By request of a member I made an experimental feature - groups.
At the moment it's extremely primitive:
Any member can create new groups. If the group does not get other members it gets deleted after 3 days. No any editing possibilities on already created groups, so create carefully. You can only add yourself into existing group or remove yourself from the group you are already in. If you want to invite someone in your group you have to contact them via chat, there is no any automatic "send invitation" mechanism.
This is meant to make it easier to find members with certain kinds of pics or with similar interests.
I suspect the idea will be screwed by members adding yourselves into any irrelevant group or by creating tons of groups that don't mean anything. But let's see how it goes. No big deal to make it, no big deal to delete it if I want.
Since the groups have moderators or monitors in them, any spamming can be deleted and controlled by the member in charge... and its a good platform for adding more intimate pics that you might not want to share in the public pages...
Just a suggestion if anyone else would like this option to be allowed *lix*
Whatever, if you can't find it in your browser, I've added it on the page.
This will change nothing, though. There is a search box here on forum, very few people use it. Being here for many years you could figure out from repetitive topics that people prefer to create new thread over searching, even when it cost points.
Maybe an idea:
There is already a 'report this member'-button. I don't know how easy it is for admin to built it in, but perhaps if a member is reported too much with regards to abuse of the group option, he/she is excluded from becoming a member of any group for a certain period.
Another idea:
If this turns out to be successful and becomes a permanent feature, perhaps you could add a button in the social category, for example 'Your groups'. Or in the case of another member's page: 'Member's groups'.