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Started by bella! at 13,Aug,23 11:15  other posts of bella!
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

Similar topics: 1.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF   2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II   3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III   4.Be honest!!   5.Is this about you 🤷‍♂️, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.  

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By CAT52! at 10,Mar,25 10:41 other posts of CAT52! 
Per Donnie Boy, we are heading towards a recession later this year. Hmmm, damn, he’s good. 🤣🤣
By phart at 10,Mar,25 13:04 other posts of phart 
Well, think about it, canada and mexico would rather that happen and keep their high tariffs and not do anything about the drugs coming over their borders.

IF they gave a damn, they would stop the drugs from coming into their own borders don't you think??
So yes, we will go into a ression because of canada and mexico's failure to comply with Trumps demands of stopping the drugs and stopping the killing of Americans. It is no different than if a canadian sat at the border and shot 4 people a day with a rifle. would you permit that? Probably if it made your lumber and oil cheaper right?
By CAT52! at 11,Mar,25 16:05 other posts of CAT52! 
Last year, the fentanyl that came across the Canadian frontier was 47 pounds. So why are we attacking our closest friend and biggest trading partner?
--------------------------------------- added after 46 seconds

Mexico did everything the Clown wanted, so?
By phart at 12,Mar,25 03:03 other posts of phart 
question is why do we buy electricity from canada when we can build our own power plants? That was DUMB to allow our selves to not even keep our lights on. 47 pounds, how that sounds small.,it is small. But it should have never got close to the border. doesn't canada have any drug enforcement?
By CAT52! at 12,Mar,25 11:15 other posts of CAT52! 
The Canadians are not the ones to check incoming drugs into the US. 47 pounds fit in an attached case. We, on our side of the border, need to catch it. I agree about the electric situation.
By phart at 12,Mar,25 21:17 other posts of phart 
Uh , the point flew right past you. The drugs come into THEIR country FIRST. That's when they should be catching them. Just as they should have shot down that spy balloon when it first flew over THEIR air space.
By CAT52! at 13,Mar,25 16:16 other posts of CAT52! 
Fentanyl is a synthetic drug and it’s produced everywhere.
By phart at 14,Mar,25 22:00 other posts of phart 
most of what comes over our border from mexico and canaduh is from china. and folks in both countries are bound to be getting rich from letting it slip thru the cracks.
By CAT52! at 16,Mar,25 14:12 other posts of CAT52! 
Is that reason enough to destroy the economy of three countries in North America? I don't think so. I didn't vote for the Clown, but, he was elected to fix the economy. The economy that was the envy of the world. And what's happening? Now our economy is tanking. Don't blame Biden. That's a copout. This Clown will make the next two years a hell on earth (2yrs because in the midterm elections we will take back Congress, yes and yes)
By phart at 16,Mar,25 17:51 other posts of phart 
Well the destruction will be the other 2 countries fault as they can do something to stop the drug trade. If that is not important enough to them, then whatever.
By CAT52! at 17,Mar,25 13:32 other posts of CAT52! 
Whatever? I have to suffer an economic catastrophe because some assholes like getting high on fentanyl? Because a deranged old man who doesn't know beans about history or economics was elected by an ignorant group of nothings? Right!
By phart at 17,Mar,25 14:28 other posts of phart 
Learn to shop for alternatives. You may find products made elsewhere than folks talking about cutting off the lights in 3 states because they are to high on dope they let in from china to stop it from coming into their own country or ours.
By CAT52! at 22,Mar,25 18:32 other posts of CAT52! 
Hahaha. Phart, dream on.
By phart at 23,Mar,25 02:58 other posts of phart 
continue to sell yourself out then.
By CAT52! at 25,Mar,25 17:46 other posts of CAT52! 
Tell me this, then, how many products do YOU buy that are made in the USA? And, if we wanted to change this, wouldn't you agree that a long term plan would accomplish this without destroying the economy and causing tremendous hardships on the population instead of trying to fix it in 100 days?
By phart at 25,Mar,25 18:37 other posts of phart 
i typed a long reply and this #$#$##$# fucking damn forum lost it.

how i make it work? i buy second hand everything i can. i rebuild or build from scratch anything i need mechanical.
self reliance is key to reducing foreign influence.

sadly some tooling i have bought recently is made overseas. tried for 3 years to find a second hand set of tool boxes and couldn't find anything that would function for me.

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 11:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
In 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) conducted 28,325 illegal drug seizures, totaling over 25,600 kilograms of illicit substances. This included 4.9 kilograms of fentanyl, a significant increase of 775% from the same period in 2023.
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Notably, on December 24, 2024, CBSA officers at the Coutts border crossing in Alberta discovered 186 kilograms of methamphetamine, valued at approximately $1.86 million CAD. Three weeks later, on January 18, 2025, they seized an additional 42 kilograms of cocaine, worth over $1 million CAD.
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These efforts highlight the CBSA's commitment to preventing the flow of illicit drugs into Canada from the United States.

Which country is overflowing which country with illegal drugs again?

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 12:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Canada’s new fentanyl czar says goal is to totally stop the drug from entering the US"
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By Cody8789 at 12,Mar,25 16:48 other posts of Cody8789 
Last year the fentanyl that was seized coming over the Canadian border was 47 lbs. we have more border security at the Mexican border then we do at the Canadian border so of course we seized more from Mexico,,, but how much fentanyl came across the Canadian border that was not known about.
By CAT52! at 12,Mar,25 20:54 other posts of CAT52! 
Well, if we speculate like the Clown, then I would imagine 300 metric tons or so.
By phart at 12,Mar,25 21:17 other posts of phart 
I sure the parents and family of those who died from the 47 pounds share in your humor
By CAT52! at 13,Mar,25 16:30 other posts of CAT52! 
You’ve missed the point. The deaths attributed to illegal drug misuse is horrendous and I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have a personal tragic story of someone close to them that have died or is severely addicted to it. I feel for them but, I also know that the market is provided by the user.
That, though, was not the topic we are discussing. We are discussing the tariffs illegally applied to incoming goods from our neighboring countries of Mexico and Canada. The Clown is using false data to justify his dumb logic that a tariff will stop either country from exporting fentanyl to the United States. And, if he’s right, and he’s not, then why does he go back and forth imposing the tariffs and then stopping them. And why should I or any American have to pay for this through higher prices on goods?
By phart at 13,Mar,25 18:03 other posts of phart 
You buy goods from other sources and don't pay the higher price. That is the idea,if they can't sell their shit,it will motivate them to do something about the dope coming THRU their country into ours. And like I said, there needs to be power plants being built YESTERDAY to fix the issue of being under the gun from canada for electricity. that is handing them control. SO DUMB
By CAT52! at 14,Mar,25 17:35 other posts of CAT52! 
The Clown has put a tariff on almost every country we but from. What other sources are you talking about? Are car parts available in Haiti? Can we get computer chips from Nicaragua? Now that we can’t get enough help to pick our crops, who should we buy meats and vegetables from, Etheopia?
Stop defending Donnie Boy’s insane tariff policies. He’s going to get us in a recession or worse and drag the rest of the world into it too.
Biden’s economy was doing good. Maybe inflation was a little high, but, nowhere what it is now. And it looks like it’s going to get worse. A lot worse.

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 21:48 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You know, some people are actually dependent on illegal fentanyl as pain medication, because they are suffering disabilities. Many people were once given LEGAL fentanyl like candy, by the failing healthcare system, encouraged by corrupt pharmaceutical companies that wanted to make people addicted for profit motives. When that scandal came out, many people didn't get the help they needed to loose their addiction, but they were just cut off. Some people could clean up with the proper care, but some people just still require pain medication. Being dependent on pain medication is still better than suffering horrible pain 24/7. If someone like that is denied pain medication, they HAVE TO turn to illegal sources. It's literally life or death for many people.
By phart at 12,Mar,25 22:53 other posts of phart 
I was 1 of those Guinea pigs, still have 8 of the patches. I could not tolerate the side effects and had to stop using it. Did the trick for the pain the first day, then it really fucked me up as a person and I could not do anything functional.
But I argue the point of it being life or death. Sure, the withdrawl sucks , just 2 patches of it were enough for me to go into all kinds of shit for several days after I took that second 1 off. BUT it can be done. some people are just incapable of withstanding a bit of pain without looking for a crutch.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 18:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Guinea pigs" is the wrong term, "Cash cows" is more accurate.
It's not intended for people with "a bit of pain", it's for people who are suffering.
It's the next best thing after Morphine. There are just many people suffering
in your country, because your healthcare system sucks.
By Cody8789 at 18,Mar,25 22:54 other posts of Cody8789 
The healthcare system in this country does not suck, but the healthcare system for the lower income does indeed suck, there’s a difference, if you have a good job that offers good health coverage then you are in good shape and probably won’t pay much for doctor visits or procedures. My parents didn’t pay anything and insurance was billed hundreds of thousands of dollars for there medical services, so in there case, healthcare was the best in the world.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 08:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Almost correct, your healthcare system only doesn't suck for the rich.
The lower income people hardly have any healthcare at all.
Even if you have a good job that offers good health coverage,
you still are paying more, than I would, if I didn't have any.

Total costs for a healthy pregnancy, delivery and insurance, on Platinum insurance in the US is $6,460. In The Netherlands, the national maximum rate for an outpatient delivery without a medical indication or a delivery in a birthing center is Ђ841.51 ($917.03). There might be some extra costs involved in your rate, but your $6,460 is after Platinum insurance, our $917.03 is before any insurance.
Our BASIC insurance covers the care for the mother and all her baby's needs, before, during and after birth. That's because your government allows the hospitals, pharma companies and insurance companies to get rich, by screwing patients and everyone on insurance. That money is mostly going to shareholders, not to the development of better healthcare. People like Vivek Ramaswamy get rich by leeching of that system. Then they go into politics to screw you even more.

Only the really wealthy people have your top quality healthcare,
for everyone else, even if they can afford it, it's worse than ours.
More women and children die during your $6,460 'Platinum' births,
than during our fully paid for 'basic' births.
That might be something to consider, if you're worried about low birth rates.
How many immigrants do your oligarchs need to replace your not born workers?
By Cody8789 at 19,Mar,25 14:10 other posts of Cody8789 
Isn’t that what I said exactly but without all the other bullshit you added to what I was talking about.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Mar,25 19:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Why call it bullshit? Do you think it isn't true or do you think it's not important?

How many people can afford Platinum insurance and how many people can afford $6,460, when they want a kid? Aren't kids not already expensive enough?
By Cody8789 at 19,Mar,25 21:49 other posts of Cody8789 
Why pay for a kid when you can steal them from other countries just like Putin and trump did.
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, saves your family from the nuisance of pregnancy and the cost and pain of birth, but even if you use them for slaves, you still got to feed them.
If you want them to look out for you when you're old, you need to invest in their education, because they're not much use to you, when they turn out poor.

By CAT52! at 11,Mar,25 16:08 other posts of CAT52! 
Isn't the economy doing great? Remember when he said that the stock market was going up because investors knew he was going to win the election? What happened? Did they find out what a loser he is?
By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 12:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The stocks did go up when Trump won and when he entered office,
but as soon as he started actually doing stuff, the stock market started to tank.
The idea that Republicans are good for the economy is nothing but a myth.
And the idea that Republicans ever lower the debt & deficit is a complete lie.

In any case, it's time to hold Trump accountable to his own standards:

March 10, 2025: Dow Jones Index Open: 42,507.65
March 11, 2025: Dow Jones Index Close: 41,433.48

Difference over 2 days: -1,074.17 points

Time to impeach the president!
By CAT52! at 17,Mar,25 15:52 other posts of CAT52! 
I'm afraid we'll have to wait until January 1 2027.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Mar,25 16:55 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Unless he's literally destroying America. Then, by your 2nd amendment,
it's up to the people to remove him.
By CAT52! at 18,Mar,25 15:37 other posts of CAT52! 
“It’s up to the people to remove him”. The only people that can remove him are the Vice President in conjunction with cabinet secretaries using amendment 25 or through impeachment in Congress. Hell will freeze over before that happens.
The midterm elections of ALL the House of Representatives and one third of the Senate in November 2026 will determine what party controls Congress starting on January 1, 2027. It’s not a given that Democrats will pull it off. If they do, they’ll be able to push back somewhat.
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Mar,25 16:11 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
All those democratic back-stops are being destroyed.
Democrats are showing NO leadership at all. They are capitulating.
They are losing even more support than Republicans right now.
No one will vote for pathetic losers. If there is even a fair election.

You will have only Constitutional protection left; the 2nd amendment.
MAGA would be willing to start civil war, to destroy America.
It's time that your side shows that saving America is worth it too.
By CAT52! at 22,Mar,25 18:34 other posts of CAT52! 
But we could get new blood. Right now, except for an octogenarian and a couple of tough women, we have no one that can lead the party.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 21:44 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Leading the party is important, but if the party is filled corrupt conservatives,
that leader will never be able to do something good for the working class.
That's why Bernie Sanders is now not talking about who should lead the Democrats, but about rebuilding the party from the ground up. All the other representatives are much more important. They will support actual progressives, while all the billionaires will donate millions to the corrupt corporatists. The likes who just voted with Republicans for Trumps spending bill, that cuts everything
for you and gives massive hand-outs to the wealthy.

That "new blood" is exactly what Bernie and AOC were talking about.
Watch this video from 3:53:
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By dgraff at 21,Mar,25 12:07 other posts of dgraff 
It’s the aftermath of the Biden administration
It’s going to take awhile to fix all the Democrats fuck ups
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Name some of all the Democrats fuck ups please. Don't just parrot nonsense.

Was investing in infrastructure a fuck up?
Was paying off some of the worst student debt a fuck up?
The idea being that he increased the debt and the deficit, right?
Trump did, and will again, increase the debt and the deficit, MUCH MORE!!!
And YOU will be paying MORE TAXES to fix his fuck-ups again.
By dgraff at 22,Mar,25 03:34 other posts of dgraff 
It’s not very wise of you to try to figure out what is going on in my mind
How about the way joe Biden pulled us out of Afghanistan people falling to their death from the air plane wings how about letting billions of dollars worth of military equipment with the keys hanging in them now being used as terrorist tools those are just a couple of the democrats fuck ups i was thinking of so don’t try to predict what I’m thinking it’s a dangerous game
By CAT52! at 22,Mar,25 13:46 other posts of CAT52! 
No one is perfect but what does a bunch of military equipment in the middle of a God forsaken country like Afghanistan on the other side of the world is going to do to us as we go down the tubes because of Donnie.
By dgraff at 22,Mar,25 21:37 other posts of dgraff 
What tubes we are doing just fine I can feel the savings in my wallet as the prices drop
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Mar,25 08:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What would make the prices drop? The tariffs? All the immigrants you're kicking out, who cannot produce your food anymore? The recession that is coming?
Can you explain the cause and effect you're thinking about?

