Recent Posts of member new26


Rate my small cock please 24,Nov,19 16:30


By new26 at 31,Jan,21 15:47
Sounds like you had a lucky escape!

What was the kids nickname?

By new26 at 31,Jan,21 13:28
Tight foreskin when I was a kid. They cut it off when I was 8

I hated it at the time. I was the only one in my class who was cut and it was the subject of much teasing when we undressed after swimming lessons

By new26 at 24,May,20 12:29
I remember his being longer than mine. Also his had a foreskin which I don't

By new26 at 20,Feb,20 20:16
Think I am a 1 or maybe a 3?

By new26 at 26,Jan,20 15:38
Right here

By new26 at 05,Jan,20 15:21

By new26 at 10,Dec,19 08:42
I don't use lube unless its going to be a long slow wank. If its just a quick one I can get away with dry.

A long wank without lube causes sores on my shaft

By new26 at 07,Dec,19 12:27
That must feel good

By new26 at 02,Dec,19 20:43
Mine is type 1 I think