did was illegal in any way.
What Trump did was illegal in several ways. Enough for many years in jail.

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 19:22 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for maintaining civility with your responses.

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 08:51 other posts of dgraff 
The power goes to the most powerful man alive
Trump 2024
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 09:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Just as the founders of The Constitution tried their best to prevent.
They are rolling over in their graves at 5000 rpm.
By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 09:21 other posts of dgraff 
I’ve heard about all the Biden gospel i can handle out of you two pedal your commie crap 💩 to someone who cares trump lost the 2020 election because the Democrats figured out how to cheat through mail in ballots this time we know how they did it and President trump is urging people to use mail in ballots i don’t know what he has up his sleeve but maybe it’s time we use a little hocus-pocus to even the score
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Power to the people let’s kick some commie ASS
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Jul,24 11:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's not Biden gospel or my commie crap.
It's just how the founders intended The Constitution.

Why design all those layers in your government, if they could just say:
"The politicians rule the people, the president rules the politicians!"

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 22:35 other posts of bella! 
President Biden has tested post for COVID. And with that said, is it possible that he will drop out of the presidential race?
By phart at 18,Jul,24 14:13 other posts of phart 
depends on how sick he gets,it make take him on out.He is getting alot of pressure put on him. the virus's after affects will make him even less lucid for a while after the virus is gone.

By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 17:34 other posts of dgraff 
He didn’t stand a ghost of a chance at winning anyway
By phart at 18,Jul,24 17:59 other posts of phart 
you underestimate how many DUMBASS'S there are in the US that HATE TRUMP and would rather sink America than vote for Trump.
By dgraff at 18,Jul,24 18:33 other posts of dgraff 
This is true I’ve been bashing them right and left on Facebook most times they deleted their profile when I reminded them that all there information is posted on there page
Were they live
What school they attended
There hobbies it’s all their

By phart at 18,Jul,24 17:58 other posts of phart 
folks that want to legalize dope need to read this.
Pot is bad ,the only thing it should be issued for is terminally ill people to use in their homes alone.
6 teens in a tiny roller skate car high on pot,DIED
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By phart at 18,Jul,24 00:22 other posts of phart 
This is sad,and makes me angry.
Our sorry ass presidential chair filler,biden, has covid and did not even wear a mask after he was shown to be positive, he kept right on going back on to his plane talking and spreading the virus. The folks that have been around him the past few days should sue him and the federal government for failing to protect them from the virus.
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This proves yet again there is a double standard.
"do as we say do,not as we do".

By phart at 17,Jul,24 17:48 other posts of phart 
Gee at least 1 young person gets it.
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I bet she will have a great retirement because she knows how to work and save money.

By phart at 10,Jul,24 20:04 other posts of phart 
Well, I guess people can't learn from watching others fuckups and learn from it.
Juan Deere has gone woke.
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By bella! at 11,Jul,24 00:40 other posts of bella! 
I just don't understand the emphasis given to people about what their pronouns of preference are.

What I found disturbing and didn't understand was why farmers aren't allowed to work on or repair their John Deere equipment. Also, if this is really an American made piece of equipment, why are some parts being manufactured in Mexico?

By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 07:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Corporations are neither woke, nor conservative, they are amoral.
Their only principle is making the most money for their owners.
Stop thinking their virtue signaling is real. It's just advertisement.

And it's often just a distraction from how they screw with people.
Instead of people talking about how they lay off hundreds of employees,
to probably outsource jobs to reduce labor costs by going to poor countries,
they have you caring about some managers doing woke pandering to employees.

Understand that the have their head office in Moline, Illinois, a blue state.
They say to their lib employees: "Yes, we are replacing you with Mexicans,
but we respect your identity." Unfortunately this works for some libs.
Progressives like me would just say: "FUCK YOU!!! STRIKE!!!".

John Deere to lay off 600 employees across 3 factories
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"It also comes as the company shifts production to a newly planned facility in Mexico."