By CAT52! at 23,Mar,25 11:44 other posts of CAT52! 
Really? What prices dropped?
By dgraff at 23,Mar,25 12:02 other posts of dgraff 
Gas down 30 cents per gallon
Heating Oil down 30 cents per gallon
Milk down 50 cents per gallon
Eggs down 2 dollars per dozen
It’s not much but it’s a start
It saves me 10 dollars per week
By CAT52! at 25,Mar,25 17:21 other posts of CAT52! 
I’m glad you are saving $10/week in old Pennsylvania. We, in those other less fortunate states, are selling our left kidney to afford food.
By dgraff at 25,Mar,25 18:41 other posts of dgraff 
Well why did you let Biden get us in such rough shape
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 08:20 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What did he DO???????

Biden managed to get your economy running at top speed, put people
back to work, and invested in jobs coming back to America.
That's exactly what you say you want.

Before Biden, Trump massively increased the debt and the deficit.
That's exactly what you say you DON'T want.

If you blame Biden for inflation, that's because he prioritized what YOU wanted him to do, instead of making the economy benefit ALL Americans.

Biden was TOO RIGHT-WING. He should have increased the minimum wage
for all the working class. That wouldn't have overheated the economy, and made it easier for the working class to pay for groceries. You are blaming Biden for not being LEFT-WING ENOUGH, while you have voted for Elon taking the last dollar out of the hands of the working class.
By dgraff at 26,Mar,25 09:09 other posts of dgraff 
Bull shit
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Mar,25 09:39 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's you, not having any answer.

The only thing you came up with was Afghanistan, so far.
Is that what you think left the US in such a rough shape?
The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts costed somewhere between $4 to $6 trillion.
What did you get out of that? Is terrorism defeated now?
At least Obama killed Osama Bin Laden. In Pakistan.

What did Biden do, to make life for the working class worse,
so they couldn't afford groceries?
No answer at all... Crickets!!!

I say; not raising their minimum wage. Your answer; Bull shit
That's you, knowing that I AM RIGHT!

By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,25 19:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, cry about Biden who took you out, and not about Bush who put you in.

At least he did pull you out of Afghanistan. Trump could have done that, but didn't, probably because he knew it would be messy. At least 90 more American soldiers died,
because Trump left them there.

If you're worried about the Taliban, stop supporting Saudi Arabia, their biggest supporters. Saudi Arabia got a $200 billion weapons deal from Trump. And you care about some broken helicopters and jeeps? Do I need to remind you that 15 of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia?

Better pay attention to what Trump is doing, because he's thinking about starting wars everywhere. They are hinting at Iran every day. That will be much worse than Afghanistan. Or do you want something to cry about, when a Democrat pulls you out, after you spent 10 trillion dollars and wasted the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers, for something completely useless? There is nothing to gain from war with Iran.

Anything else?
By dgraff at 23,Mar,25 12:05 other posts of dgraff 
My look up shows 3 billion in the weapons deal
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 11:12 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
OK, you're right that it's not 200 billion. I read some articles incorrectly. I read billion instead of million.
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But it's more that 3 billion too. Just one deal was already $8.1 billion, and I didn't read that one wrong.
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"It includes some of the world’s most sophisticated warfare aircraft, including precision-guided bombs, advanced F-15 fighter jets and laser-guided missiles."

Republicans were lying through their teeth about what was really left behind in Afghanistan.
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By dgraff at 24,Mar,25 11:16 other posts of dgraff 
Good 👍 the United States 🇺🇸 is making money again i hope we traded the weapons for gas ⛽️
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 11:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Why don't you sell weapons directly to Al Qaeda then?
That's not much of a difference with Saudi Arabia.
Sunni jihadists vs Sunni fundamentalists who support Sunni jihadists.
The only difference is that one group of extremist lunatics actually controls
a whole country with a military. And you are choosing to strengthen them,
just because they control oil. Never learn from history!
By dgraff at 24,Mar,25 12:48 other posts of dgraff 
I’m a business man always was always will be it’s all about making money
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 19:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So is Trump. An awful one, but he still grew up not knowing anything else.
That's why it's not a good idea to let someone like that run a country.
It requires more wisdom than just what makes you money, short term.

By CAT52! at 25,Mar,25 17:41 other posts of CAT52! 
In the whole history of the world there's been three types of people that have caused the most suffering and death. By far the worse has been the religious fanatics followed by the megalomaniacs and lastly, the money makers.

By phart at 24,Mar,25 19:04 other posts of phart 
oh poor baby, he got caught burning cars

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By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Mar,25 19:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
OK, that photo made me laugh.

By Ponomojo46 at 14,Mar,25 19:40 other posts of Ponomojo46 
I will refrain from saying anything amongst those that must truly believe the BS they say; except for this: Anannas2xlicker, why are you arguing American politics? You don’t even live here. So, when I continue to hear you bashing our President (the current one, not Joke Biden), I wonder why? Other than you seem like the type that one of the Gentleman mentioned earlier gave Whirlies in High School. Which is about the level of maturity one must be in order to believe and come up with the stuff you do. Grow up and be accountable. That’s all Republicans are asking. Do away with your childish, “Why can’t we all just get along”, while sitting around the campfire smoking pot, bullshit. It’s time to get up and do something America. Let’s not screw this up too. Dear God are you Democrats really that sore of losers? You’ve been picking him apart since months before the election. It’s not NannerNanner, it’s for real. The last one embarrassed me so much I can’t even tell you. Now that we have someone with a backbone, let him shake stuff up and get Americans off of their Covid Asses. Sorry, I just can’t believe how adamant you folks are at running down what could turn are Country gold again, and hopefully completely rid us from this “socialist bullshit”.
By phart at 14,Mar,25 21:59 other posts of phart 
Well said.

By Ananas2xLekker at 16,Mar,25 18:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I didn't come here to debate politics, I came here for the sex forums.
Then, I discovered the discussions here, with people saying things that are objectively wrong or I completely disagree with. First, I was under the misunderstanding that I could change people's mind, by providing them with logical arguments and verifiable facts,
that contradict their claims. I found out that most people here, especially the right-wingers, are completely impervious to facts and logic.

The type that gave Whirlies in High School? I tried Googling this, but it's not clear to me what you mean. Care to clarify? Is it a drugs thing? I never did drugs, nor am I interested in doing drugs. I don't even drink alcohol. I have made nothing but very responsible choices in my life. I'm highly educated, perform a valuable job that serves human needs,
and I invest time in helping family and friends, and supporting the progress of society.

Anything specific you are referring to with the stuff I come up with?

It's all very vague what you are referring to. Do you actually have some clear opinions
that you want to discuss? It seems like your opinions are based on some feelings that Trump is a real man, which I find ridiculous. I find him pathetically weak and awfully stupid, but that's not why I hate that he became your president. It's what he is doing and very likely is going to do, what I have problems with. If that just affected Americans, that's your own choice. However, it is very much affecting the rest of the world. That's why I care, even though I don't even live in the US. Don't you understand that?

I'm not a big D Democrat, I'm a small d democrat. That means that I fight for democracy, not for a party. Most Democrats are to me only a bit less awful than Republicans. I don't care about your party politics. The last thing you should do is attach your identity to a party, or worse, to a specific politician. To me, parties and politicians are expendable.
I support them, as long as they represent me, I don't represent them.

It's very funny to me, when I hear Americans talking about wanting to get rid of “socialist bullshit”. You hardly have any. The US is the least socialist country in the world and heading to a complete oligarchy. That's a system where people like us, people who have to work to survive, are completely dominated by the wealthy. Why would you want to live
in such a society?

Here's a question for you; before Trump got elected, did you think that it was very important to make Canada the 51st state and make Greenland part of the US?
Don't you think it is important for democracy that a candidate for president announces ideas like that, before people vote for him?
Or, do you just vote on a personality, and after that he can do WHATEVER he wants?
By phart at 16,Mar,25 20:49 other posts of phart 
My answers to some of that are as follows, I have no desire for canada to be part of America because frankly we don't need the liberal ideology further spread to our country. Greenland,never gave it a thought. BUT I can see how it would be a great asset for military application to secure our country and those that wish to invest in it's infrastructure to make it useful. According to google it is useful for it's seafood and resources. Sounds like it could be handy.

Social security is a socialist idea and it is belly flopping as we type. The only way it can survive is to beat,i mean tax, more money out of the working class to support it. It was not properly invested so it could draw enough interest and it was given to those that contributed little or none at all. which made it disolve all to fast.

As for voting party lines. the ballet I get being unaffiliated ,gives me the option to vote for whoever I wish on the list.the last 3 elections I have to vote straight republican as the other side was just flat out to wrong for me to support them even down to the most local level.
I have voted for a democrat more than once over the years but not often do you find 1 that actually is worth your vote. most are so far flung to the left they are hopeless.
By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Mar,25 08:02 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I was answering Ponomojo46 and I had questions for him.
Why do you feel the need to answer my questions for him?
Don't you think he has a brain of his own?

By CAT52! at 17,Mar,25 15:59 other posts of CAT52! 
Ponomojo--your President is my President and if you have a problem with a foreigner criticizing our president, let me remind you that his tariffs affect a huge part of the non-USA word. For my part I can tell you that so far he's made every family's life a costlier one than sleepy Joe ever did. How long do you think we should wait until we can really say, "Mr Trump, you are a lousy President."?
By Ananas2xLekker at 21,Mar,25 13:25 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It seems like Ponomojo46 is only interested in throwing out some ideas,
but not in actually discussing those ideas.

Dipping his toe in, but afraid of getting wet.
By CAT52! at 22,Mar,25 14:31 other posts of CAT52! 
Maybe, just maybe, he IS all wet. 🤣😈

By kebmo at 16,Mar,25 22:51 other posts of kebmo 
So it's Canada's responsibility to protect American citizens from drugs coming into their country and it is also Canada's responsibility to protect Canadian citizens from illegal guns coming into Canada from the United States that kill thousands of Canadian citizens every year.
That sounds very Trumpesque to me.
At what point is it America's responsibility to police its own borders?

Oh, and by the way, we are changing the name of Lake Erie to Lake Canada because we feel like it.

I think we will also take over the sovereign nations of the Dominican Republic and Iceland too.
--------------------------------------- added after 52 minutes

Oh yeah, and we're also in talks with Russia to put nuclear weapons on the Canada US border.
By phart at 17,Mar,25 03:00 other posts of phart 
have at it ,you can have porter rico to as we are tired of fixing them every time the wind blows down there.
BUT you are forgetting something. For the drugs to come from china to get to us thru the border, that means there is probably some scattered about being taken by your own people.which can't be good. so why is there is no concern about that?
By kebmo at 17,Mar,25 03:42 other posts of kebmo 
So you're going to boot Puerto Rico out of the United States? Why not Mississippi in Alabama as well? You are demonstrating the difference between an American and a Canadian.

Nobody likes fentanyl except drug dealers.

By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 11:47 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Making Children Die Of Measles Again! Good job, RFK Jr.!
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By phart at 14,Mar,25 12:25 other posts of phart 
Measles and other things came here from all these illegal immigrants coming into our country from places without vaccines or anything else. he has not been in office long enough to have done anything - or + in regards to a disease.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 15:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, blame the illegals. There are more people crossing your borders than just
"the illegals", and there are much more unvaccinated people that just "the illegals".
It's possible, but to make that your standard narrative for everything related to infectious diseases is just plain racism.

We have had our own uptick in measles, from people returning from Morocco and Romania. The large majority of the those people were unvaccinated, and they were infecting unvaccinated people, in the immigrant communities and the bible belt.

So why is RFK Jr banning vaccines? Why are 7 states trying to ban vaccines?
Isn't that stupid? Weren't you supporting people's own choice on this matter?
By phart at 14,Mar,25 15:47 other posts of phart 
I support CHOICE. Some parents feel the possible side effects of the vaccines are not worth the risk. Until a kid is 18 in the US it is the parents responsibility. So some parents choose not to have needles stuck in their kids.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 15:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Your politicians DON'T support choice. They support authoritarianism on this issue.
Banning vaccines isn't choice.

So you do allow parents to make a choice on vaccines, but you don't allow them to make a choice if they provide them with puberty blockers? Explain to me why that's not hypocrisy.
By phart at 14,Mar,25 15:51 other posts of phart 
Well since they can't get choice in place as law, getting rid of the vaccines is the only other way.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 15:56 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Where is that place where people don't have that choice?

About half your population didn't take the Covid vaccines.
How is that possible if everyone was forced?

Do you think eliminating modern medicine, because stupid people felt a bit pressured, is a good thing?

You're making up nonsense about non-existent authoritarianism, to justify real authoritarianism.

By bella! at 11,Mar,25 04:40 other posts of bella! 
Black on black aggression formed at an early age....

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By sherryann at 12,Mar,25 05:00 other posts of sherryann 
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Mar,25 14:37 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Would you call this "white on white" aggression or just aggression?
Isn't that formed at an early age too?
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By sherryann at 14,Mar,25 05:00 other posts of sherryann 
Ananas2, I just watched what you posted. There's no one worse than a murderer.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 10:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Worse than a murderer: a mass-murderer of children.

Of the 441 mass shootings in the United States, between 1966-2022, 54.1%
of perpetrators were white.
Most of the murders in your country are still committed by white people.
In 2023, 8,842 murderers in the United States were white, while 6,405 were black.
A further 461 murderers were of another race.

Non-Hispanic Whites are 57.7% of the US population.
That's only a tiny percentage difference between population and murder percentages.

There is definitely an over-representation of black men in the murder statistics. I'm sure you think that's because they're black. However, if you look closer to those statistics, there is a high significance between poverty and criminal behavior, especially in relation with black murderers.

Black Americans are disproportionately represented in the lower-income brackets. About 30% to 35% of Black households fall into lower-income categories (working-class or below the poverty line).
White Americans: Around 20% to 25% of White households are in similar lower-income categories.
19.5% of Black individuals in the U.S. live in poverty.
10.1% of White individuals live in poverty.

Fix poverty, and you mostly fix violent crime and murder.

By phart at 13,Mar,25 15:11 other posts of phart 
Yep, but they blame the white guy.
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Mar,25 15:26 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's what is called a "victim complex".

