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Question for circumcised men - masturbating without lube

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Started by #582293 at 16,Mar,19 18:33
How do you cut guys masturbate? I have a very tight circumcision and can't jerk off without lube. Anybody in the same shoe? Tips and tricks are welcome.

Similar topics: 1.masturbating with lube pics please!   2.Masturbating with foreskin   3.New twist on an age old question.. Have you ever caught someone else masturbating   4.Masturbating the shaft of the penis   5.Does circumcision effect wanking  

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By #645561 at 01,Jul,21 22:15
My Circumcision is pretty tight when my dick is in the shaft skin pulls tight and doesn't move when pumping. I'm not cut as far down as some other dudes, but I am cut I would say maybe 1.5 Inches down from the head. They took all of the foreskin off when I was a baby. That being said, I've never found a need to use Lube to jack off. I guess some guys like it, but I don't need it. My shaft skin is smooth and when I got a boner it feels like the skin of an egg plant...very smooth and tight.

By Ozmen666 at 01,Jul,21 03:55 other posts of Ozmen666 
I don't use lube, unless it's with a toy

By Riversider at 04,Feb,21 03:11 other posts of Riversider 
I rubbed my poor dick RAW so many times when I was younger that now I ALWAYS use lube. my favorite is MOIST, water based and rinses off real well. A JO buddy told me to go to home depot and buy wire lube. he said it is the same thing as dick lube. About a liter sells for only a few bucks and he was right. works very nice, and it is water based too. I use it in my Fleshlight every day.
By #613564 at 08,Apr,21 04:43
If that works for you, but what's in it? Is it safe for direct skin contact? Most electricians are wearing non-conductive gloves, so they don't get shocked, touching a hot lead.
Maybe 10 years from now your dick shrivels up and falls off from some chemical!!
By Riversider at 29,Jun,21 01:35 other posts of Riversider 
It's safe for skin. while many tradesmen wear gloves, they frequently thread wire thru conduit barehanded.

By Without at 28,Mar,21 03:11 other posts of Without 
I‘m not circumcised , but I always jerk off with my foreskin completely pulled back, most of the time using lube but it also works without.
The feeling is much more intense without using the foreskin.
By #631189 at 30,Mar,21 20:50
Nice to know I’m not the only uncut guy who prefers this way. The feeling is so much more intense, I never use my foreskin whilst wanking!

By #613564 at 08,Apr,21 04:40
I know, right? That's what cut guys sometimes can feel, just walking about, clothed, wearing the right underthings.

By #613564 at 06,Apr,21 04:16
It's not a mystery. KY or hand cream, and just play. . .

By smokieb69 at 03,Apr,21 04:02 other posts of smokieb69 
I hardly ever use lube, don’t normally have any issues unless I have jerked multiple times in a day, then it might get a little bit sensitive/ raw if I continued to rub it madly

By #364662 at 01,Apr,21 00:09
I don’t use any. Just one more mess to clean up and it makes taking pictures a pain having to wipe your hands constantly before handling the camera
[deleted image]

By wycowboy at 31,Mar,21 13:29 other posts of wycowboy 
I rarely use any lube except for my precum.

By #625826 at 28,Mar,21 05:28
Masturbating with astro glide is very sensual ...but one sure can enjoy myselves with ones Pre Cum..Masturbating and a lubed dildo in the Ass , is a Great Orgasm....Yummmy Yummmy

By #637729 at 19,Mar,21 00:53
I generally use lube, but not always. I leak a lot of precum... this evening I had a guy get me super excited in chat, so I headed to the bedroom and started doing my thing... was so horny I didn't need lube I was making my own (and enjoying eating it too!)

By #626775 at 19,Mar,21 00:36
I definitely use lube or coconut oil...makes it nice and slippery

By #637145 at 13,Mar,21 03:54
I’m circumcised. I don’t need lube. Most of my life, I haven’t used lube to jerk off. Lube is a nice treat, though. It also makes my cock look better in pictures (in my opinion).

By LGA6969 at 04,Feb,21 20:48 other posts of LGA6969 
I know what you mean when I was younger I had to use lube to masturbate. Now I am older and find it looser so I am able to jerk off with no lube.

By leopoldij at 03,Feb,21 19:41 other posts of leopoldij 
There's absolutely no problem to masturbate when circumcised. I almost never use lube. It works.

By jeeno at 02,Feb,21 17:30 other posts of jeeno 
usualy jerk dry with fskin pulled back..but for extra sensation i use oil
By #631189 at 03,Feb,21 17:51
I find it more sensitive jerking with my skin back and no lube, my cock is twitching just thinking about it

By Sir-Skittles at 02,Feb,21 18:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan he uses his tears
By tecsan at 03,Feb,21 02:10 other posts of tecsan 
Fred and shits use they're fears and lies...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Feb,21 14:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Go dutch rudder the Saggy Granny's limp knobbed lad

He could really use a hand!