Look what you are talking about. Was your media concerned with the layoffs?
Don't you find it a little bit suspicious that they would go woke NOW?
By phart at 11,Jul,24 12:19 other posts of phart 
Before the russians attacked ukraine, farmers here in the US were hiring russians to hack their john deeres to keep them running.
computer sensors and such added in for no other reason than to disable the equipment and make money.
I know a fellow that was running a john deere motor grader on the side of a mountain. a sensor went out in the transmission and the only reason he is alive is the blade caught a stump large enough to stop the machine from going off the cliff.
Complete tear down of the machine to replace the less than 20 dollar sensor,100's of dollars in labor cost.downtime, all to john deeeres profit. Kubota, like i have, may use some odd ball fittings and such but at least i can work on the damn thing.
the layoffs, and moving to mexico, um, I wonder if that is due to unions demanding more money?
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 13:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
At least you understand that companies have one principle only.
The unions are not demanding more money, employees are.
They use unions to give their demands strength,
because employees otherwise have no power to demand anything.

I see your thinking in everything. When a company does some meaningless virtue signaling, that's the worst thing ever, and that company should be destroyed, but when people want (or just basically NEED) higher wages, so they can pay for rent/mortgage and food, that's all the justification for a company to screw Americans and go to Mexico. How about you being as tough to companies when they actually screw Americans, as when they do some meaningless messaging that you don't like?

Your priorities are completely skewed. And that's because you only consume media that force-feeds you skewed bullshit 24/7.
By phart at 11,Jul,24 15:47 other posts of phart 
I don't like the fact they take jobs outside the US anymore than you do. I also don't like people thinking they can just demand more money from a employer like asking Santa for a new toy. EARN THE MONEY by working for it and make good quality products. Don't do what Boeing workers are doing, do lousy work, skipping rivots and such,costing the company billons, we may wind up loosing that major employer because of the employee laziness.

The virtue signally crap, is not necessary.
All workers are there to earn a wage and go home. The company needs be able to hire based on merit,no other reasons.
I just read about a equipment dealer that couldn't fire a woman for stealing because she was stealing shrink wrap to mash her boobs flat to look male.
Why should a company be held hostage to such crap?
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 08:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"EARN THE MONEY" is bullshit. That's just the serf and lord relationship.
Nothing progressed the situation of the working class as much and as fast, as the organization of unions. They didn't just improve the situation of the working class, they improved the economy as a whole. People who make more money, spend more. It has elevated humanity from living in sheds to a luxury standard that was only enjoyed by kings. When America was doing better than everyone else, unions were at their strongest, the working class was doing best and taxes on the rich were the highest ever. Inequality serves no one but the wealthy. That trickle down theory is a stupid lie and it's about time that you stop believing it.

People are working a big part of their lives. That working place is a dictatorship.
If you support democracy, you would support at least some of it, for the most important hours people are spending from their lives. People who are different want to be able to work too, and have the same opportunities, without being disrespected by their boss and coworkers. That's what DEI is about. It is necessary, they just often make a mockery of it. Probably, because they are forced to do it, by managers who want to listen to employees, but have no idea what is common sense.
Companies are sort of forced to do it, because they know that if they want highly educated people, those most of the time have liberal ideas. Conservatives are primitive thinkers. They cannot think creatively or out of the box and they cannot find solutions to complex problems. They are hard workers, but they are dumb workers.
Those liberal thinkers are incredibly important for a company, so the bosses have to accept their ideas, if they want to make more money. If not, they go work for a boss who does. The more a company relies on highly educated, creative thinking people, the more they need to do the things that you dislike.

By phart at 17,Jul,24 14:24 other posts of phart 
uM, maybe they did hear the static,
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the saying "go woke,go broke" is no longer a rumor!

By bella! at 17,Jul,24 12:32 other posts of bella! 
A "walking potato"......

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By bella! at 13,Jul,24 12:58 other posts of bella! 
Statistics of Barack Hussein Obama to that of Donald John Trump.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Jul,24 16:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The one statistic that is discussed here, comparing Obama to Trump, is exactly what Trump plans to do. Obama indeed deported maybe a record number of immigrants. Trump plans to deport 15-20 million immigrants. He said it many times already and
it's in Project 2025. So? Do you want that or not?

