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Started by #610414 at 27,Jul,21 15:24
This thread is tongue-in-cheek. It's designed to repost some tidbits posted in the broom riding lady of the nigh. Hopefully, this answers your questions if you are blocked by her, like: Does she wear knickers? Is Dgraff her son? Is Sir-Skittles her lover?

Similar topics: 1.What's your ideal size cock ??   2.lil bitch ass cum dumpsters like to ban   3.Picture of the month - witch one =)   4.Veterans Day   5.WITCHES are to blame for Covid-19  

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By #610414 at 15,Aug,22 12:26
Some posts in Bella!'s thread. Well at least it's not a bread recipe.

How do we know that Donald Trump doesn't eat babies?
I'm not saying that Donald Trump DOES eat babies, I'm just asking a question.
Can anyone show me proof that he doesn't?


Like Tucker Carlson always says: "Hey, I'm just asking a question here." A lot of people are saying that Donald Trump eats babies, and I just find it suspicious that no one has been able to show proof that he doesn't.

He don’t eat babies 👶 only baby momas you should try it some time it tastes like chicken

By leopoldij at 08,Apr,23 11:10 other posts of leopoldij 
nice discussion!
By #610414 at 08,Apr,23 12:12

By #623135 at 29,Jul,21 13:15
I started this thread as a way to twist Bella!'s nose. It was a mistake. Bella and Skittles, and Freddy and all the other hate mongers that are part of SYC and SYD are not worthy of my time to fight them. Nothing is changing for me. I just will hold back some of my actions.
Hey, you One Eyed Bitch Witch, Bella! you had a major victory this week. I'll try TO MUZZLE myself. Hope you have a long life full of misery.
By #610414 at 15,Aug,22 12:26
It's no use. These members are just another bunch of tightassed frustrated, wannabes.

By #610414 at 13,Aug,22 13:45
Boy, was I wrong. JustWill is her lover and Sir-Skittles is her ADOPTED son (she's too much of a tigh-ass to get fucked) 🤣😈

By leopoldij at 27,Jul,21 23:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Does bella's church know she's on showyourcunt?

If yes, has the priest/minister/imam/guru seen her cunt?

If yes, have they fucked?
By #610414 at 28,Jul,21 10:56
First, no one in this universe has seen her cunt. Second, the one eyed bitch witch has never fucked.
By leopoldij at 28,Jul,21 14:15 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sorry.

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 16:39
Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 11:35 other posts

Don't take it so damned personal than, I'm only attacking your politics.
I hope you don't think your politics define your country.
You probably hate politicians as much as I do, just for different reasons.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 11:40 other posts

You said a mouthful!

By SrCums [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 12:19 other posts ⤴

That's not true, I've yet to see anyting other than your hate for Trump and honoring the american constitution. You're political spin is so obvious even a 90 IQ can decifer. Unfortunately you're IQ is less than 90 so you are incapable other than behaving like a cackling parrot.
You're locked under lock and key in a box with profound egoism and pride. It's disgusting..

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 12:32 other posts

Maybe I have a broad definition then, but Trump IS your politics.
Actually my IQ is 135. I'm expecting a lot of hilarity over this claim.--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutesTwowarmtts3!
I just don't know how you can keep your face straight

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 15:42
The different ways the ONE EYED BITCH WITCH sees actions by the recipient. Two faced

Bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:44 other posts ⤴

Kebmo, I don't know that is a true or fair assessment however from my prior interactions with SrCums and his different personalities as well as my current observations, SrCums is opinionated and very passionate about whatever he believes is right. Sadly, if you are not in alignment with his line of thinking, he can and will become sharp and unpleasant which could also lead to him becoming quite menacing.

As you can see, he likes to send "messages" by way of gifts.

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 15:39

SrCums [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:15 other posts

When you stop the election after refusing to let conservative observers look at vote countings its breaking the law.. Period... The count doesn't matter since its cheating. If you look for votes it will show trump had an insurmountable lead.
Question.... How the Fuck can you have x+y amount of votes when you only have x registered voters?

133 million registered voters and over 150 million votes... Tell me sherlock.. use all your links you want. How can 17 million people vote that haven't even registered?

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 15:30
SrCums [Ignore] 25,Jul,21 22:05 other posts

This is NOT confirmed.....

I live in florida and 6 months into Bidens presidency with 3.5 years to go on Biden I noticed Trump is giving many rallies... Why? Biden says nobody's listening but then how can 40,000 people be there in the blistering stiffling 95 degree heat with dewpoints between 75-80 which is just unbearable.. You can jump into a pool of freezing cold water then get out and seconds later sweat is pouring out of your body.
He's been in Arizona and Ohio 5 rallies all together I believe. So what is he trying to do? Its still 18 months until the midterms so wtf..

Anyway the pieces appear to be coming together. There is a lot going on that is still classified or the media refuses to post. A lot of rumors are saying Biden is going to either have to resign or be removed with either the 25th amendment policy or forced to resign with honor after all states have been audited. then they will say Trump won afterall.. And another fascinating piece of info has stated Trump won all 50 states in 2020..Further, Rosenstein, Comey, Obama Soros, and Clinton have been all arrested for for coup and treason charges. I'm willing to call it a long shot but wouldn't that be something

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 15:28
dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:59 other posts

Sorry Bella it’s been hot out and I’ve been feeling a little cranky lately
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 11:03 other posts

It's okay to have opinions. Opinions are the opening for more meaningful discussions.

By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 11:23 other posts

I know I just get tired of members telling me about my country a country I’ve lived in almost 60 years living here and reading about this country on google are way to different things

By #623135 at 27,Jul,21 15:26
Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:14 other posts

Arizona did something I agree with; they opted out of Daylight Savings Time. We sure need to follow that example. In July the sun goes down at 22:06. Light and heat makes
it difficult to go to bed early, if you need to get up early again.

By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:26 other posts

Who cares what you agree with Dutch boy

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:52 other posts

C'mon, dgraff, be nice.

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