By #531302 at 02,Feb,21 03:39
I’ve been cut from birth and i have no problem with jerking off without lubricants.
By #621517 at 02,Feb,21 07:58
Me too. I’m cut and I like just getting my cock out and wanking without the bother of lubing.

By zzick at 02,Feb,21 04:28 other posts of zzick 
What kwilla said

By #631189 at 19,Dec,20 14:36
I’m uncut but always jerk off with my foreskin pulled right back exposing my glans. Always jerk it dry too, the sensations are so much more intense, especially after your cock head “toughens up” and gets used to it. I have a random American circumcised webcam pal to thank for teaching me that!
By #621517 at 19,Dec,20 20:53
I’m cut and I guess my cocks like that. I usually wank dry and the years I’ve been wanking my cock head must be well toughened up by now!
By #631189 at 20,Dec,20 00:45
I’ll happily admit that your cock looks very nice indeed. I’d be wanting that all the time if I owned it

By massco at 19,Dec,20 21:51 other posts of massco 
I make my own lotion for it.

By #64328 at 08,Dec,19 17:11
I never had a problem with masturbating without lubes and I think most cut guys dont either
By earthy at 08,Dec,19 17:15 other posts of earthy 
I jerk off dry all the time

By #565685 at 08,Dec,19 17:22
Jacking off dry is the only way to go! The friction feels awesome! I rarely ever use lube
By #518391 at 10,Dec,19 08:19
Yes, the getting the right degree of friction is important to obtain the maxiumum sensation, but I like adding some lube as I build up to shooting so that my fist can grip my shaft and helmet tightly and shoot off rubbing it all furiously...the jizz flies everywhere!

By #583549 at 08,Dec,19 17:30
I too masterbate dry with my cirumcised cock and it feels great!
By #64328 at 09,Dec,19 19:46
Most of my friends were circumsized and they masturbated dry too
By #621517 at 13,Jul,20 18:30
I’m cut but I’ve never had any problem masturbating dry without lube. I’d been masturbating for years before I even realised I was circumcised! Sometimes for variety I use lube and use my full fist so it feels more like a vagina. Other times I simply stroke my cut cock up and down my shaft and over my knob till I cum. That’s the way I like to be hand jobbed too.
By #64328 at 15,Jul,20 19:12
By #535408 at 19,Dec,20 14:46
I agree with all above comments

By LGA6969 at 15,Jul,20 20:06 other posts of LGA6969 
I am cut but like to use lube when I masturbate, but can do without it to

By #591921 at 06,Jan,20 02:40
Are you kidding the mushroom head stops yout hand from sliding right off.
By #518391 at 07,Jan,20 08:41
I love the feeling when my hand works its way up my shaft, over my circ scar and then hits the helmet rim...dry at first but some lube later on smoothes the way to a satisfying climax
By #608896 at 11,Jan,20 22:46
That's how I always do it
By #518391 at 14,Jan,20 08:03
pity we can't have a j/o together!

By #543717 at 12,Jan,20 02:09
My dickhead is very smooth, and I can rub it without lube.

By #608896 at 11,Jan,20 22:47
Maybe it's because I've always been cut but I've never had a problem jerking off without lube although it's nice sometimes

By accforthep at 01,Jan,20 08:07 other posts of accforthep 
Lube always feels better of course, but it requires a bit of cleanup. I have enough skin to bate dry and it definitely gets the job done, so its fine for me. Never heard of a "tight circumcision" before so maybe I just dont have that

By LGA6969 at 01,Jan,20 04:15 other posts of LGA6969 
I Usually jerk off dry but as I get older I find myself using lube.

By #570856 at 25,Dec,19 23:41
Lube is usually much better. I pull my dick skin really tight (I'm cut) and lube it up. Sometimes for a dry wank I use talcum powder with silicone. If I j/o dry with no talc I can get pretty sore, even some chaffing if I'm edging.

By Greek18cm at 23,Dec,19 18:29 other posts of Greek18cm 
I am not cut but I do masterbate with my foreskin retracted and no lube. It's a matter of how you can handle the discomfort in the beginning. Later you are going to get used to it. Of course with no skin and no lube you can't get as fast as with them...
By #518391 at 24,Dec,19 08:39
Before I was circumcised I wanked with my foreskin retracted but with lube, so I had little adjustment to make when I was cut, but the feeling without any foreskin, even retracted, was very different. I can now wank dry but like to add a little lube just as I build up to shooting. Too much lube and the friction is lost.

By #538837 at 15,Dec,19 02:24
I usually jack off without lube (doing it now), because I last longer. When I use lube, I get really, really turned on quickly and cum faster, with a more intense orgasm.
By #536019 at 17,Dec,19 14:05
I find it's easier to "edge" for an extended time with lube.

By #202392 at 07,Dec,19 14:21
I used to have a very tight circumcision with almost no loose skin but I've been restoring my foreskin and have grown enough skin that I can pull it past the tip of my erect penis
By Dickventures at 16,Dec,19 23:10 other posts of Dickventures 
Same, though I just naturally grew quite a bit back. My friend going through the restoration process was jealous of how much skin I have without even trying.
By #202392 at 17,Dec,19 00:06
My best friend growing up was intact and he had a nice long foreskin that overhung the tip of his erect penis by about 1/4 inch. I was always very jealous of his penis, even though mine was longer and quite a bit thicker. I still think to this day that he has one of the nicest penises I've ever seen.