The other is NOT a statistic comparing Obama to Trump. They are comparing drone strikes between Obama and Bush, in specific areas. Bush started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which contributed to some 4.5 million deaths. Trump ramped up the drone strikes. "There have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office.". Biden reduced
the drone strikes again. So? Do you want more or less drone strikes?

Any more statistics? How about the jobs or the economy?
By phart at 16,Jul,24 16:11 other posts of phart 
I want the enemy erased. Regardless of the numbers of drone strikes.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Jul,24 11:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're not the one who posted the video.

Do you agree with the video?
Are these 'statistics' favoring Obama or Trump?

By Jamie at 14,Jul,24 15:28 other posts of Jamie 
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By bella! at 16,Jul,24 02:51 other posts of bella! 
We live in crazy times and people are crazy!
By phart at 16,Jul,24 13:30 other posts of phart 
Here is what is news worthy,
over 4 million so far raised for the victims of the terrorist attack
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By bella! at 12,Jul,24 17:41 other posts of bella! 
Whoops! He did it again.......

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By phart at 12,Jul,24 23:43 other posts of phart 
biden is gone,

By phart at 11,Jul,24 12:14 other posts of phart 
Sometimes we take photos we wish we had not
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By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 14:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
She clearly didn't know what happened. She made a photo of herself looking at it.
"this girl sat there taking pics and just let 9/11 happen"
What do you want her to do? Go rescue people from a burning skyscraper?
If a disaster like this happens, the best thing you can do is stay away.
At least, if you live in a modern country with modern first responders.

In any case, I advise people often to be careful with photographs.
You never know how they come back to haunt you, or how some people
interpret an image.
By phart at 11,Jul,24 15:53 other posts of phart 
Being a former volunteer that responded to fires, yes I do expect people that are physically able to do more than sit back and watch their neighbors die.
it took 1000's of people by the time it was said and done to recover from that disaster and yes, if it was only taking water and food to fireman and victims, do something. Go fight a fire at a broom factory for while ,and see if you don't appreciate a total stranger handing you a cold beverage.

But I also understand how the photographer feels. a good friend of mine was a AP photographer in vietnam. He was turned down for the draft but wanted to serve in some form or fashion. Many pics you see in books and such, were from his work. Even he had no idea how bad it all was until he came home and had time to sit back and really look at what he had photographed. the lens protected him at the moment but the images haunt him to this day.
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Jul,24 08:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
No they don't, the fire department often has more work keeping bystanders at bay, than actually saving people. If there is a skyscraper on fire, they let people go only
one way; DOWN AND OUT!

Sure, if the house of your neighbor is on fire, you are expected to help before the fire department shows up, but in a skyscraper, you trying to help will only block the stairways. That chaos alone could kill dozens of people, but especially the person trying it.

Yes, as a photographer, you are making photos of horrible situations. Most of the time, you cannot do anything but record the situation for posterity or for evidence.
That is an important job though. I don't think she was doing that. She was capturing her helplessness in that situation. All she could do was sit and watch.

By phart at 12,Jul,24 00:54 other posts of phart 
biden is a senile ol fart that needs to be a rest home.
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By bella! at 11,Jul,24 18:58 other posts of bella! 
Kamala Harris imparts her wisdom upon the world!

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By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jul,24 08:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
This is a good characterization of The News these days:
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By phart at 10,Jul,24 13:44 other posts of phart 
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By ChainsawGutsFuck at 10,Jul,24 13:32 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
dgraff The band that made the song I got my name from:

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My fave of thiers: only registered users can see external links

There was also a movie made with Rory Culkin but it sucked sweaty balls.

By bella! at 10,Jul,24 01:06 other posts of bella! 
THE BEST anonymous messages can be found on phart's page. This was a recent post made;

anonymous wrote (03,Jul,24 09:40):
FYI and for your friends, WOODY58 is not a felon.

Alrighty then!
By phart at 10,Jul,24 02:03 other posts of phart 
some have suggested that i prevent anon's from posting but it kinda reminds me of when 1 of the neighbors cows is trying to ween off a calf and it stands out in the woods making noise all night. or a dog scratching at the door wanting in the house.
By bella! at 10,Jul,24 04:23 other posts of bella! 
How you manage your page is totally up to you.