By sherryann at 14,Mar,25 04:17 other posts of sherryann 
Of course they do, just like they call all whites racists. And how they call President Trump a racist white supremacist which is so ridiculous it's comical. But remember, now a days, what's right is wrong and what's wrong is right!
--------------------------------------- added after 45 seconds

That was for you phart
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Mar,25 09:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Ridiculous? Trump has been advertising racist views for decades.

On Racism and Housing Discrimination (1973): "You know, I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks." — Trump made this statement in 1973 during an interview regarding the U.S. government’s lawsuit against him and his company for allegedly discriminating against Black renters.

On African American Culture (1980s): "I think the problem with blacks is they don’t have enough people that look like me, that have made it, to give them a sense of possibility." — In an interview in the 1980s, Trump suggested that Black Americans lacked successful role models in society who could inspire them to succeed, while also implying that his own success was a model for others, while he was born into a wealthy family.

On Black People (1989): "Black guys counting my money! I hate it." — In a 1989 interview with New York Magazine, Trump said this while discussing a deal involving his casinos.

On Central Park Five (1989): "I don’t believe that you should ever, under any circumstances, apologize for the crime. They should never have been released from prison. I think the police and the people that worked on the case should be proud of themselves."
— Trump took out full-page ads in New York newspapers calling for the execution of five Black teenagers wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park.
He never apologized after they were exonerated.

On Black People and Crime (1989): "The blacks are the only ones who get in trouble. White people never do." — A quote from the late 1980s, where Trump allegedly expressed a belief that Black people were more prone to criminal behavior than whites. You can give me statistics, but he said "only" and "never".

On the 1990s (1991): "I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle, Black guys counting my money. I hate it." — Another instance of racially insensitive comments that Trump made during the early 90s.

On African Americans and Wealth (1991): "Look, I’m the first to say it. The black community hasn’t done well, and that’s unfortunate. But look at all the people in jail. There’s a reason. Look at the people who don’t have jobs. They just haven’t worked hard enough." — Trump was quoted making these comments in 1991, reinforcing the stereotype that the lack of success in the Black community was due to a lack of effort.

On Racial Segregation in His Casinos (1992): "I am the king of New York. And I will not tolerate black people running things in my hotels." — In 1992, there were accusations that Trump had segregated hotel staff and kept African Americans out of certain positions. This comment was reportedly made to a Black worker at one of his properties.

On the ‘Birther Movement’ (2011): "I’m starting to think that he was born in Kenya. I am starting to think it’s true. I just don’t know." — Although this was after Obama’s presidency, it’s still worth noting that Trump’s promotion of the birther conspiracy theory implied that Obama was not a legitimate American, casting doubt on his background because of his race.

On Obama's Birth Certificate (2011): "If you don’t have a birth certificate, you’re not going to be able to run for president. I want to see if it’s real. There are a lot of questions, and I think there are a lot of people who are very interested in it." — Trump repeatedly cast doubt on Obama's legitimacy as president, questioning the authenticity of his birth certificate and reinforcing the idea that Obama wasn’t a "true" American, due to his race and background.

On Obama's "Chicago Background" (2011): "I think that he’s a guy who doesn’t understand America. He’s from a completely different background." — Trump claimed that Obama's background, including his upbringing and Kenyan heritage, made him somehow "foreign" or disconnected from American values.

On Obama's Education (2011): "I have great respect for Barack Obama, but I will say this: He’s probably one of the least educated presidents we’ve ever had." — Trump often implied that Obama was less capable or less intelligent, suggesting that his educational background (which includes a degree from Harvard Law School) was somehow inferior or suspect due to his race. Barack Obama’s academic credentials, particularly his graduate law degree and his leadership role at Harvard Law Review, make him more highly educated in a traditional academic sense than Donald Trump. Trump's education, while strong in business, does not involve graduate-level academic training in the same way.

On Immigration (2015): "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." — Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants when he announced his presidential campaign in 2015.

On a Judge of Mexican Descent (2016): "We’re building a wall. You know, the wall is going to be built. And they’re going to pay for it. Believe me, they’re going to pay for it. And I will tell you this, and you know this better than anyone, I have had tremendous success in winning cases against people of Mexican descent. Tremendous success." — Trump made these comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was overseeing a case related to Trump University. He suggested the judge was biased because of his Mexican heritage.

On African American Communities (2016): "What the hell do you have to lose? Look, I’m going to fix it. I’m going to fix it. What the hell do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs." — Trump’s comments to African American communities, which many felt perpetuated negative stereotypes.

On African Americans (2016): "Look at my African American over here. Look at him." — Trump made this comment at a campaign rally in 2016 while pointing to a Black man in the crowd, which many critics deemed patronizing.

On African Americans in General (2016): "Look, the African American community has been so great to me. I’m getting so much support from them, from the African American community." — This quote, from a 2016 rally, was seen by many as an attempt to pander to African American voters without offering real policies.

Charlottesville (2017): "You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides." — After the violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump faced criticism for stating that there were "very fine people" among both the white supremacists and the counter-protesters, suggesting equivalence between them.

On Congresswomen of Color (2019): "Go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came." — Trump made these remarks about four Democratic congresswomen of color (Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib), all of whom were U.S. citizens. This sparked widespread accusations of racism and xenophobia.

On African American Voters (2019): "What the hell do you have to lose?" — During a rally, Trump addressed African American voters with this comment, suggesting that Black Americans had nothing to lose by voting for him. Critics saw it as an oversimplification of racial issues and a stereotypical view of Black Americans.

On Native Americans (2020): "Pocahontas, they always want me to apologize for saying Pocahontas." — Trump continued to use the term "Pocahontas" to refer to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, despite Warren's self-identification as having Native American ancestry. Many criticized him for using this as an insult, considering it racially derogatory.

On African Americans and the Economy (2020): "I think that people like me, that people who love me, are the ones who have been with me from the beginning. I’m telling you, I have done more for the Black community than anybody." — Trump made this claim in 2020, suggesting that his administration had done more for Black Americans than anyone else, despite widespread criticisms of his policies and his failure to address systemic racial issues.

On Immigrants from Haiti and Africa (2021): "We don’t want people from Haiti. We don’t want people from Africa. We want people from places like Norway."
This remark was allegedly made during a private meeting with lawmakers in 2021, as reported by various sources, and it continued the same racist sentiment Trump expressed about immigration from certain countries during his presidency.

On the 2020 Election and Black Voters (2021): "They say we lost the election. Well, how come all of a sudden, in places like Detroit, they came up with all the votes for Biden? Where’s the honesty in that?" Trump continued to spread unfounded conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, including his claims about Black-majority cities (such as Detroit) and the votes counted there, reinforcing stereotypes about voter fraud in African American communities.

On "Critical Race Theory" (2021): "Critical Race Theory is a disaster. It’s a cancer in our schools. It’s un-American, it’s racist, it’s horrible, it teaches children to hate each other." Trump condemned "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) in his rhetoric, framing it as a tool that promotes division and "hatred" between races, despite CRT being an academic framework that analyzes the intersection of race and law.

On Immigrants from "Shithole Countries" (2021): "I still don’t want people from shithole countries coming here. I’m not changing my stance." Although this is a repeat of the controversial comments Trump made in 2018 about immigrants from Haiti and African countries, he reportedly reaffirmed this racist language in private conversations in 2021.

On the Capitol Riot (2021): "These are great people. These are people who love this country. These are people who are patriots. They’re just a little misguided." Following the January 6th Capitol insurrection, Trump made statements that many interpreted as excusing the violent, mostly white nationalist crowd, downplaying the racism involved and suggesting that their actions were driven by love for America.

On the Black Lives Matter Movement (2021): "Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group. It’s anti-American. It’s bad for our country." Trump continued to make disparaging remarks about the Black Lives Matter movement in 2021, claiming it was a Marxist and anti-American organization. His language played into fears about racial justice movements, undermining their legitimacy.

On Voter ID and Minorities (2022): "Voter ID is a very big deal. I want to make sure that we get the right people voting. A lot of people say that minorities can’t get IDs, but that’s not true." Trump's statements continued to perpetuate the idea that minorities are less capable of obtaining identification, an argument often used to oppose voter ID laws that disproportionately affect Black and Latino communities.

On Chinese Americans and COVID-19 (2021): "I don’t think China should be running our country. They’ve got all these people working in the White House, don’t they?" Trump made derogatory remarks about Chinese Americans and the involvement of Chinese nationals in various sectors, again fueling the idea of racial or ethnic "otherness" in relation to American politics and business.

On Immigrants and Border Control (2022): "We’re going to build the wall again. We’ll get rid of all the people coming in from the southern border who are criminals and drug dealers. They’re ALL bad people." Trump continued his rhetoric about immigrants, particularly from Latin America, as "bad people" associated with crime and drugs, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about people of Latin American descent.

On "The Squad" (2021): "The Squad is a disaster for the country. They hate America. They hate Israel. They want to destroy this country. They’re all radical left." Trump continued his attacks on progressive congresswomen of color, including Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, labeling them as "radical" and accusing them of hating America, which critics saw as a racially charged attack on these women, all of whom are people of color.

On “Woke” Culture (2022): "Woke culture is a disaster. It’s destroying our country. We have to stop it." Trump's criticism of "woke" culture often included racial overtones, as it commonly involves calls for racial justice, inclusion, and awareness. He has positioned "wokeness" as a threat to American values, often without addressing the legitimate issues it seeks to confront.

On Immigrants (rally in New Hampshire, 2024): "16 million people.... They are Poisoning the Blood of Our Country". Language that is often employed by White supremacists, nativists, which is related to quotes from Adolf Hitler, who spoke of impure Jewish blood “poisoning” Aryan German blood, in his manifesto “Mein Kampf”.

On Ilegal Immigrants (rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina 2024): Undocumented immigrants who commit murder have “bad genes,” in the latest example of the former president using dehumanizing rhetoric as he tries to stoke fears about those in the country illegally.

About Haitian immigrants (2018 ): During a meeting about immigration reform, Donald Trump allegedly made a racist remark about Haitians, suggesting that they were "bringing all their problems" to the United States, and later adding that Haitians "eat dogs." This remark was reportedly made during a meeting with lawmakers about immigration policy and was part of a broader comment that immigrants from certain countries, including Haiti, were undesirable. The comment about Haitians eating dogs was widely condemned as racist and xenophobic. It was seen as a derogatory stereotype aimed at dehumanizing Haitian immigrants. Trump denied making the specific comment about eating dogs, but the report was confirmed by several individuals who were present at the meeting.

About Haitian immigrants (2024): "In Springfield, they are eating dogs, cats, pets of people who live there" The claims began with a local Facebook group post claiming a local cat had been butchered, and spread quickly among far-right and neo-Nazi groups. Several more videos were circulating, which were all debunked as evidence for Haitian immigrants eating pets. Springfield Police investigations commander Mike Kranz told Forbes there have been “no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.”

By phart at 13,Mar,25 18:11 other posts of phart 
it is a damn shame when you have to fight tooth and nail to keep 1 of the oldest methods of wireless communications available to people.
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By sherryann at 14,Mar,25 04:34 other posts of sherryann 
Yes, indeed a shame. Sadly, most people now have their faces stuck in their phones, especially while they drive!

By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 15:18 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump supporter asking a liberal TikTok star if he's happy with Trump for saving TikTok.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 12,Mar,25 07:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Bill Burr Blasts Elon Musk for Censoring Him
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By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Mar,25 17:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
A captured Russian soldier is allowed to phone his mom and tells her that the Russian army is killing their own wounded and leave killed soldiers behind on the battle ground.
Why? Because Putin is telling the Russian people than only 498 Russian soldiers have been killed so far. Parents don't even get a note that their son was killed in the war.
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By bella! at 10,Mar,25 04:25 other posts of bella! 
I am curious as to who is behind these videos.
By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Mar,25 17:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The actual recordings are of course provided by the Ukrainian army,
but I've seen them getting shared by several news outlets and YouTubers.

Always take information like that with a big bunch of salt, but if the information is confirmed by other sources, don't just dismiss it. Russians are pretty much controlled and indoctrinated by their government, but there are still enough Russians who don't believe their dictator and provide the rest of the world with information that confirms the claims of the Ukrainians.

By phart at 10,Mar,25 13:01 other posts of phart 
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You don't interfere with your opponent when he is kicking his own ass.

By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Mar,25 17:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If this is what we know is happening in Russia, what don't we know?
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By bella! at 10,Mar,25 04:14 other posts of bella! 
For sure, agreed!

By Jamie at 06,Mar,25 20:26 other posts of Jamie 
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This why I didn't like to eat out
By bella! at 10,Mar,25 04:10 other posts of bella! 
My opinion is that we are better off NOT THINKING ABOUT WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS in restaurants. Also my opinion, that kinda deviant crap doesn't just happen at Arby's and/or fast food type restaurants. Lucky for you that you and/or your missus enjoy cooking!

By phart at 09,Mar,25 21:57 other posts of phart 
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Are you kidding? Dems don't feel like you should be able to defend yourself or your family.

By phart at 09,Mar,25 20:32 other posts of phart 
Well, you know that Donald Trump signs his executive orders on camera ,in front of media.
joe biden, didn't remember signing anything sometimes.
It could very well be, HE DIDN'T!!
Who ever controls the autopen ,controls the country. I say chunk the autopen, if you can't be there to physically sign a document, then why are you president?
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kinda odd, I can't find anything on Trump and autopen except for the junkmail stuff wanting campaign money

By CAT52! at 06,Mar,25 22:45 other posts of CAT52! 
The far left, the Democrats, are not doing right by veterans. Wait till Donald Trump gets elected/sworn in. Now we see what they meant.

By dgraff at 19,Feb,25 11:35 other posts of dgraff 
Go Doge go
55 billion in cuts to do nothing organization with in our government yes you seen that right 55 billion so far and they only scratched the surface the democrats are scrambling makes me think maybe they have lots to hide
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

If this don’t discredit the democrats for ever nothing will don’t believe me let’s talk about how much money the Clinton’s were paid out of taxpayers money with no explanation as to why
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 15:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Five plane crashes now?

He just fired the nuclear safety officers, people who are protecting your nukes!
What accidents or attacks would you like happening?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has the job to police the bank and loan industry, to not scam it's customers. Trump is literally defunding the finance POLICE.

He's targeting CISA now, the agency that protects your elections from foreign hackers.
For a guy who keeps saying that the election was stolen from him, that's just clear evidence that he was lying and he wants to steal the next election.

