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Started by #301038 at 06,Nov,13 10:24
If you could give 1 advice to men and 1 advice to women, what would that be?

Mine would be old fashioned "Rub her buns and lick it" for men, but honestly, "don't leave your woman kiss and touch deprived", and for women, "Always tell and show your man, what makes you happy in bed, and try your best to do what he asks of you"...

Similar topics: 1.Advice   2.Help/Advice uncut   3.As I look 4 my first cock 2 suk. Tell me about your 1st time suk. Any advice   4.Advice for a 22yr FIRST TIME   5.VIRGIN ADVICE FOR FIRST TIME!!!  

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By leopoldij at 11,Apr,20 16:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Here is some sex advice for those who want to get laid a lot.

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By #485312 at 05,May,15 12:55
inflict as much pleasure as possible *lix*
By leopoldij at 11,Apr,20 16:11 other posts of leopoldij 
"inflict as much pleasure as possible" AND always pay attention to your partner's pleasure because it's only through this that you'll derive pleasure too (of course, there are exceptions, like, say, the trolls here, but these are pathological cases).

By #136427 at 22,Nov,13 18:11
Best advice for bith sexes... Have lot of sex!

By #149276 at 20,Nov,13 22:47
Don't be JEALOUS !! it is a complement when the opposite sex says so!

By stroker11 at 08,Nov,13 15:08 other posts of stroker11 
For all sexes.......masturbate daily!

By #143536 at 07,Nov,13 23:15
For all: Stay freaky! Try new things. Lick some ass. Suck some dick. Swallow. Play with toys.

By bigone21 at 07,Nov,13 22:27 other posts of bigone21 
that's 4 advices!

got some advice for us male/male relationships?

how about 1 advice for all: give a little more than you take!

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