I used allow non members access to my page because from time-to-time I would receive anonymous messages from a site friend that "disappeared" without warning. For what it's worth, I applaud you for allowing former members access to your page.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 10,Jul,24 06:18 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Hmm. According to federal law:

Unlawful sexual activity with a minor is classified as a second-degree felony, and is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.--------------------------------------

Also in Florida, it is a felony to comment sexual battery in a person under the age of 12.

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Sexual battery on a person under 12, is classified as a felony under Florida law. As of 6/4/24, “Woody58” updates its status with the State of Florida as a Sex Offender. Its conviction shows charges of sexual battery on a minor under 12.

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By bella! at 10,Jul,24 10:58 other posts of bella! 
The only issue I have is with regard to WOODY58 being or not being a convicted felon is that when you input the information, ie name(s) and birthdate that his spouse so freely used here on Showitoff, his picture pops up. Golly, if that's not the same man that was featured in a number of galleries under a number of screen names..... I wonder if it is possible that the State of Florida got it all wrong?
By phart at 10,Jul,24 11:10 other posts of phart 
in the very remote chance they did, it would be difficult to resume a normal life after the branding of being a p3do by the law even if it were a mistake by the law.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 10,Jul,24 13:10 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Looks like a spade to me.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

What’s funny is that she objects to her dear Chicken Nugget being called a felon, but not to being called a p3d0… What a classy women.

By phart at 10,Jul,24 11:42 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 10,Jul,24 11:31 other posts of phart 
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By bella! at 10,Jul,24 11:29 other posts of bella! 
"Looks like the Black Circus came to town!" Just sayin' that was something said during the course of the video......

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By phart at 10,Jul,24 11:14 other posts of phart 
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By bella! at 10,Jul,24 11:26 other posts of bella! 
Gee, why didn't I think of that!?

By phart at 09,Jul,24 23:14 other posts of phart 
This is obsurd.
Asking employees to be on time for work or meetings or etc, is racist??
Are they admitting that the so called "under represented" are lazy?
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By bella! at 10,Jul,24 04:34 other posts of bella! 
That is some "funny" reading material.

By bella! at 08,Jul,24 16:36 other posts of bella! 
Jim Carrey is definitely QUESTIONABLE!

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By dgraff at 08,Jul,24 21:27 other posts of dgraff 
OMG that’s funny he does a great Joe Biden impression all jokes aside I think Jim carry would be a better president than what we have now

By phart at 08,Jul,24 19:46 other posts of phart 
This lady gets it.
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By phart at 08,Jul,24 19:28 other posts of phart 

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By kebmo at 08,Jul,24 16:45 other posts of kebmo 

Hey piddles, you LOSER.
Why have you been running your mouth off about these people who need to be deleted and you haven’t even voted? What the fuck?
Don’t give me your usual bullshit just answer my question.


--------------------------------------- added after 83 minutes

Hey piddles

I’m waaaaaaaiting... I think you should vote to delete these members so go ahead.


By bella! at 08,Jul,24 16:39 other posts of bella! 
White people discriminated against her.

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By phart at 07,Jul,24 19:00 other posts of phart 
you can be the best driver in the world and still,
if it's your time to go,
what a mess, and a tragedy.
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By bella! at 08,Jul,24 16:35 other posts of bella! 
A 3 car crash resulting in 3 deaths is definitely a tragedy.

By Sir-Skittles at 03,Jul,24 20:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
[deleted image]

This piece of shit should be deleted. With extreme prejudice.

Reported and I will find the names of any cunt that tries to vote no on the deletion. Members like Leopolda and Anuslicker will likely be on that list.
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 08:12 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What are you talking about, idiot?
I don't even get to vote on anything.

If someone is consistently violating the TOS of this site, I support their ban,
but if you just don't like them, I would vote against their ban, if I even could.
By Sir-Skittles at 04,Jul,24 12:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
No should you- p-e-d-o protector. Fucking idiot.

By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 12:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What p-e-d-o? You say 'This piece of shit', but your picture is deleted and I have no idea who you are talking about. Don't make this about me.