Trump has muzzled the CDC earlier and is now ordering CDC and NIH layoffs.
Your eggs are this eggspensive, because of the raging bird flu. Not a good time to cancel the only agencies assigned to keeping that under control.

Are you still pretending you care about The Constitution?
If you want to cancel government agencies, you need to go through CONGRESS!

If they are cutting so much wasteful spending, then why did the House GOP just release
a budget that raises debt limit by $4 trillion?
By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:33 other posts of phart 
those planes crashed before the cuts. all the employees that were sent home were not permanent yet and were still in training so were not contributing anything yet.
I just read about 40 billion of credit card exspenses that elon found.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 16:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Then the question to you to: If they are cutting so much wasteful spending, then why did the House GOP just release a budget that raises debt limit by $4 trillion?

Those plane crashes happened AFTER, trump fired lots of FAA employees.

What Elon found is nothing but rumors, unless he is TRANSPARENT about it.
By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:36 other posts of phart 
change is expensive, and may take a while to take effect to bring about the savings. Consider it a investment, just as you want to invest government money in alternative energy and justify the high cost of the change. You don't mind high cost when it is related to something you agree with it seems
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 16:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's not "change", it's just stupid cutting with a blunt axe.

By dgraff at 23,Feb,25 14:08 other posts of dgraff 
After reading this crap 💩 you posted about air planes crashing i can’t hold my tongue anymore I’ve been fascinated by air plane crashes since the mid 70s and why they crash they crash because the FAA is broken and in need of an overhaul
1 air traffic control is using 40 year old equipment for tracking incoming and outgoing flights half the ping towers don’t work properly this is were 70 percent of the problem lies
2 pilots are not being trained properly in emergency situations that a flight simulator can’t duplicate
3 plane failures are much more common as technology increases automation involves electronic that are known to fail
I’ve been watching planes drop from the sky over 40 years are they all Donald trumps fault you Dutch people have had your fair share of plain crashes is that Donald trumps fault let them over haul the FAA and make flight safe again
By CAT52! at 23,Feb,25 16:46 other posts of CAT52! 
No one said it's all Donnie Boy's fault, but, you've got to admit the US airline industry went many years without a serious accident and then, the Clown shoes up and bang goes the industry.
By dgraff at 23,Feb,25 16:56 other posts of dgraff 
Now that’s a false statement we had 4 planes crash before he changed anything that what made them even look into what is going on in the first place
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Feb,25 11:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump doesn't have to change ANYTHING, for things to change.
Billionaire assholes knew from day one, that they can do
whatever they want now, at whatever cost, and get away with it.
They started firing their own tower control staff and hired cheap unqualified staff
from second parties, immediately.

Risking peoples lives to save a buck, will be the norm now.
It's not just the FAA, it's the people who are checking your food.
A nasty E. Coli infection from your piece of beef can kill you just as effectively
as an airplane crash. They know now that they can sell you contaminated meat, double the interested rate on a loan without even telling you, tell you that you
don't need that operation that would save your life, all because they know Trump
will protect them when they destroy YOU.
By dgraff at 24,Feb,25 12:00 other posts of dgraff 
Oh I understand now
You know everything so I should just sit back and go by any thing you say
And then you wonder why @tecan@ quit answering your posts
Your one like the guys i used to give wirllies to in high school
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Feb,25 12:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
We were all warning you before the election.
Trump is doing everything we warned you that he would do.
You didn't have to believe me, you could just have LISTENED TO HIM.

When you saw Trump with all his billionaire tech buddies around him,
that should have been a hint that he cares about them and not you.
They give him money, you just voted for him. He doesn't need you anymore.
He has two years to make sure he never needs any votes anymore.
Even when you start regretting your vote, it won't matter anymore.
By dgraff at 24,Feb,25 12:10 other posts of dgraff 
He’s doing a great job so far
I give him a standing ovation 👏
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Feb,25 12:17 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm sure you like all the immigrants getting deported.
I'm sure you like all of the government getting destroyed.
I'm sure you like all the dumb-assery that is upsetting the libs.

You will not like the results for your country.
It might take a little longer for you. You have money.
You can always sell your gun collection.
By dgraff at 24,Feb,25 13:49 other posts of dgraff 
I’m laughing all the way to the bank
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Feb,25 17:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Do you think Trump will make you richer? How?
By phart at 24,Feb,25 22:14 other posts of phart 
Our gas prices locally have come down a bit already. Now hiring signs are everywhere, so any government workers getting sent out the door shouldn't have any issues getting another job.
I like the immigrants being deported. The local crime rates are coming down.

It takes major moves to fix problems, especially those so deeply imbedded in our government.
By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Feb,25 16:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And you think that's because of Trump why?
He has done nothing yet that could result in those things.
However, his trade war with Canada will blow up your gas prices.
And if he actually goes trough with the tariffs, everything will be more expensive.

I know you didn't see any real stats about crime going down,
you just make that up to confirm your own bias.
It was a lie in the first place that illegals were causing crime.
Illegals commit crimes at a much lower rate than US citizens themselves.

Trump and Elon are not fixing your government, they are destroying it.
Do you have any clue how a government works? Do you think that when Trump signs off on a law, it would magically turn into reality? Have you ever even talked with a government worker and asked them what they are doing on a daily basis?

Trump/Elon are firing people with years or decades of experience and eliminating all the organization around them, which took many decades to put together. Once destroyed it will take the same amount of time to organize alternatives. Knowing Trump and Elon, he will want to outsource most to private companies. Do you have any idea how much more expensive that is? It's at least TWICE the price. That's exactly what the billionaires want, because they will profit from that, but YOU, the tax-payer will pay for that.

Or do you think you can go without an FDA, or the SEC?
It means you are not sure to survive if you take some cough syrup or a Tylenol, or some butcher kills you when you need an operation.
It means you can get screwed on any mortgage, insurance, loan or pension.

I know your government isn't doing as good of a job as we have in Europe,
but it isn't as bad as they have been telling you. That's just propaganda.
Propaganda from the wealthy, who don't like an FDA or SEC policing them.
They want to be able to do crimes unchecked, which would send you to jail.
They were already getting away with horrible crimes or just got a slap on the wrist or a fine that the customers end up paying. Trump will give the billionaires absolute immunity against repercussions, when they exploit and abuse you. Why are you OK with that?
By phart at 25,Feb,25 17:47 other posts of phart 
If out sourceing and contract work were so much more exspensive than doing it in house, there would be alot of unemployement. Most hwys are built by contractors in states because the states realized they could hire road building,bridge building and so on to contractors much cheaper than doing themselves.Same with government work.
It can be automated or farmed out to contractors.
Alot of companys farm out their phone tech support and such to India to save ALOT of money.

This country's government needs to be saving money and what money it does spend needs to be doing the most good for the taxpayers that send it in.
We need Production, profit,and success for this country,
Rubbers to overseas countries,what the hell?
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Feb,25 10:17 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Do you want to outsource government jobs to INDIA?
Sure, let another country handle your critical and personal information.

I'm not talking about simple IT-work, that's no problem and you can be sure that was already done. I'm talking about specialist services. It's much cheaper to have government workers do that, than have it contracted under private companies.

Our government cut funds to our tax authorities. Many highly skilled and experienced tax auditors left the tax authorities to find jobs at big accountant offices (like the "Big Four"; PwC, Deloitte, KPMG and EY). Then the tax authorities weren't able to implement the big changes that same government demanded of them anymore. It resulted in a big farce, which the next administration (mostly the previous administration) had to fix. They were unable to rehire the old employees, because they were now making buckets full of money. They could also not find new employees with the same qualifications, because they prefer working for the "Big Four", so they needed to hire staff from the "Big Four", who are much more expensive. Not only do they make more money, the "Big Four" makes a lot of profit, making those employees several times more expensive.

One of our neighbors daughters worked there. She's now a Senior Financial Officer in one of those "Big Four" firms. She still talks about the chaos she found, when she was deployed at the tax authorities. By the way, she makes a bunch of money. She bought a big house, on her own, just recently. With the current prices, that is at least a $600,000 house.

When you force out people from your government, like Elon does, the strong employees leave and the weak employees try to stick around as much as they can. That stupid email Elon sent around ("Tell me what you did this week") doesn't work either. The strong employees just don't react and demand their severance pay, the weak employees will react and make up something good. Do you think Elon has the manpower to check millions of emails? It's the dumbest thing ever. He will fire the good workers and keep the weak workers. When you find out your government is completely broken to shit, you will not find ant good workers and you'll have to hire very expensive workers from private firms. And that is exactly Elon's PURPOSE. He or his techbro buddies will provide them, at a fucking high price. The exact opposite of what they tell you they are doing.
By phart at 27,Feb,25 12:32 other posts of phart 
Government is bloated.
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Feb,25 16:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
That's what they tell you. When is a government too big?
If you ask me, your government isn't doing near enough for its citizens.
By phart at 28,Feb,25 17:23 other posts of phart 
Up until jan 20, it was to busy doing for IT'S SELF.
20 billon stuffed in a bank for later distribution
What will you say when there is actually a check going out to the people after doge finishes as a % of the savings created? I don't much care about a check as much as I would just like to see taxes reduced by that % for everyone.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Mar,25 22:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
First of all; did you actually see any evidence or confirmation of that 20 billion, because literally everything that Elon has been saying has been shown to be untrue?
Secondly; buffers are not waste, unless it's several times the yearly expenditure. Do you know what's their yearly expenditure?
If you don't you're just babbling.

If everyone gets a check, that's waste, because most people are not going to use that wisely. It's just tax-dollars that could have been used for better goals.

Kash Patel has just one goal; legitimize Democrats and Democratic goals. He's a plant. I would expect nothing less from him than investigate something like this. He announced that he was going to do that, way before. Also he is completely unqualified to run any large organization. But that can be said for almost all Trump's people.
And the ones who might have some qualification are forced to shut up and do as they're told, no matter how unwise the task they are given. That's asking for trouble. Trouble that will affect American citizens.
From within the FBI, whistleblowers are already warning about the rot Patel is bringing in. Is your media actually telling you that?

By Sir-Skittles at 05,Mar,25 00:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
DOGE up!

No need to fund transgender studies in Pakistan

By CAT52! at 04,Mar,25 16:30 other posts of CAT52! 
Okay, MAGAS and other Clown supporters, don't you feel now like an athletic supporter? Hahaha. He's efing us up like a 18 yr old in a bordello. I love it. You voted for him. Hahahahaha. 🤣🤣😈
By phart at 04,Mar,25 16:43 other posts of phart 
Really? When the covid shot was pushed onto the American people there was sickness and side effects suffered by millions. BUT they recovered. It will be similar with the tariffs. IF tariffs were harmful , why hasn't europe fell apart since they tariff the hell out of our products? UM>????
When the canadians start feeling the pinch when their products don't sell as well, they will come around. We don't need them, they just come in handy to preserve our resources while they sell theirs off to us leaving themselves vulnerable in the future. DUH.
This is the long term goal of the short term effects of the tariffs.

No, John Deere is not moving production to Mexico, and the company is doubling down on its commitment to U.S. manufacturing.

In response to threats from former President Donald Trump, John Deere has emphasized its investments in U.S. factories.

Since 2019, Deere has invested over $2.5 billion in U.S. factories, including new facilities in Iowa, Illinois, and North Carolina.
Deere has also purchased a farm in Texas to test advanced farming machinery.
Deere has stated that less than 5% of its U.S. sales are manufactured in Mexico.
Deere has also stated that more than 75% of all sales in the United States are from U.S.-based manufacturing facilities.

Deere has said that it relies on its U.S. employees to deliver quality tractors
By CAT52! at 04,Mar,25 18:31 other posts of CAT52! 
No there was NOT sickness and side effects suffered by millions. There wera a few but normal amount when new medication goes public.
It seems that now you agree that Covid shots worked even with side effects. I watch adds for meds on TV and they all come with a warning about side effects
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In the first quarter of 2025, John Deere's net income was $869 million, a 50% decline from the same period in 2024.
John Deere announced that it will move its skid steer and track loader manufacturing from Dubuque, Iowa to Mexico by the end of 2026.
John Deere announced its 2025 Startup Collaborator program.
John Deere revealed new autonomous machines and technology at CES 2025.
Company response
John Deere says that the layoffs are due to changing agriculture economy conditions in the U.S.
John Deere says that it is investing in automation to improve manufacturing efficiency and reliability.
John Deere is addressing cost concerns by reducing the prices of some new technologies.
Other initiatives
John Deere is helping soldiers find new careers with the U.S. Army Reserve.
John Deere launched an Innovation Hub in Austin, Texas.

Seems to me like John Deere is following good business practices
By phart at 04,Mar,25 23:05 other posts of phart 
Most including members of my family that I know that took the shots had side effects.

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Feb,25 21:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Remember how you MAGA boys attacked Biden for not sending FEMA to help
after Hurricane Helene? That wasn't true, because Biden signed the order immediately.
Anyway, on the 17th of February, West Virginia Governor Patrick Morrisey requested a FEMA disaster declaration for 13 counties throughout the Southern part of West Virginia. There are huge floods, leaving 3 people dead in McDowell County.
To date, there has been NO response from the Trump Administration.
He is screwing over his biggest supporters.

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Meanwhile Trump is talking about canceling FEMA all together.
But, knowing you, you'll do a 180, and you agree with that now.
By phart at 28,Feb,25 01:33 other posts of phart 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Feb,25 12:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Wow, and he 'only' took a WHOLE WEEK to succumb to the pressure to do it.
You're crazy to think this absolves him.
If Biden would have waited a week, you would demanded his head.
By phart at 28,Feb,25 17:25 other posts of phart 
he is not "canceling" fema, He is looking at distributing funds to the states for them to do the work. the money is not being taken away, the federal influence is. states should be able to direct funds and help where needed faster as they are more locally based.
By CAT52! at 28,Feb,25 18:12 other posts of CAT52! 
Sure, that's the plan. Now, how is Louisiana going to get help from Oregon after a hurricane. How's Florida going to get replacement housing after a catastrophe? How are communities who lost cell phone service after a catastrophe going to get temporary cell tower hubs? And how is that money going to be distributed? Who will declare a national (loops, I meant a state) emergency?
The reason we have FEMA now is because Congress, unilaterally, recognized that, in a national catastrophe, time is of the essence, and by pooling the resources lives are saved, damage is stopped.
By phart at 02,Mar,25 23:54 other posts of phart 
It is not up to other states to help others besides themselves.
Why should any of the other 49 states pay money to rebuild a house 6 times in the same spot in Louisiana with tax money every so often? that's why our insurance is high ,that's why taxes are high. Florida would be sent x amount of federal money just as any other state and could put it where the state officials feel it needs to be spent. faster than the feds because no act of congress would be needed to get the money out. States are divvied out the money anyway, as the feds don't come out and fix the road,the state gets the road fixed and then gets federal money and so on. the itty bitty 750 dollar check can come from a state or county office with in hours of a situation instead of weeks.
By CAT52! at 03,Mar,25 12:59 other posts of CAT52! 
It's not my state or yours. It's my country and yours. We all pull together.
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Replacement housing after a catastrophe is paid by insurance, not FEMA. You are, also, not doing the math. A poor state like Alabama can't put out money like the Feds. Why are you always so chinsy with Fed money? It's in the coffers already and should be used for everyone's benefit. California alone contributes more to the Feds than a bunch of other states put together.
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California, New York, Texas, and Florida are the states that pay the most federal taxes. These states also have the largest populations.

