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Basic, but fun. Am I weird?

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Started by #158779 at 07,Jul,11 13:47
so i've been exploring the realm of messing around with dudes. come to find out there are more things i dislike doing with guys, than things i like. for example, i do not like kissing, anal, oral, any kind of moaning, or body contact. What I DO like is hanging out naked, checking out each others penises, and doing fun, little silly things to each others cock and balls, along with mutual j/o. and most the time i enjoy it more when its with another small penis. preferably with a guy my age or close. some times i wonder if this is because when me and my good friends were younger, like age 6-14, we used to show each other and compare, and sometimes touch a little. please someone let me know what they think about this. if this intrigues you, i live in OK, and i would love to meet you.

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New Comment

By chris51 at 11,Jul,18 15:38 other posts of chris51 
I'm 90% with you on your assessment. I do like the feel and taste of a cock in my mouth and in my hand. Love to talk about sex with other guys when we're naked, kind of like right now As to the rest of what you dislike, I'm pretty much there with you.

By #147052 at 07,Jul,11 14:00
I guess that your view is acceptable to some. If you have so many hang ups about being with a guy and performing "other" sexual contacts, why be here?

Adult Discussion Forum