If someone is being a p-e-d-o on this site, throw them the fuck out.
If this person has done nothing to violate the TOS of THIS SITE,
I don't give a fuck about whatever you say about them, because I don't trust you.
You are the exact type of person who would accuse someone of horrible things,
just because you don't like them. I hope no one listens to you to decide if someone
has violated the TOS.
By bella! at 04,Jul,24 12:54 other posts of bella! 
Just a bit of background, someone reported Wildfreak85 to the Evaluation Panel for review and possible deletion due to inappropriately content. At the time that I saw the referral, the picture or pictures had been removed as the following narrative was in its place; "reported images are no longer present".

The questionable images were there at one time however. at the time of my reviewing the referral, the images were removed. In good conscience, I could only vote "NO ABUSE" even though I feel that the entire profile is questionable, at best.
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 14:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I have never heard of that user, nor about the case.
If those pictures are a clear violation of the Terms Of Use,
it's up to the moderators to decide to warn or immediately cancel that user.
I'm not, in any way, speaking out against that.

What I have spoken out against is acting against a user of this site for other reasons than how that person behaves on THIS site. That's beyond the responsibility of the moderators. It's even in violation of the Terms Of Use, because it has a Privacy clause, restricting this site from gathering any private information about its users. They have to judge the users on their actions on THIS SITE and this site ONLY.

So, I looked at that user's page now, and I agree it's questionable.
But, this is obviously an adult. No laws broken here, if this was consensual.
However, isn't it prohibited now to post nude pictures on this site, without verification? If this person is verified, they have offered evidence of identity and age,
if not, these photos should have been rejected during the upload process.
By bella! at 04,Jul,24 17:42 other posts of bella! 
Get yourself verified and acquaint yourself with the "stuff" happening on the site.

By bella! at 04,Jul,24 12:56 other posts of bella! 
By the way, what is TOS an acronym for?
By Ananas2xLekker at 04,Jul,24 14:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
TOS = Terms Of Service. That's the general term for the rules of the site,
that its users need to respect or be applicable for removal.

This sites calls them Terms Of Use, but it's the same thing.
By bella! at 04,Jul,24 17:43 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for the explanation!
By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 22:38 other posts of Cody8789 
I would have voted as delete, even though they removed the content, there is no reason to be posting that disgusting stuff on this site.
By kebmo at 04,Jul,24 23:02 other posts of kebmo 
I can think of many, many examples of people who were put up for deletion and then photos in question, whatever that question was, were removed. After the photos are removed the member is no longer deletable.
If someone sees something that is absolutely illegal on this site they need to inform admin immediately!

By bella! at 05,Jul,24 04:34 other posts of bella! 
I agree with you, kebmo. If the content of whatever is posted is so egregious, I take it directly to admin because you can't depend on the voting ding dongs to get it right.

By bella! at 04,Jul,24 23:02 other posts of bella! 
I understand. Unfortunately, there was nothing there that supported the allegation and I went by what my eyes could see.
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Jul,24 02:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
yea because Anus licker, Kebmo, or Leo told her to delete it..
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 04:50 other posts of bella! 
Hey, I'm going to defend as well as add my 2 cents regarding kebmo and Ananas2xLekker.

Regarding Ananas2xLekker, Ananas2xLekker didn't have any idea that Wildfreak85 was even reported so I do not believe that he was instrumental in notifying Wildfreak85 of anything.

Same thing with kebmo, he's in the PDT timezone while Wildfreak85 is CDT. I know kebmo to be fair minded individual. If someone was reported for posting an internet picture, he probably would have placed a freeze on voting and reached out to the reported member to suggest that they delete the picture. Anything other than that, NO WAY!

By kebmo at 05,Jul,24 05:16 other posts of kebmo 
Oh piddles you’re such a crybaby. Things didn’t go the way you wanted so of course that is someone else’s fault and now you cry like a little girl. Just the usual bonehead at a keyboard in his mommy’s basement.
I don’t have to justify my actions to you but I will say this; I was expecting you to be all whiny and crying for your mommy when things didn’t go the way you wanted. Of course I was right.
By Sir-Skittles at 06,Jul,24 03:30 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kebmo die of AIDS cunt

You are trailed
By kebmo at 06,Jul,24 04:38 other posts of kebmo 
Oh piddles I am not sure why you think an idiot like yourself has the ability to bother me. Just a legend in your own mind I suppose. And look at me pushing all your buttons. I am much more intelligent than you and I know how to play you like a cheap violin.

