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Started by #172847 at 06,Jul,11 11:55
I'm a bit confuced where my dick fits in on the rating scale on Show Your Dick...
It's not too big, or too small;
It's not too thick or too thin;
Is it suckable or not to nice to look at;
Is it suitable for guys or more for the ladies?

You be the judge.............................and I cant wait to hear from you.............
[deleted image]

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New Comment

By boc at 07,Jul,11 18:35 other posts of boc 
One day I was really thirsty and the only place open was a gay bar. So I went in an ordered a drink.

The bartender said; "You know this is a gay bar, right?".

I said; "Yes, and do you serve straight guys?"

He said; "Yes, the only requirement is that you come up with a name for your penis."

The guy on my right said; "I named my penis Ford, because quality is job 1."

The guy on my left said; "My penis is Timex, because it takes a licking and keeps on ticking."

After a minute or so I said; "Well, my penis is Secret, because it's strong enough for a man, but made for a woman."

By #7976 at 06,Jul,11 22:27
I'm only replying to your post because this is an all too common theme with people here. My advice is, forget comparisons and be who you are. Be confident that that which nature gave you is good enough for anyone and if it isn't, move on just as you would if you met someone who annoys you immensely. You have a cock, it obviously get erect, and should be well able to please a guy or gal in any way they need pleasing if you use it right. But in either case, quit worrying about comparisons, they're for ego boosting alone and not worth much at that. Cheers.

By slipper at 06,Jul,11 19:18 other posts of slipper 
The best I can tell from your pix with nothing really to judge relative size, it looks like a rather average, but very NICE uncut cock!! (as are most)

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