By Darthshame at 11,Dec,19 16:18 other posts of Darthshame 
Never had that problem. Maybe you should see a doctor.

By #249167 at 11,Dec,19 09:00
I have no problem jerking without lube

By new26 at 10,Dec,19 08:42 other posts of new26 
I don't use lube unless its going to be a long slow wank. If its just a quick one I can get away with dry.

A long wank without lube causes sores on my shaft

By #518391 at 29,Nov,19 07:57
I can wank without lube but don't have much loose skin to work with and my knob gets sore if rubbed too hard, but I get a more complete sensation if I lube up so that my hand camn glide smoothly up my shaft and over my helmet

By new2day at 27,Nov,19 12:19 other posts of new2day 
I prefer to use baby oil these days, I have a tight cut so no free skin at all.
By #23212 at 28,Nov,19 23:16
So called 'Baby Oil' is usually made from mineral oil, which you can easily look up and see that it is rated as 'a carcinogen' (NOT a good thing to put on!).

By deucie at 28,Nov,19 11:08 other posts of deucie 
Iґm cut but loose. No lube needed but itґs fun occationally.

By #596131 at 28,Nov,19 09:42
Looks like I would lose a circle jerk if lube’s not allowed

By kebmo at 28,Nov,19 08:07 other posts of kebmo 
Just my cock and my hand.

By #583549 at 28,Nov,19 07:04
I am circumcised too and I do not need to you lube to masterbate.A light stroking of my shaft works fine!

By Maxream at 28,Nov,19 06:44 other posts of Maxream 
I'm circumcised and I generally don't use lube. Occasionally I do

By #50062 at 28,Nov,19 05:16
Try approximately half KY (or equivalent) and half water in a squeeze container. Works great for sex too.

By 3fdfd at 27,Nov,19 15:51 other posts of 3fdfd 
I've never used lube. Never heard of lube when I was 14 and never knew I needed it at 14. Worked just fine. Still works fine without lube

By #536019 at 27,Nov,19 13:16
When I was young, I never used lube... just a light touch in stroking. But I never lasted very long. Now that I'm edging for at least an hour when I masturbate, I always use lube. My favorite is Astro Glide.

By #601484 at 27,Nov,19 12:44
Check my blog for alternative method

By #463848 at 27,Nov,19 12:44
If your glans is that sensitive, can you not reach orgasm by just rubbing the shaft?

By #596131 at 27,Nov,19 04:07
I need lube to cum

By #586753 at 03,May,19 21:34
Did not know guys had problems from being circumsized. I have never had a problem.

By MM_DD at 19,Mar,19 23:11 other posts of MM_DD 
I use a massager. I hold it directly on my frenulum and let it work its magic. My husband uses it on me when we make love. It gives me the best orgasms!

By #582293 at 20,Mar,19 05:25
By MM_DD at 20,Mar,19 11:45 other posts of MM_DD 
Wow is right. You should give it a try.
By #582293 at 20,Mar,19 14:49
I will. I bet it feels great. I need to get a massager. Hmmm....
By MM_DD at 21,Mar,19 11:58 other posts of MM_DD 
It feels amazing! You should check out some online videos of guys using massagers/vibrators to get an idea of what might work for you. I'll PM you a link to one of them.

By WHATSUPDOC at 22,Mar,19 08:55 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I use to bleed around my head. For years. I only jerked off as a relief. Now I am slower and enjoy me. Always liked lube that smelled like fruit .
By #582293 at 22,Mar,19 10:16
Why did you bleed?
By WHATSUPDOC at 13,Apr,19 15:11 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I would beat it so hard and wasn't getting pleasure. I am pretty accomplished now at not only pleasuring myself but also taking care of my partner

By #586056 at 18,Apr,19 22:45
My wife does the same thing! THe feeling is SO intense. My cumshots are crazy good with frenulum releases.
By MM_DD at 01,May,19 11:17 other posts of MM_DD 
Awesome! Although I usually get my husband off orally, occasionally I use the massager on him too. Whenever I do, it gives him a really intense orgasm, which excites the hell out of me. I'm so glad we've incorporated the massager into our sex life.

By #554098 at 19,Apr,19 03:16
I guess I assumed that some kind of lubricant was required, for more sensual feelings. You can, without lube, and just your fingers, like a claw, over the tip, middle finger on the sensitive bit below, and other fingers around, but not for more than a few minutes! "Quickies' when getting off, looking at neighbors, or sudden, unexpected get-off moments. Shooting into your hand, so easier 'clean-up'!

By knewbi at 18,Apr,19 15:32 other posts of knewbi 
While I jerk off with or without lubricant I just love the slippery feeling of my hand sliding up and down my well greased rock hard cock...

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