You are a toy and I am a cat just pushing you off the table.

By Sir-Skittles at 05,Jul,24 02:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You defended the cunt predator Woody-- you are a piece of shit. You literally said he is justified in staying here...

Anuslicker You are a fucking piece of shit.
By Cody8789 at 05,Jul,24 02:39 other posts of Cody8789 
I’m sure if ananas knew what was posted on her page b4 she removed it he would have deleted her. There was not a picture in question but what she was stating about her sexual preference. So anyone that did not see this, don’t defend her for something you know nothing about. I lost my ability to the abuse panel when I deleted my account after being here for 12 years, I cannot vote in the abuse panel for another year. I believe members are to be here two years b4 they have the ability to use this feature.
By bella! at 05,Jul,24 05:00 other posts of bella! 
I tend to agree with several member's previous assessment of the Wildfreak85 profile and lean toward the profile being revenge porn. In my opinion, the entire profile seems sketchy although admin seems to think it is legit.

Just what mother objectifies their daughter?


Seriously, what mother chooses to post pictures of her daughter's breasts?

By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jul,24 07:32 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I did speak out against some of your fake trials, where you just claim stuff without any evidence. That's on you. Present your case honestly and I might agree with it.

That's not me defending any user, that's me criticizing your process.
Defendants are innocent until proven guilty. Ever heard of that?
By sherryann at 05,Jul,24 14:14 other posts of sherryann 
What is WRONG with you people? All Sir Skittles did was point out a shady member.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 05,Jul,24 15:02 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Seriously looks like they all need a bottle of Metamucil.
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Jul,24 19:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Kebmo is just mad his Temu panties caused a rash.. A lot of that going on.. and Anus licker defends all scummy cunts here.

kebmo go fuck yourself cunt.
By kebmo at 05,Jul,24 22:15 other posts of kebmo 
Did I hurt your feelers piddles? Go tell mommy.
By Sir-Skittles at 06,Jul,24 03:30 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Clean yer page cunt

By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jul,24 20:39 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Of which I was completely unaware. The first I heard of it was in the post above:
"Reported and I will find the names of any cunt that tries to vote no on the deletion. Members like Leopolda and Anuslicker will likely be on that list."

If I'm addressed in this way, I respond to it. I CANNOT EVEN VOTE!!!

If Sir Skittles points out a shady member, by describing the offenses of that member objectively, and I agree it is a violation of the Terms Of Use, I would not object to sanctions against that member. I would have supported Sir-Skittles.

The Terms Of Use say: "By accessing the site, you agree to conduct yourself in an adult manner. This specifically means being polite to all members in chats and in the discussion forums. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated by any member."
I see Sir-Skittles violate that Site Rule more than almost everyone else here.
By Cody8789 at 05,Jul,24 21:47 other posts of Cody8789 
Let me give you all a hypothetical, ok, if a member puts *u,a* porn on there page, then removes it after a complaint is posted does this mean the person can stay because they removed the content. No way in hell, they should be kicked off the site for good.
By kebmo at 05,Jul,24 22:20 other posts of kebmo 
Cody, you’re assuming that everyone saw the photos in question. That is an incorrect assumption. Proof is ALWAYS required.
By Sir-Skittles at 06,Jul,24 03:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fuck you Kebmo cunt-

I will trash yer scummy page daily
By Cody8789 at 06,Jul,24 04:01 other posts of Cody8789 
Keb,if you didn’t see it then you don’t vote all all, I guess that means if I didn’t see you shoot someone thst means your innocent even though several members did see it
--------------------------------------- added after 89 seconds

Done talking about it, finished
By kebmo at 06,Jul,24 04:24 other posts of kebmo 
Cody it is very common for people to delete questionable photos if they are put up for account deletion by the abuse panel. The process can also be frozen for 24 hours to give the member a chance to delete any photos and question. If the photo is not there, there is no proof therefore their account is in good standing. I never saw the photo so I don’t know what the problem is. Why should I vote for deletion under those circumstances? if something is so egregious as to warrant this amount of attention then maybe admin should have been informed instead.
By bella! at 06,Jul,24 05:02 other posts of bella! 
Absolutely, if referring members aren't confident that the dumbasses doing the voting will get it right, they need to take their concern directly to admin.

