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Forum Photos

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #5546 at 09,Jul,11 16:45
Guess I'm just too computer illiterate, but I was wanting to share my photo in one of the forum threads but couldn't get it to work. The site administrator in an early thread (near the bottom of current page #89) that it could be done using the standard UBB Code which, for an one of my images, would be: [img]//[/img] but that just results in the text of the UBB being displayed. Can anyone help?

Similar topics: 1.Adding my photos   2.Fans of Bernd8888's photos   3.I LOVE B&W PHOTOS...POST THEM HERE!!!!   4.CANT SEEM TO POST PHOTOS IN FORUM   5.Women posting on men's miscellaneous page.  

New Comment

By slipper at 10,Jul,11 04:15 other posts of slipper 
This assumes that you have already uploaded your pix to your page here...

All ya have to do is go to your gallery pic you wish to post and under the pic in the center (as I recall) it says "post in forum" or some such. Click on it and highlight (click on) the third line, then push and hold-down the Ctrl key while it is highlighted. While holding down Ctrl, press the C key. Now, release both keys and click on "New Comment" in your forum thread of choice, put the cursor where you want the pic, press and hold Ctrl again and press the V key while doing so, release both keys, again. VIOLA! Press "Submit Comment" as usual and you're done!!! Btw, I find it easiest to do this if I've two tabs open, one in the forums and the other on my pic gallery.

By admin at 09,Jul,11 21:01 other posts of admin 

How to do this - /faq.html#insimage

By niginni at 09,Jul,11 18:40 other posts of niginni 

Adult Discussion Forum