We don't complain when the Carolinas need FEMA. On the contrary, we want to help.
By phart at 03,Mar,25 15:14 other posts of phart 
You must have missed what I said. If the fed budget says 1 trillion dollars for fema and staying in washington, instead it would be 1 trillion dollars spilt 50 ways to all states for distribution each year.
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Mar,25 21:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The states don't have that kind of money, so they need to increase state taxes
to pay for it. Why would you need to change this? Just because Trump says so?
By phart at 04,Mar,25 00:42 other posts of phart 
gee, let me see if I can draw a picture here.
The federal budget sets aside x money for FEMA.
IF fema is ditched, then the money that would be set aside for fema, would be divided among the states. THUS the states WOULD have the money to deal with emergency's because they would have the money that fema would have been given sent to them each year.
state governments and county governments can dispatch resources sooner than feds any day. Because they are already within a short distance of the issues.

By CAT52! at 04,Mar,25 13:53 other posts of CAT52! 
That would end up being used to fix state government private homes. A piggy bank is the way to go
By phart at 04,Mar,25 14:39 other posts of phart 
Yea, who's going to make sure the piggy bank is not under control of radicals?
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By CAT52! at 04,Mar,25 16:27 other posts of CAT52! 
Give me a break, Phart.
By phart at 04,Mar,25 16:37 other posts of phart 
I am, i am just trying to wake you up to facts you want to gloss over. i even used a reputable news source
By CAT52! at 04,Mar,25 18:25 other posts of CAT52! 
But, Phart, all you see is conspiracies and bad intentions AS A RULE and not as an exception. For every crooked Democrat I can show a crooked Republican. I find as a rule that I identify with Democrats more than Republicans, but, there are a lot of Republicans that are honest and hardworking. You are always scared that someone is going to steal the piggy bank.
This administration is using that fear to provide more money to the rich at the expense of the middle class. I won't change your mind but let's see how happy you are in the next four years.
By phart at 04,Mar,25 23:03 other posts of phart 
that is a reasonable and civil response. Will I be happier in 4 years? That is yet to be seen. BUT I do know had we continued on the path we were on, I would not have been for sure. has kamala paid back that 20 million debt she created yet? She was running to be in charge of the US and can't even operate with in her campaign budget.

By phart at 02,Mar,25 23:50 other posts of phart 
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Making more genius's.
Staying busy or squirting in a test tube and mailing it to perspective mothers?
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Mar,25 21:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
He's not a genius. He was born wealthy, and invested well. That's mostly luck.
But, he does have talent in selling dreams to people. That doesn't require genius.
He's not an inventor. He stole Tesla from the people who actually started it.
He has also been defrauding investors and

Elon is a South African former illegal immigrant well-fair queen ketamine-addict hypomanic robber-baron, but you like him because of his self-created genius myth and because he reposts bullshit on the media outlet that he specifically bought to give people brain-rot.
(he overstayed his visa and takes billions is subsidies from the government)

This guy destroys the myth of Elon Musk with actual facts:
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By phart at 04,Mar,25 00:48 other posts of phart 
the face democrats make when they say things like this. Jealous rage is all I read out of that. Sorry, If he was not smart, he would have lost what he was born into.

By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Mar,25 10:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Just like in Game Of Thrones, when the real powers made him king, they own him.

By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Feb,25 09:44 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Why did Elon Musk rename Twitter to X?
It is the character on his keyboard that most closely resembles a swastika.

By bella! at 25,Feb,25 11:41 other posts of bella! 
This father speaks SENSE!

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By phart at 25,Feb,25 14:42 other posts of phart 

By bella! at 22,Feb,25 19:51 other posts of bella! 
Has Michigan gone full blown WOKE!? People and businesses located in Mount Clemens, a big little city located in the tri-county Metropolitan Detroit area are outraged over signage being posted in their community.

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By willd at 23,Feb,25 02:16 other posts of willd 
Seems like. You’d think they’d figure out people are kind of over that
By bella! at 23,Feb,25 05:29 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, I'm not sure that I understand your response. What are people "over"? Me, I find it odd that folks would be offended by a sign that states "White lives matter" yet "Black lives matter" is okay. "Straight pride"...."Gay pride"...... and?
By willd at 23,Feb,25 05:45 other posts of willd 
I guess I misunderstood. Apologies. I was referring to the fact it seems so many are easily offended or looking for something to be offended by. Sorry I wasn’t more clear.
By bella! at 23,Feb,25 18:21 other posts of bella! 
Apparently I misunderstood your post so no need to apologize for anything!

By phart at 19,Feb,25 02:34 other posts of phart 
Elon Musk, "yes I want to die on Mars , just not on impact"
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 08:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What a useless way to spend his fortune. Remember how you cared about your homeless and people who cannot afford groceries, once?
By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:35 other posts of phart 
still do. And the housing tech developed for mars , has to meet several specs. light weight ,easy to construct and able to insolate from the cold and heat.
Same thing homeless shelters would need to do.
The tech for food production, again, would need to be lightweight to transport to mars and work with very little resources, same tech could be used here on earth to make food for the hungry.
Not to mention, the educated people that want good paying jobs can work for Elon to create that new tech.
Open your eyes, remove the blinders, leave the hate at the door and look around.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 16:41 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The technology for Mars housing is completely useless for Earth.
It's the same nonsense trickle down idea, you guys believe about cutting taxes for the wealthy. It never worked, it only made the wealthy more wealthy and the poor more poor.
By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:46 other posts of phart 
Why? Shelter is shelter
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Feb,25 09:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Does your shelter on Earth need to be airtight and insulate against -210°F?
You're clutching at straws to defend this shit. Don't be an idiot.

We already can make affordable housing in multiple ways.
It's all about the MONEY, not about the technology.

You will be spending hundreds of billions or trillions on Elon's hobby,
and let him eliminate social security to pay for it.

Since when do people need to live in shelters? How poor is your country?
This is technology that is designed for third world shit hole countries.
Is this what you think would Make America Great Again?
Do you have the ability to feel SHAME?
By phart at 20,Feb,25 12:50 other posts of phart 
don't you have any sense? how hot does it get in africa? if a shelter can insolate from -210,it can also insolate from +120. which the tech could be used in texas and other hot places to.
think before you bash. your idea of affordable housing mimics 5 star hotels built with tax money for people that do nothing but lay around and play video games and get welfare.
Affordable housing is needed all over the world,for people that need a hand up to do well for themselves. ONCE we get America back on it's feet, we can help others in new affordable ways. The cheaper we can help others, the more we can help. it is a process that will take time. We have to get America going well first though
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Feb,25 15:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The Mars mission is not going to add any tech for that, because it's already possible to insulate well enough. It's just cost why it's not done. Since space missions are not about cost, it's useless for the development of cheap shelters.

It's nonsense straw-manning that I would want to pay people for sitting at home.
I want people to have worthwhile jobs on a living wage. I don't want to pay more taxes to help people who can take care of themselves. I also don't want to pay more taxes to support billionaires exploiting workers. That's my taxes going directly into the pockets of the wealthy. I am willing to pay taxes to help people maximize their potential, as an investment with a public return on it.

Stop thinking I want welfare! I just want to stop the EXPLOITATION.
It would be nice if you finally understood what socialism really means.

Affordable housing means for me:
- Blocking land speculators who don't add anything, but just leach on the system.
- Kicking out foreign investment firms and invest publicly.
Instead of huge profits leaving the country, I want rent going back in the treasury.

According to our Constitution, housing is a government responsibility.
I want my government to live up to it again, because they gave it away to the wealthy as a revenue model, making housing incredibly expensive.

America was back on it's feet. You are the one destroying it.
Everything that was organized to make your country run, is gone in weeks.

Do you even have some ideas about those "new affordable ways"?
Have you ever even heard Trump or Elon or any Republicans pose any ideas?
Or is it just your faith, that after the government is made very small, it will all
come together? Can you show that there is some method to your madness?

You don't need to help anyone, just stop cutting away the floor below them.
Stop letting those robber barons exploit everyone. That will MAGA.

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Feb,25 09:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump, Elon, all the Republicans in the House and the Senate are in agreement.

Remember how they all booed Biden when he said they would do that?

Elon is already spreading the lie that over half of social security is fraudulent,
so they can MAKE UP SHIT TO CUT IT.

They are just making up stories about waste, fraud and abuse, to PREPARE YOU
for REAL CUTS. All the right-wing media is now parroting these lies.

You are a fucking moron, if you believe this bullshit story that there are dead people
or 150 and 200 year olds getting social security.

And when Trump cuts your social security (to who it may apply), they will tell you:
"We are not pissing on you, it's raining!"

By bella! at 13,Feb,25 05:24 other posts of bella! 
"Millions of your hard-earned tax dollars WASTED on “gender-affirming care” for mice, rats, and MONKEYS! You can’t make this stuff up—these people out here tryin' to make animals tranny!"

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By phart at 13,Feb,25 13:31 other posts of phart 
That's how democrats "create" jobs. By doing USELESS things.All that pain and suffering for animals for what?

By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:48 other posts of phart 
notice ananas and cat have not replied to this? No defense for it.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 17:41 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Millions wasted? Why do you think it's a waste and why do you care about millions,
while Elon Musk is stealing trillions.
By phart at 20,Feb,25 01:11 other posts of phart 
can you show us where he is taking the trillions from and where he is putting them? His team can show where the money went,can you

By CAT52! at 20,Feb,25 00:16 other posts of CAT52! 
It amazes me how you conservatives, MAGA people really, can take a kernel of truth, out of context, and come to a conclusion that is totally not true. Yes, I’m sure the “kernel” is true, but did you or President Musk asked why?
Yes, animal research is frequently used to study human behavior, as animals can serve as "models" to investigate basic psychological and physiological processes that are shared with humans, allowing researchers to manipulate variables in a controlled environment and gain insights into human behavior that might be difficult to study directly in people; however, it's important to note that findings from animal studies should be interpreted cautiously when applying them to human behavior due to biological differences between species.

Scientists have used animals to study human conditions, and while you may not agree with the reality of transgenderism (is that a word?), it’s there and must be understood and handled.
Yes, Phart, I didn’t address this post fast enough. To be honest, I’m not very interested in pushing back on the ridiculous happenings that my country is going though thanks to those Co-Presidents occupying the White House.
They are self-serving, uninformed and/or lacking knowing how a government is supposed to help its people. They seem to want to push it to the limit and, I’m sure they will succeed to a point.
This is starting to look a lot like Cuba in the early ‘60s, Nicaragua in the ‘70s, or Germany in the 1930’s. My question is, “When will the Military stage a coup. After all, they pledged loyalty to the Constitution and NOT to any clown or clowns trying to destroy democracy.
By phart at 20,Feb,25 01:35 other posts of phart 
yea, and if you get a Doge rebate check, just sign it and mail it to me, I will put it in a good place being you won't appreciate it or want it since Elon got it for you.
By CAT52! at 20,Feb,25 01:40 other posts of CAT52! 
He wouldn’t send spit unless there was something in it for him. And that would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?
By phart at 20,Feb,25 01:51 other posts of phart 
what have you saw in the past year or 2 that makes you think elon needs any more of anything than what he had before jan 20?
By CAT52! at 20,Feb,25 04:42 other posts of CAT52! 
Are you kidding? He’s lousy with government contracts.

By phart at 20,Feb,25 01:48 other posts of phart 
Hey Cat, Since you think in trillions, hows 10.9 trillion in loss's,
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By phart at 20,Feb,25 01:47 other posts of phart 
Hey Anannas,

You know those wonderful regulations democrats like?
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By phart at 19,Feb,25 17:04 other posts of phart 
mass transit in europe is so safe!
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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,25 17:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Accidents still happen, just not as often as in the US, per mile or km of track.
The risk of death for a train passenger within the EU is around 0.09 fatalities per billion train kilometres.
In the US, it's 0.5 deaths per billion miles traveled on Amtrak and commuter rail lines.

By phart at 19,Feb,25 17:02 other posts of phart 
Looking forward to this coming to our local Wendys, I stopped going there because I could not understand the persons accent and they always got the orders wrong.
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No retirement cost,no training needed, no over time pay,no workers comp,not asking for a raise or a day off. no sick days,
AI will work 24-7 and pay for it's self in short order. looking forward to it's take over of alot of jobs.

By phart at 19,Feb,25 16:44 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 18,Feb,25 23:58 other posts of phart 
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By CAT52! at 18,Feb,25 14:04 other posts of CAT52! 
Ten days left in February and my food bill has doubled. Donnie, baby, I've been a good girl. Couldn't you give me a grocery cart full of steaks and eggs? 😋😋😈
By bella! at 18,Feb,25 14:45 other posts of bella! 
Eggs are expensive and Trump had nothing to do with that.
By CAT52! at 18,Feb,25 15:19 other posts of CAT52! 
But he's my president and he promised to lower prices on day one of his administration. Also, I understand the high price of eggs, but, what about all the other things that have gone up in the last 20 days?

By CAT52! at 18,Feb,25 14:01 other posts of CAT52! 
Donnie Boy: "I will end the Ukrainian war on the first day of my administration". And, by God, he did. Now it's just a matter of tying some lose ends. 🤣🤣😈

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,Feb,25 17:16 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Trump administration wants to un-fire nuclear safety workers but can’t figure out how
to reach them." When plane crashes, due to Trump firing hundreds of FAA employees,
are not devastating enough, Trump fires nuclear safety workers.

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By phart at 17,Feb,25 02:05 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 13,Feb,25 16:38 other posts of phart 
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Ananas2xLekker . what is your take on this? Someone buys the vehicle of their choice and is threatened by college kids that don't like the person behind the manufacture of it.