By bella! at 06,Jul,24 06:11 other posts of bella! 
So I shouldn't have voted either? Sorry, I don't agree with you.

Somewhere in the Forum, Skittles called out/called attention to a profile established under the screen name of Wildfreak85 as being something that appeared to be revenge porn. I looked, I agreed and publicly reached out to admin regarding Wildfreak85 asking whether he believed the profile belonged to a 38 year old female. admin's response on June 19, 2024 was as follows;

"I've seen many freaks on this site, so I can't be 100% sure. The proof of age provided was very proper though. May be she is held hostage by abusive spouse, idk."

Your analogy about not seeing someone shot another and being innocent was a good analogy but as a long time member, you are also aware of the 10 day clause, right? I believe that you are an independent thinker, is it possible that Wildfreak85 uploaded questionable content and 1) saw Skittles report or post in the Forum and removed the content OR 2) just had second thoughts regarding their upload and voluntarily removed it?

By kebmo at 06,Jul,24 04:11 other posts of kebmo 

Haha piddles I win! I made you waste 1050 points on me. All for me and it’s not even my birthday.


Do I get another 1050 points for this? Looking forward to it.

By Sir-Skittles at 06,Jul,24 04:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You are now on the List cunt.

Canadian loser- get Bella to clean your page loser
By kebmo at 06,Jul,24 04:57 other posts of kebmo 
Oh no! Please piddles!!! Not THE LIST. Please forgive me. I am so sorry and I will never do it again.
End Sarcasm

Oh I like my page just the way it i Is. Every time I open it I will think of what a dumb Idiot you are for wasting your points to no avail.


By ChainsawGutsFuck at 07,Jul,24 01:32 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
ul 6, 21:13 system: kebmo updated the comment on your abuse report: I don’t see why it’s wrong. It looks like a magazine cover and you have given no valid reason why it is wrong. Where did it come from? If every member who posted something from the Internet was deleted this place would be a ghost town!

Jul 6, 21:12 system: kebmo updated the comment on your abuse report: I don’t see why it’s wrong. It looks like a magazine cover and you have given no valid reason why it is wrong. Where did it come from?

Jul 6, 21:09 system: kebmo updated the comment on your abuse report: I don’t see why it’s wrong. It looks like a magazine cover and you have given no valid reason why it is wrong.

Jul 6, 21:07 system: kebmo added a comment on your abuse report: I don’t see why it’s wrong. It looks like a magazine cover and you have given no reason to delete the member.

The poster has a few pics up in which you call magazine covers of other pics claiming her daughter is in them... She refers to her daughter as a fat bottomed whore... It is possible if the poster is 38 then the so called daughter is ****, and being objectified by her so called slut mother. The "daughter" appears to be ****.
By kebmo at 07,Jul,24 04:13 other posts of kebmo 
After you changed your post and added another photo I changed my response.

“it is possible the poster is 38”

“the daughter appears to be (a minor)”

It’s all weak on factual information.

Let the cards fall where they may. I’ll sit this one out… maybe
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

… and now it’s frozen.
By ChainsawGutsFuck at 07,Jul,24 12:29 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
You should sit everything out completely.

You stated that the site would be a ghost town. I guess having a site full of child predators is much better.
By kebmo at 07,Jul,24 18:32 other posts of kebmo 
Child predators? So now you have evidence that this person is a minor? If that is the case you should have sent i this evidence to admin immediately.
It looks like everyone sat this one out. Why didn’t this member get deleted yesterday? It sat there for five hours and nobody touched it except me then cloudbreak froze it.
Like I said, I’ll let the cards fall where they may.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Correction: it sat for 6.5 hours before getting frozen.

By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Jul,24 08:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
No, that's not OK. If some member is putting u.a. porn on there page, they should be banned. I have no voting rights and never had, but if I get them,
I would vote in favor of banning such a member.