To me, it shows lack of balls if a college kid, is lousy enough to beat up a defenseless, expensive vehicle instead of taking their frustrations out on the person they don't like. I mean, gee, go after Elon and then get arrested and be in all the papers for throwing bricks at the worlds richest man if you are really that mad. I think it is just childish, self created justification for being poorly raised, disrespectful brats.
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Feb,25 17:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I don't care what some college kids are saying, I care what politicians say.
Your side is not shy about threatening people either.

Of course it is very dumb. If one owner sells their Tesla,
it will just belong to someone else. They can't force Elon to take em back.
But, they might make people fear owning a Tesla, which hurts Elon.
I'm certainly never going to buy a Tesla anymore now, even if they will make a car
that fits my wishes.
By phart at 13,Feb,25 17:47 other posts of phart 
I am mostly wondering if you are ok with these kids damaging property that folks worked hard to pay for?
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Feb,25 10:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Of course not. People couldn't predict that Elon would be like this.
Most people who drive Teslas are working class too.

We shouldn't threaten each other. It's the owner class who should shit themselves.
By phart at 14,Feb,25 15:25 other posts of phart 
Good, can you help me understand who taught these college kids that vandalism of peoples cars is a good idea? Besides, if you want to get technical, Ford is still in business and he and Hitler got along fine. So using "nazi" as a reason to bash a persons car is just bs. if they really beleived this , it would have been going on for decades and the jails would be full of vandals, or the cemetery's depending on whos car they bashed.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Feb,25 15:42 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Your side shows them every day that violence and vandalism is a good idea.
Of course they don't understand that it's only allowed for your side.
Maybe put some government adds on TV to explain that.

If Ford was openly nuts-gargling Trump, and helped him destroy democracy,
they wouldn't sell cars anymore either.

Given a few years, if Elon is gone or picked up his brain again, maybe people
will buy Teslas again too. People have the memory of a goldfish.
It's what a company does at the moment that's important. Once the company
takes a distance from the past, they are quickly forgiven.
I'm sure Elon knows that and is betting on it.
By phart at 14,Feb,25 20:05 other posts of phart 
what violence is the republicans committing right now? Where are the city's burning? only registered users can see external links this is the liberals way of dealing with musk.
You mean to tell me, it is ok to waste money? it's not ok to call it out? Democrats have a long hard battle to defend millions of waste.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Feb,25 23:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
So far those kids have also only threatened to damage cars.
Trump supporters are threatening PEOPLE on a daily basis.
And the right-wing is responsible for most of the political violence.
Just a few years back, there was a massive spike in violence against Asian people,
just because Trump called Covid “the Chinese virus”. Not their cars, but the people.

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By phart at 14,Feb,25 15:16 other posts of phart 
And we are supposed to trust asylum seekers?
Yea ,right.
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By phart at 13,Feb,25 13:43 other posts of phart 
February 14th, just another day for me.
But for some, it could be a pivotal day in your life.
The decisions you make tomorrow, could mean in 9 months you are changing diapers, or planning your next fishing trip.
It could be that in 9 months you are sitting in dr's offices and accumulating medical debt from child birth or upgrading the sound system in your truck.
It could be that in 9 months you are living in regret because the person you chose to marry turned out to be a evil gold digging monster, or you could be putting a new roof on your house that is paid for and in YOUR name.

OR in the few rare cases, in 9 months you could be the happiest person alive after finding that rare human that fits your life to a T. To those few, I will say,i am happy for you folks, but remember your situation is RARE and fragile .Enjoy it. Life is short and we are promised NOTHING when born ,but we know death is certain.
By Ananas2xLekker at 13,Feb,25 17:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Ever heard of contraceptives?
By phart at 13,Feb,25 17:48 other posts of phart 
yes of course.
By Ananas2xLekker at 14,Feb,25 08:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It means people can fuck their brains out tonight, or tomorrow morning,
without changing diapers in 9 months, if they don't want to.

By phart at 14,Feb,25 01:44 other posts of phart 
Whoopi Goldberg's stage name came from a nickname that referred to her habit of farting, and her mother suggested the last name Goldberg.

Goldberg's birth name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Feb,25 11:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
This is Not Normal--- Congress BLOCKED From...Doing Their Job?
An opinion from a concerned, neutral, centrist American.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jan,25 09:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
This is basically how the corporate news covered Elon's 'salute'.
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If Elon tried to copy Usain Bolt's victory pose or something, he had enough time now
to explain that, and say how awful he thinks it is, that he was misunderstood.
He did nothing like that. He calls the outrage "dirty tricks" from the left.

Well Elon, what did you do then? What was that supposed to be?
It wasn't a mistake. Doing it once is weird, doing it twice is intentional.

And why are all the neo-nazis so happy about it?
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They got the message, so don't cry when we know what you did too.
By phart at 24,Jan,25 17:10 other posts of phart 
Being partly disabled myself by no fault of my own, it offends me greatly that others are mocked because of issues with movement and communication .Even though I will confess without apology in this case,, when it comes to joe biden I have made it a point to say his word salad is very annoying. People that are not smart ,that have disability's, should not place themselves in powerful roles, to reduce national embarrassment.
Elon Musk is a very smart man, that knows how to motivate people and hire smart people to get things accomplished, if you read this quick google search result, not moving his arms in politically correct ways may very well be a part of his disability.
Just think of it as a retarded 12 year old that won a swim competition. they are excited but they don't exactly move their bodies like Riley Gaines,
"Asperger's syndrome is often considered a high-functioning type of autism.
People with Asperger's may have fewer challenges with language and cognitive development than those with more severe autism.
Symptoms of Asperger's include difficulty with social interactions, restricted interests, and a desire for sameness.
Musk has said that he doesn't always have a lot of intonation or variation in his speech. "
"Yes, Asperger syndrome, which is considered part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), can significantly affect a person's physical movements, often manifesting as clumsiness, poor coordination, awkward gait, and difficulty with fine motor skills like handwriting, due to potential issues with proprioception (body awareness) and motor planning. "

so let me copy and repaste the part that YOU and so many others needs to understand here,
""Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), can significantly affect a person's physical movements, often manifesting as clumsiness, poor coordination, awkward gait,""

Did you catch that,CLUMSINESS, Awkward?

So to the nazi's that are happy, they are ignorant of the facts. to the democrats that are calling Elon hitler, they are hamas sympathizers so fuck them to.
By Ananas2xLekker at 24,Jan,25 17:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
He wasn't being clumsy, he knew exactly what he was doing!

Obviously his autism or Asperger's didn't prevent him to become the wealthiest man
on the planet, so he's responsible for his actions.

Stop gaslighting, being against genocide is not sympathizing with Hamas.
By mr_blue at 25,Jan,25 03:26 other posts of mr_blue 
Go and Google Kamala and her salutes Nancy pelosi and Hillary Clinton have done it too...
French guy Macron is also a big fan of the Roman salute...
Where's the outrage when they do it....?
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jan,25 01:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I know that game; it's searching through hours and hours of video of people waving
to find one still image where their arm is at an angle that you can call a salute.
If you see the actual video, then you know they're just waving.
Are you telling me that Elon was just waving?
By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 03:31 other posts of mr_blue 
Have you seen musk in public speaking events?
When the guy gets excited he has tics...he has Asperger's ffs..not a nazi salute, impulsive reaction to admiration yes..
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jan,25 09:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
One of my best friends has Asperger's. He never did that.

Two of my GF's nephews have autism, they have all kinds of tics,
but I've never seen them do that. They also tend to copycat behavior,
so if they are around people who do something like that a lot, they might
start doing something like that. Maybe that's what happened to Elon.
Why would he be around people who do something like that a lot?

I started with: "He had enough time now to explain that,
and say how awful he thinks it is, that he was misunderstood."
Why do you feel the need to defend him, if he doesn't himself?
By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 10:37 other posts of mr_blue 
So just because your friends with Asperger's never did it means that it cannot happen then? Also you point out it's copycat behaviour,yeah politicians do it all the time...so who do you think he copied, politicians or a nazi?
Everyone loved Elon when he was for democrats.....
Why am I defending him? I'm not, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy......
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jan,25 11:23 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You cannot even memorize two comments at the same time.
Politicians don't do it at all, your side just does make-believe.
Elon was probably testing the waters, to see if you are ready for it yet.
You are, at least ready to defend it. In time, you will just accept it.
Trump has succeeded normalizing calling people "vermin", talking about
"the enemy within", making fun of imprisoning his enemies, talking about executing them, and making sure you only accept elections if he wins.
And you are ALL doing projection and false hypocrisy claims for him.
It's very sad how much that guy has managed to hack your brains.

Elon never was for anyone besides HIM. He just makes most of his money
selling electric cars. There aren't many MAGA-guys buying electric cars.
Maybe they (you?) will now, now that they (you?) think he's on their (your) side.
It only took 44 billion dollars for buying Twitter and some re-posting of nonsense that he knows you lot like.

There are billionaires funding the Republicans and there are billionaires
funding the democrats. Most of them fund BOTH.
They are not supporting the parties, they are buying support for THEM.
I hope you understand that.

Elon just wants tax-cuts for him and big tax-payer investments in his rockets, and the government to stop spending money on things he considers waste, like your social security, healthcare and education. He doesn't need educated Americans, those are annoying, and he can get his workers cheaper with H-1B Visas.
By mr_blue at 26,Jan,25 11:55 other posts of mr_blue 
ask me a question and I will give you an answer to a question, I'm not going to try and see something in your comments that isn't there and you say I misunderstood,and look at who is buying the legacy media crap.
What side do you think am I on? I actually think musk is an idiot.
American politics is bipartisan....so you have to pick a side... Democrats loved musk for electric cars,now look at how they treat him because he owns part of twitter...

Most Americans I know are "issues" people,and have voted for both parties and don't blindly follow a party...
I am not projecting anything, I'm not virtual signalling.
And I understand how lobbying works...
Maga people own the shares of Tesla,so they don't care who buys the cars ,they are proponents of free trade...
By phart at 26,Jan,25 13:03 other posts of phart 
thanks for trying to explain some of this. sometimes it just gets to be exhausting trying to get people to see the hypocrisy. Democrats don't like Elon because his cars are not built by union labor. they don't need a union, they are paid according to their worth and do well. the tax breaks for electric cars, were not even allowed on tesla's. But yet the democrats whined about the affect of the chinese electric cars on the economy. again, that hypocrisy in action. the cheap electric cars would be on the market and affordable, accomplishing the supposed goals of the democrat.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Jan,25 11:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Really? You think Democrats don't like Elon because his cars are not built by union labor? He has never done that, so what has CHANGED?

How about this idea; Democrats don't like Elon, because he specifically bought X to turn it into a conspiracy theorist's wet dream (the owner repeating your BS to 214,700,000 users), because he paid peoples $47 to register and did a
$1 million-a-day lottery that (almost) only ended up at Republican voters,
and because a private multi-billionaire who receives investments from the government will be getting power over the governments finances.

You hate George Soros with a passion, but while Elon Musk's corruption is much more clear and grotesque, you are unable to understand the other side. That's hypocrisy.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jan,25 14:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Sure, I will ask you some questions, but I hope you see I'm just commenting
on what you are saying and I'm not assuming anything.

"American politics is bipartisan....so you have to pick a side."
No, you don't have to pick a side, and you certainly don't have to defend a site.

"don't blindly follow a party..." I'm sorry, but you are, if you think you are obligated to defend Elon Musk in any way. Elon isn't entitled to be treated well by Democrats, and especially not by "tree-hugging socialists" like me. I give Elon credit for making electric cars cool, which is probably a good step towards SOME reduction of CO2, and stimulating innovations in battery technology, which is more important, but I've always understood that he's only slightly different than all other billionaires; they are all only in it for themselves.
The working class is just livestock to them. Some think it's important to keep
the livestock happy, others just exploit the livestock as much as they can
get away with. They are like consumers making a choice between eggs from battery cages and free range eggs. It's up to you if you want to be a chicken, for the wealthy, laying their golden eggs and only getting some corn in return.
I don't want to be such a chicken, that's why I'm a socialist.
Here is a question: I'm sure you are told many horrible things about socialists. Are you going to assume what I am and tell me what you think I believe in, now?

Are you going to make assumptions of me? I will answer questions too,
unless they are loaded with false assumptions. Then I will need to first
address those false assumptions.

If you allow yourself to be pushed to a side, you'll loose your independent thinking. That's what happened to you, by thinking you needed to pick a side.

MAGA people are supporting tariffs, they are NOT proponents of free trade.
I'm actually principally neutral on tariffs. They can be very useful if implemented specifically and strategically. That's not what Trump is doing, he is doing general tariffs, for reasons that have no relation with international trade, whatsoever. He's just trying to slap around with them, to make countries
bow to him. He tried that before. Did you think it resulted in anything positive then? What do you think it will result in now?

By quint at 24,Jan,25 18:58 other posts of quint 
I find it odd that you even feel that you need to defend this man.. despite what he's doing with his arm.. just look at the expression on his face. It has Hitler written all over it!
That's exactly what it was.
By phart at 24,Jan,25 19:41 other posts of phart 
Well the truth is, most are just jealous of him. It is known fact that folks with his issues can indeed be very smart ,but have issues.
What gets me is you folks think that a man in his position, that makes investments in country's all over the world, would risk his name ,reputation, and fortune, doing a nazi salute on purpose. What the hell would he gain from it? the support of a few skin heads hunkered down in a old barn in georgia with a couple 1950's hand grenades and 3d printed ak-47s?
If joe biden had done this with his arm while gritting his false teeth you folks would be furious if someone called him a nazi.
By quint at 24,Jan,25 20:05 other posts of quint 
the emphasis was more on your reactionary need to go defensive on everything.. but anyway.. the world was watching and knew what it meant. I personally would be appalled if Biden did it too, but then I'm not one of "you folks" either.. it's funny how you lump anyone who disagrees with you into the same barrel.
By phart at 25,Jan,25 02:44 other posts of phart 
for the sake of discussion it is easier to bundle.
Can you imagine trying to discuss a topic and keep each sub group separated?
By quint at 25,Jan,25 11:34 other posts of quint 
well I guess you have to do whatever's easiest for your capacity, and "you're either with me or you're against me" is about as simple as it gets.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jan,25 01:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
The truth is that your side MUST defend everyone belonging to your side,
whatever they did, at whatever the cost.

I don't do that. I defend "my side" to obvious made up nonsense,
and to your side's fake hypocrisy outrage.
If "my side" does something I don't agree with, I say so. That's not the got-you
you think it is, because your side is always worse on that specific thing.

I could think of one good reason for why he did it; he's attached himself to Trump! Everyone who ever did that squandered their name, reputation and fortune.
It seems to be the effect Trump has on people. The list is very long.

By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Feb,25 22:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Self-professed Nazi Nick Fuentes knows exactly what Elon Musk did.

Democratic voters did not defend Biden for messing up his debate,
they wanted him to step down and finally got their wish.
Democrats are NOT like you, they DON'T defend the indefensible.

By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Feb,25 08:34 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump ordered The US Army Corps of Engineers to open two dams in Central California and let roughly 2.2 billion gallons of water flow out of reservoirs, in a misguided intent to send water to fire-ravaged Southern California.

Water shortage was NOT the problem, NOT the cause for the wildfires, NOT helpful
in any way to fight the fires at all.

There was ENOUGH open water for the firefighting aircraft, they just couldn't fly,
because of the WIND gusts of 100 mph.

That released water did NOT flow to Los Angeles, and it is wasted. They were holding extra water in those reservoirs because of the risk that it would be a dry summer.
Wasting it puts agriculture at risk of insufficient water during the summer months.

Trump going after the immigrants in California has left as much as 70% of oranges
still on California trees, which now may have been destroyed by record cold.
That's damage worth around $1.1 Billion. Oranges and all orange products will be
more expansive now. Farmers will probably need financial aid to not go bankrupt.

If California gets a dry summer, the 2.2 billion gallons less water in the reservoirs
will affect their income more and RAISE YOUR FOOD PRICES AGAIN.
By mr_blue at 06,Feb,25 06:28 other posts of mr_blue 
Of course water shortage is the problem....you just said Trump let the water go and it's now an issue for agriculture....
The water is wasted all over California....but it's an issue when Trump does something.
Newsome was very proud of the fact he keep the reservoirs dry to protect a fish....

As for the immigration, imagine a politician actually doing what he said he would, that's why people voted for him..
So clearly the democrats want slave labour more than republicans..
And do you really need an orange in the grand scheme of things?why monocrop if this situation is a possibility?
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Feb,25 16:05 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
In hot states like California, water shortage is always a problem.
Are you just parroting right-wing media about that protecting fish story
or did you bother to inform yourself about it?

Trump promised to deport criminal illegals, which to me is the most reasonable thing any president can do. However, he's now deporting people who are hard-working people who never did any crimes, except for being undocumented, while often even paying taxes, and working for your farms and meat-packing plants. Is that just THEIR crime, or are those employers part of the problem? Trump is also ripping apart families, to deport people who have been in your country for years or decades and are in the process of legalization. Do you agree with that? Do you think that's "common sense"?

Democrats have been trying to give those workers working permits and rights, so they would NOT be slave labour. Republicans have refused to legalize those workers for year, because illegals can be exploited much more, which is what their base of farmers want and their donors who exploit those illegals are asking for. Instead of solving a problem, they are now being stupid about it.

It's not JUST the oranges and it's not a monocrop either. It's just the FIRST of many agricultural products that will be affected, because oranges were in harvest season NOW.
It will soon be followed by almonds, cotton and other citrus fruit. Then everything else.
IT'S FEBRUARY! How can you think it's JUST oranges? Do I have to explain everything
to you lot? You're not the smartest bunch, are you?

Trump is just acting tough, because he lied to dumb-asses like you, that illegals and transgenders are the root of all your problems. That's nonsense, the root of all problems in your country is greedy asshole billionaires like Trump, who exploit your ass, just as much as those illegals. And you handed over your government to those robber barons.
Elon Musk is fucking YOU over, to become the first trillionaire. Do you like that?
By mr_blue at 06,Feb,25 18:10 other posts of mr_blue 
Always amazes me how you can go to the name calling, where's the tolerance of different views that liberals always go on about?
California is a democratic state through and through, everything is run by them,so the issues in California are all self inflicted.
They want cheap labour, republicans have been talking about Americans first for ages now ,how simple can they make it for people to understand?
And agriculture in California depends on the bees just as much the water.
And just so you know I'm from the UK.....
So spare me your self righteous virtue signalling on a sex site a few hundred people use....

By CAT52! at 06,Feb,25 23:30 other posts of CAT52! 
Mr Blue, you might be one of the members that keeps a civil tongue in these discussions, but, the conservatives on site use name calling as well as any other member.
Those water reservoirs in California were man-made to prevent water shortages during the dry season and prevent flooding during the wet season. Dumping that water was not the right thing to do.
My bitch is that this president does not listen to good advice nor does he surround himself with knowledgeable advisors.
Oh, BTW, bees are needed for maximum pollination at all times everywhere farming of fruits and vegetables are farmed. What does wasting water with plant pollination have to do with each other is beyond me, but, I don't understand my president either.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Being a blue or red state has little to do with acts of Gor, but, I rather live in a flourishing state like California than a failed state like Alabama. Red/ blue, blue/red? How about Americans for Americans?
By Cody8789 at 09,Feb,25 00:01 other posts of Cody8789 
I wouldn’t want to live in California, too many Mexicans to many gangs, to many Mexicans, too much drugs, too many Mexicans I only like one Mexican and he lives in texas
By CAT52! at 09,Feb,25 18:09 other posts of CAT52! 
And, yet, you live in South Florida.

By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Feb,25 09:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'll give you the comment about name calling. I did call you a dumb-ass for believing, that illegals and transgenders are the root of all the problems.
You have not called me a dumb-ass, so I apologize for that to YOU.
Maybe you also don't think that, which makes it straw-manning. Sorry!

Will you apologize for calling me "self righteous"?
Or do you agree that some level of character or intelligence attack is standard here.

You can complain about being called a dumb-ass, or you can show you're not.
Am I correct that Trump is making illegals and transgenders the top issue?
Do you believe, that illegals and transgenders are the root of all the problems?
If so, how are illegals and transgenders the root of all the problems?
If you don't think so, then what is the root cause of problems in the US (or the world)?

Did you think you were SMART to think the problem is only oranges? Is it?
Have you now informed yourself about the fish/water dilemma? What's the issue?

Many of the other defenders of right-wing policies use at least a tenfold of name calling towards me. Did you ever notice? I've never seen you call out anyone else on that.

What issues in California are you referring to? It's the largest economy in the US.
Do you think "more water" would have prevented or helped put out the wildfires?
That's just Trump being stupid or Trump thinking people are stupid.
His thinking is not more advanced than: "Fire! Need water!" That's caveman thinking.

At least you now recognize that the problem with illegals is not created by just those illegals, but primarily by EMPLOYERS exploiting them for cheap labor.
WHICH PARTY is against legalizing immigrants and raising the minimum wage?
Can legal migrant workers be "slave labor", when the minimum wage is $16/hour?

California is no different than any other state with agriculture.
The agriculture in every state is heavily leaning on illegal workers.
Allow California to issue working permits and they would do it.

"Americans first" is just a slogan. Everything they do results in the opposite.

Yes, bees are very important. Who is reversing pesticides regulation?
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Why are you defending Republicans or Trump, if you're from the UK?
How is what he does helping you? Can't you see the damage he's doing?

Why do you call what I do "self righteous virtue signalling"?
What motivation do you think I have, to voice my opinions?
Why I am the only one doing it and not all those other people voicing their opinions?
Or is that you recognizing that there is no "virtue" in anything they are saying?

The term "virtue signaling" is normally used for public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate your good character, while behaving, engaging with people and the world around you, in contradictory manner.
You don't know me, so how do you know if I'm behaving, engaging with people
and the world around me, in contradictory manner.

I am actually supporting my left-wing opinions in real life. I'm an active member of a left-wing political party, that represents the opinions that I "virtue signal" here.
I go out to promote the policies of that political party. I help the party in being active in the community. We help people who are suffering from right-wing policies, like the ones that massively increased their rent and energy bill, made them live in drafty, moldy houses, because rent corporations are fucking them over. I'm joining protests against our increasing healthcare costs, because our right-wing parties privatized healthcare.
I join protests for equality and human rights; the virtues that I "signal".

How do you think politics in the UK can improve the lives of British people?
How are you helping them represent/support those goals?
Do YOU do anything else than post on a sex site a few hundred people use?
By mr_blue at 07,Feb,25 12:55 other posts of mr_blue 
You are virtue signalling...you try to make out you are superior to everyone else who has a different view point...and as I don't know you ,what you say online can be different to your actual character ,so your words show you for who you are....and you are trying to act virtuous
So you just keeping adding whataboutism..
And you are so partisan,it reeks through you and you don't believe your views are wrong....
That hubris is a fools errand
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Feb,25 13:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Try to support your different view point for once, so you don't make me look superior.

Point out a few of my whataboutisms then. Then I'll provide better arguments.
Do you think the "to protect a fish" argument isn't whataboutism?

I am the opposite of partisan. I'm principled! Do you know the difference?
I couldn't care less about which party supported my principles.
If another party represented my principles better than the one I'm a member of now,
I would immediately switch to the other. I'm not loyal to a party or a specific politician, because they should be REPRESENTATIVES. I don't represent a person.

It's just the Republicans who are acting against all of my principles 99% of the time and the Democrats who only act against 50% of my principles 50% of the time.
I only support Democrats as the lesser of two evils.
There are some really 'good' Democrats, I have never seen one 'good' Republican.

You're now ONLY doing character attacks, by the way.
None of your arguments are addressing my actual arguments.
Just because you're not using name calling, doesn't make you a respectful debater.
By mr_blue at 07,Feb,25 16:06 other posts of mr_blue 
I pointed out that I think you are virtual signalling,how is that an attack ,it's an observation....you twist language to try and belittle people who think different.
Why are you so bothered by Trump and American politics and who American voters decided to instill as their leader?
You talk like you can influence American policy lol,you state you are left leaning,so you are partisan,you call anyone who votes for trump stupid and dumbasses and then expect to able to convince them that you might have some merit to any arguments you propose.
Why should I be respectful to you when you demonstrate contempt to people expressing opposing views?
You think I am being disrespectful, I'm tickling your belly...
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Feb,25 11:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Virtue signaling" is advertising yourself as valuing virtues that you in fact couldn't care about at all. Care to elaborate on which specific virtues that I seem to advertise you think I don't actually value?

Twisting language? Are you referring to fallacies? Point them out, if you can.

If you think I'm the only one belittling people who thing differently here, you have a massive bias. Look around a bit more.

I am so concerned about American politics and Trump being elected, because this is now the second time that Trump is trying to destroy democracy. He is turning the US in an autocracy. He has fired everyone who worked on criminal investigations into his crimes, he has replaced the head of the FBI with a loyalist who is out for revenge, he has disbanded the Anti-Corruption Task Forces and Elon Musk who broke several campaign finance laws to help Trump win. That same Elon Musk is not an elected representative, but he has unconstitutionally gained access to the treasury, where he has some of his wiz-kids hack in to the government finances and the citizens private information. The fact that the Security Agencies haven't arrested them yet, is evidence that Trump has already performed a successful coup of the US Government. Trump might have won democratically, but what he's doing is the opposite of democracy. The American voters decided to install Trump as their leader, based on many many lies. Project 2025 had 5% support of the American voters, but Trump lied that he had nothing to do with it. We are now seeing it in full action, proving that Project 2025 was ready to seize control on day one. Meanwhile, Trump is distracting the global media with threats against Mexico, Canada, Panama, Greenland, Denmark, Gaza, and my country for being a host to The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

Trump is literally copying exactly the playbook of Hitler of taking over the German government; firing everyone who has some power to hold him accountable for breaking every Constitutional law that protects democracy, taking over the Security Agencies, breaking all the government agencies that are designed to organize the government and protect people from companies financially defrauding them or polluting their land, air and water. Trump is canceling or violating all International Treaties and Agreements. He said he was an anti-war president and he's demanding the Nobel Peace Prize, while he is planning ethnic cleansing of Gaza, while saying he's not ruling out military force against Mexico, Canada, Panama and Greenland. Additionally, Trump professes love for Putin, Kim Jong-un and other authoritarians, while scolding the leaders of allied countries, threatening to step out of NATO and let Russia roll over Ukraine, saying he would encourage Russia to
‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country, that doesn’t pay enough, after those allies have supported America in their wars for decades.
Are you fucking kidding me, that I don't get to talk about that? Why aren't YOU?

I did not call anyone who votes for trump stupid and dumb-asses, I called people (like you) who believe that immigrants and transgenders are the root of all their problems, dumb-asses. You have not denied believing that, by the way. Do you even see the similarity with how Hitler blamed the Jews for all the problems affecting Germans, in the 1930's?

Sure, it's good strategy to attack the messenger, or the language, or claiming their arguments are erroneous. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque)
Will you be able to justify those claims and present counterarguments,
at some point?

Of course I cannot influence American policy. Do you think that's why I'm here? This is a primarily a sex site and I never imagined to find discussions on politics here. I just found it and got triggered by what people were saying. Why should a lefty have more reasons to post his opinions than all the right-wingers here?

You called me out for being disrespectful first. I'm just pointing out that there are more ways to be disrespectful than name calling. Name calling is the most primitive form of disrespect, although some here elevate it to a true art-form, but being a minority in a certain echo-chamber is not a requirement for being respectful.
It might be good strategy, but sometimes being the bull in the China shop works well too. This site mostly has a strong right-wing majority, and anyone expressing opposing views is attacked with more contempt than I've ever witnessed before.
If you have not been attacked by the majority yet, that just means you are accepted as on their side. It's a safe side, because right-wingers usually don't call out someone on their side, no matter how far they step over the line. They do like pointing out the slightest transgression on the other side though, like you are doing.
By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 12:10 other posts of mr_blue 
damn dude ,take it all to heart and see what you want to see...you can't see the wood for the trees....
Virtue signalling,look where you are posting,and the academic vernacular you use,you may be intelligent,but you lack communication skills... you're not looking for understanding...only to push your ideology on to people..
That's not tolerance...and you see things black and white when things are always nuanced.... people do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons...
Trying to think all Trump voters agree with everything he does is ridiculous too..and if you are triggered by things and feel the need to reply,you have to accept what comes your way.... that's the nature of expressing what you believe to be correct...
Where did I say anything about illegals and transgenders and what my beliefs are?
You assume so much from what little I have actually said...

By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Feb,25 12:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Really? This is all you have to say about what Trump is doing?
Is there any nuance in what Trump is doing?
What ideology am I pushing, when I'm warning about something unprecedented?