Understand that it is illusion to think you can kick someone off for good. However, it might be better to force the person to comply with the rules. If you ban them, they can just make a new e-mail account and register with it as a new member, under another name. Instead of a warned person who this site can keep an eye on, you have no idea and the 'new' member thinks they beat the system.

Still, if I would have voting rights and you expect me to vote on a member's removal, I need some confirmation that the member has violated the rules. EVIDENCE! If you don't have it, I would vote against removal. People are accusing each other of horrible things, left and right. I won't fall for cheap tricks to get your enemies kicked out.

By bella! at 05,Jul,24 17:44 other posts of bella! 
Check out what Judge Judy has to say about Donald Trump.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Jul,24 14:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So she says never to go after white collar criminals, because they don't attack you on the street or subway. True, they just steal your pension or your house. They cost the taxpayer billions of dollars, making YOU, the working class Americans, pay much more.

She doesn't like them to spend 5-10 million dollars on the hush money case.
Trump has to pay fines of $355 million plus interest on his fraud case, they can spend some of it to get this serial offender on all his other crimes. Law and Order ain't free.

She pretends to be a judge, but doesn't understand the crime?
Election interference! He would have had no chance to win the election, if everyone knew he was a whoremonger, who fucked women he paid, while his wife was pregnant.
Besides doing all the fraud to hide it, it's election interference, which is a crime.

A good business man?
Trump was bankrupted 6 times. Even before he was president, he had seen the inside of a courtroom more than all Judge Judy episodes combined. Trump is just a conman,
who played a good business man on TV. If he hadn't inherited an empire from his father, he would have been a bad car salesman or one of those phone scammers.
MAGA are the people who fall for those cheap lies. I just laugh and hang up.

Judge Judy is either an idiot or biassed.

By ChainsawGutsFuck at 07,Jul,24 00:54 other posts of ChainsawGutsFuck 
Do people here feel that if you send someone a gift and they respond kindly to you, that the gifted is now obligated to interact with you and be your friend?
By bella! at 07,Jul,24 03:51 other posts of bella! 

By bella! at 06,Jul,24 12:25 other posts of bella! 
Found some interesting content (wanted to refer to it as "fun facts" however I haven't fact checked it to determine whether the information is factual) regarding the last 6 presidents.

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By #717506 at 06,Jul,24 08:29
What the fuck is wrong with this world, we used to be able to gest about each others races like this classic series "Luv Thy Neighbor", the "nig nogs" jesting against the "white honkies" & visa versa, usually the white honkies coming off second best 🤣.

You wont find this hilarious series on paid TV it would be deemed racist.

Sad really, to be honest that everything is so political these days

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By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jul,24 08:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Candace Owens Leaves ‘CULT Of Science’, Flirts With Flat Earth
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If that isn't 'questionable stuff', I don't know what is.

She's not stupid. She believes stupid things, but she has enough brain matter to know this is stupid. She doesn't believe the shit she's saying, she just wants her viewers to believe it.
By dgraff at 05,Jul,24 10:33 other posts of dgraff 
Yep that’s science for you
--------------------------------------- added after 79 seconds

And then they wonder why we don’t believe the other stuff they come up with
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Jul,24 10:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What, globe earth is? Yeah, crazy that THEY want you to believe that.
--------------------------------------- added after 49 hours

You actually don't need science to tell you the earth is a globe, you just take a plane, flying along the north-south axis, at sunset. You see the sun go down the horizon below you. The sun will shine though the portholes from one side, on to the wall on the other side above the portholes. That proves the sun in at an angle below the portholes, below the plane. That is impossible on a flat earth. It would mean the plane flies above the sun.
That would make it possible to fly OVER the sun, with a plane.
Really? So, ask the flerfs, how big the sun is and how high above the earth it circles that flat earth. Ask them to take a picture from a plane, with the sun under them. They will only have stupid excuses. That's why you don't need science, to understand the earth is a globe. You just need a brain capable of some logical thinking. Draw a picture if you need to. Play with a toy plane and a light-bulb. A child can come to the right answer.
--------------------------------------- added after 51 hours

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