I don't care if all Trump voters agree or not, I don't see any of them RESIST.
I don't know if any are going to resist him EVER. Are you OK with that?
What does Trump need to do, before you get worried?

You didn't say anything about illegals and transgenders, except that I cannot call people stupid for believing Trump on those issues. Apparently, you think Trump has a point then. Am I assuming wrong?
By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 13:45 other posts of mr_blue 
you're doing it again.....what makes you think people believe everything Trump says?maybe they trust the science, and that informs their view....I already told you American politics is partisan and you went all round the houses to say it's not ,only to show that it is ,cuz you continually miss the point..one side or the other makes you for or against...so that is partisan...
You lump all Trump supporters together, reinforcing that partisanship...
You don't like trump and what he stands for.... that's your right, what I am trying to tell you is that , people know why they voted for him and are happy in that choice and you seem to think that all Trump voters are transphobic and hate illegals..when that's not the case...
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Feb,25 15:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
What he is DOING!!!!
Do you know anything about what he's doing?

What he stands for is indeed horrible, but he is committing a coup
of the US government! That's not a partisan idea, that is reality.
Do you care about democracy, at all?

I don't think that ALL Trump voters are transphobic and hate illegals,
but they certainly don't seem to give a crap about what Trump is DOING.
Or they think it's great what he's doing, because they believe his lies.

Before you start straw-manning me saying illegals are not a problem.
They are a problem, but THIS is not the solution.
Trump plans to send 30,000 migrants to Guantanamo Bay.
Do I need to tell you what's wrong about it, or do you understand
something about human rights and The Constitution?

Is it partisan to expect a president to preserve, protect and defend
The Constitution? He just swore to do so!

What point am I missing here?
By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 16:30 other posts of mr_blue 
and how much do you think Trump will actually be able to do when the government gets taken to court? If Trump gets rid of anything or any department by executive order it can be put back by executive order....
He has to use laws passed by Congress to abolish or amend previous laws ...so legal framework is already there to challenge Trump... Executive branch, legislative branch and the judiciary... What do I know about Trump,quite a bit,do I know what he doing,yeah...you keep telling us....
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Feb,25 17:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Trump is replacing all 17 independent watchdogs at multiple agencies with loyalists. If there is no one left who has the power or the INTENT to take
the government to court, it doesn't happen.

You are counting on a next administration, to put things back by executive order. There won't be a next administration, because he's destroying all independent agencies who oversee elections. Why don't you find out how many American voters were purged from the voting registration. It's millions! When Trump installs all his loyalists to handle elections, it will be tens of millions. Then Democrats can never win an election ever again. CLEAR?

Trump has to use laws passed by Congress to cut or change spending too,
but he has just let Elon take over the treasury. Now he can cut all spending for elections, for election observers and polling stations. He can simply cut funds for voting in blue states, and leave voting intact in red states.
Did you not hear about all the things he cut already?
No bill was initiated or passed to do that. ZERO!!!

Trump can just destroy an agency or a specific part of a branch, by withholding the governments workers' pay. Do you think they'll work for free?
The US government is completely vulnerable to dirty tricks. To someone who doesn't give a fuck about norms or laws or The Constitution, destroying those protections you think are in place, is easy. Democrats have never even thought about the things Trump is doing now. However, many Republicans were willing to help Trump completely destroy the government.

Trump made fun of being a dictator on day one. It wasn't a joke!
Why didn't you actually LISTEN to what he said? It wasn't all bluster.

Ever considered how ridiculous it is that the whole world need to guess
if what the president of the most powerful country in the world is saying
is serious, or bluffing, or just a joke? Am I being partisan in thinking that's

The Executive branch, legislative branch and judiciary branch need to be INTACT and INDEPENDENT to do something. If all the key positions are replaced with loyalists, which he has mostly done already, there IS NO separations of powers anymore. The supreme court is completely partisan in his favor, he is now mostly immune from the law, and he intents to use that.
If everyone who should hold him accountable for breaking the law agrees with him braking the law, then he can just break the law. And he IS breaking the law NOW. Did you know all of that?
By mr_blue at 08,Feb,25 19:50 other posts of mr_blue 
Do you think that I am a trump supporter,or Elon fan?

You still don't see...
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Feb,25 23:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're pretty much a mystery to me, because you hardly say anything
that reveals your political opinions. I try to unravel the tiniest details.

If you think there is something to the California "keep the reservoirs dry
to protect a fish" story, I put you closer to Republicans than Democrats.

By bella! at 07,Feb,25 08:55 other posts of bella! 
Sweden has a plan to offer immigrants up to 350,000 kronor, which is equivalent to approximately $34,000.00 USD, to return to their home country.

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By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Feb,25 09:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
My country does too, although not that large a sum.

Translation: "The Netherlands is opening its wallet to allow Syrians to return voluntarily, according to a report from the Return and Departure Service (DTenV). It involves 900 Euros for which Syrians are asked to return permanently to their country of origin."

900 Euro = $ 935.69 Some Syrians have already taken the offer.
By bella! at 07,Feb,25 10:15 other posts of bella! 
Interesting. Basically, "Go back to where you came from!" and we will pay "you" too, approach.

And in the United States, there were designated sanctuary cities which provided immigrants lodging in comfortable hotels.
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Feb,25 12:11 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If they take 900 Euro to go back where they came from, and not come back,
it's probably not that bad there, to be considered a refugee, now is it?

If you're a gay person, fearing the wrath of Muslim extremists, would you take it?
If your village is taken over by a drugs cartel, that killed one of your kids already,
and you fear for your other kids, would you take it? Would you take $34,000?

I want to shelter real refugees comfortably too. Not hotels, that's stupid, it's just enriching the owners. That's just incompetence to provide an acceptable cost effective solution. The same incompetence is wasting lots of money in my country. My party has been fighting to change that for years. It's the result of stupid budget cuts from previous administrations, now costing us way more. They also cut immigration service, resulting in the process sometimes taking years. It's not good for anyone. It puts the life on pause for real refugees, it gives hope to people who have no right to asylum in my country, asylum seekers are sitting around and walking around aimlessly in our cities, and it
all costs MUCH MORE MONEY.

I'm Dutch, we really dislike inefficiency. I even made a career around it.

I want real refugees to be able to be part of my community ASAP.
Sitting in a shelter serves no one. I want to invest in their future, to become citizens.
However, I live in one of the smallest, most densely populated countries in the world,
so we cannot take in every real refugee. You don't have that problem.

I am also a big supporter of international cooperation, to reduce poverty, exploitation and disrespect for human rights in the world, so less people will have to flee their country.
If the world didn't suck so much everywhere else, you wouldn't have sanctuary cities.

That's why "America First" is the opposite of what Trump is doing.
He's working hard to make everywhere else suck even worse.
Anything bad you do to everywhere else, only comes back to bite you.
By phart at 07,Feb,25 15:19 other posts of phart 
what can a refugee bring to your country or mine that we don't already have plenty of? and if they are so smart or so brave or so whatever,why not use that talent to save their own homeland instead of running?
By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Feb,25 16:39 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
They are people. Yes, we already have plenty of people. That's not the point.
They are also not special or so smart or so brave or so whatever, they are just people.

You keep confusing two different groups; refugees and working migrants.
I have very different opinions on those different groups.

People who are fleeing their homeland to save their lives.
I don't care what refugees are bringing to my country. Their lives itself have value.
If we can accept them, the question is only if their homeland is probably permanently a high risk to their lives or just temporary. If there is a war going on, I only want to provide save harbor for them, until the war is over. Then they should return to rebuild their country. If they are persecuted unjustly, by a regime that is likely there to stay, they should be able to build a permanent life, in my country, in agreement with other countries taking their responsibility. Lately, my country has not been living up to our responsibility much.

If they have the ability to save their own homeland, instead of running, then they are not refugees. Do you think a gay person, fleeing their own homeland for Islamist persecution, has even the slightest semblance of saving their homeland?
Do you think a mother fleeing with her children from Ukraine has any chance to fight back against Russia. Her husband is probably already sacrificing his life for his country. Do those children need to be orphans?

I'm not talking about generally shitty countries. If it's basically safe there, they are not actively persecuted for what they are, and there is a chance of making a life for themselves, you're correct that they have a obligation to their homeland. If all able people of working age leave countries with a poor economy, those economies will never grow.

People who are looking for jobs, because their own country doesn't have them.
I do care what those people are bringing. They should add something to our economy that our own people cannot provide. That should NOT be cheap labor. If there are enough of my own people willing to do those jobs, they should not be undercut on wages. Every job in my country should earn a living wage, by Dutch standards, living in decent housing, protected by worker rights, no matter if it's done by a Dutch citizen or a foreigner. I don't make a difference between a fruit-picker or a top programmer either. On principle, their employment should be temporary and they should keep in contact with their own country, to take on jobs there when they come up. There should only be a maximum of job permits, decided by my government, on what our economy needs. If it's taking jobs away from Dutch people, the number of job permits should be decreased. In any case, there should be ZERO illegal workers. If employers cannot find Dutch or legal migrant workers, either they don't pay enough or the government needs to increase the number of job permits. The basic principle is that those working migrants benefit my country, but also their own. They should make enough money to go back and build something in their own country. If they do work for my country for several years, then we could think about them becoming Dutch citizens, eventually.

By CAT52! at 06,Feb,25 20:56 other posts of CAT52! 
Thanks to my President soon I'll be able to visit the Holly Land without needing a passport. How good is that?
By quint at 06,Feb,25 22:45 other posts of quint 
you can stay at Gaza-lago
By CAT52! at 06,Feb,25 23:16 other posts of CAT52! 

By phart at 07,Feb,25 02:14 other posts of phart 
1 of a couple things i don't agree with Trump on. Sure, clean up gaza,send some dozers and back hoe's and push the blown up shit into the ocean for a larger coast line. but let Isreal handle it from there. Americans over there for any reason,would just be terrorist targets.

By phart at 07,Feb,25 02:10 other posts of phart 
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No shit?

By phart at 05,Feb,25 13:17 other posts of phart 
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I couldn't find the other thread because there is no search function but at least he has a good job now and can work for a living.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Feb,25 17:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Nice of you to empathize with someone who strangled a person to death.
Normally you are stone cold to people who only committed minor offenses.
By phart at 05,Feb,25 18:28 other posts of phart 
You might want to read up on it.
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neely made threatening moves towards children, but I forget, most folks don't care about kids and prefer to yank them out of the womb with a vacuum cleaner so of course a threat to a mother and children is no concern right?
You should be aware of the violent nature of drug addicts and mentally ill people. Just the other day 1 of our ems workers was BIT on the arm by a drug addict, he is on antibiotics, on paid leave,workers comp,waiting for test to come back to see if he caught anything.a human bite is as bad or worse than a animal as far as bacteria and such.
By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Feb,25 18:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Fuck off, you support the genocide of children in Gaza.
Trump just defunded child cancer research and trial treatments.
He ended food programs for starving children.
He ended medicine for kids with HIV.
You don't give a fuck about children.

Oh, "threatening moves", scary. He was strangled to death,
while being subdued by several people. He was no threat anymore.
By phart at 05,Feb,25 18:45 other posts of phart 
He did not END the programs, they are paused for review. Big difference.
How much money was going to the kids with hiv and how much was going into the bureaucrats pockets that run the operation? that is what they are looking for.

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After feb 10, the investigation will take place to see who is wasting money and where it is going.
YOu should know as well as anyone that money handed out does not always go where it is intended.what better place to shield fraud than under the gize of the childrens health, "oh who would do something against the kids"? well it's not against the kids, it is against the punk crooks running the show and putting funds in their pockets.
By Cody8789 at 05,Feb,25 19:39 other posts of Cody8789 
Let me ask a question. If trump is not going to stop hiv meds to the kids then why did he want all hiv meds to stop being made in the u.s… which is now on standby because of too much pressure from a lot of people.

By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Feb,25 16:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Like you believe that anything like that will resume. Cut the crap.

Elon is looting your treasury. He is now in power of 6 TRILLLION DOLLARS.
He's doesn't give a fuck about "efficiency", he is stealing your tax-dollars.
He defines "waste" as every dollar that is not going to him.

And he is breaking every law imaginable. A billionaire donor to your president doesn't have any authority to cut or re-assign spending, neither can your president. Only congress can do that. The house initiates a spending bill and if both the house and senate vote in favor, the spending is re-assigned accordingly. Elon Musk has illegally acquired access to your governments finances, he has illegally meddled in those finances, he has illegally acquired access to highly restricted data (like all the people's private information and tax-records) and while doing it using a bunch of hacker kids
he has most likely breached the security of your government finances for China, Russia, North Korea and every criminal hacker in the world, to steal your private information and your tax-dollars.

The numbers of laws that Elon has just broken will probably add up to many decades of prison time. In the meantime, he incriminated a bunch of hacker wiz-kids, who are probably very good at hacking, but don't know the least about the law. Ignorance is never a defense for doing crime, but he's probably ruined their lives, when they were just trying to make a career for themselves.

By Mongo at 05,Feb,25 21:32 other posts of Mongo 
Mongo mama put ICE on Diabetos crotch to keep crabs fresh. Diabetos scared deported back to Argentina.
By dgraff at 06,Feb,25 10:56 other posts of dgraff 

By phart at 05,Feb,25 18:40 other posts of phart 
If you have ever been around when a house was being renovated or rebuilt after a fire, it looks horriable, what was once a nice new home, is now stripped down to it's rafters and it's floor joist. Then slowly, a new roof appears,new insolation, and before you know it, the house is better than it was when it was new, more insolation to make it cheaper to heat and cool and make it quite also, better longer lasting roofing materials, better plumbing without the lead in the pipes,and so much more.

That same effect is happening with the USA right now, the old roof is being pulled off, the old wall board is coming down, and we are finding wasteful leaks and costly damage hidden behind every removed part. After some time, things will get better as it is rebuilt. the damage to this country can't be fixed over night. it requires people with knowledge to dig in and find how expenses are hidden from view,that could be done away with.
To the doubters, just give it time, it will make sense. Just as the tariffs were made out to be the worse thing to happen this century, within in hours of writing it down that it would happen, 2 of the 3 countries decided to play ball and they were postponed and perhaps will never happen if these countries continue to play ball.

By phart at 04,Feb,25 15:56 other posts of phart 
Um, seems united healthcare is more concerned about the truth getting out than they are about patient care.
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By Ananas2xLekker at 05,Feb,25 08:00 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's a business first! Patient care is way down on their priorities list.

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