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Requests and improvments for the site

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #88520 at 10,Jul,11 07:19
I've noticed that the admin stops by here regularly and seems to be willing to update the site, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread where we can give suggestions for site features or report stuff that should be fixed. I'll start off with some minor request and issues that I've noticed during my time here.

*I'd like to have a page that lists all my friends that are currently online under the "Social"-tab. Or just a checkbox that hides everyone that is offline for the "Your Friends"-page.

*It would be useful to get a notifacation if a friend deletes their profile on the site. It could be a message similar to the one you get when someone has added or deleted you from their friends.

*Would be great if the gender tags where visible next to the profile name when you check out "Who have your pics in their favourites" and "Who have this pic in their favourites".

*There's not a "previous"-link for going back a level after you've clicked "More >>>" on profiles that have more than one page of pics. Could of course just use the back button of the browser though.

*Pics that you upload for friends only still shows up as thumbnails for users you haven't added in their "My friends recent uploads"-category.

*Similarly as above it seems that pics that are private uploads, but has been commented on will show up as thumbnails under "Recent Comments on Member's Pics" and thus visible to everyone. For example I've seen face pics of members together with the comment, pics that the member probably didn't want to be visible to everyone. The ability to see the comments and thumbnails should prefferably be restricted to the people that can see the actual pics.

*Is it possible to add an edit option for pic comments just like we are able to edit our forum posts afterwards? I always seem to catch my mistakes after I've clicked post

Similar topics: 1.Photo requests   2.taking picture & video requests!   3.requests   4.Photo requests.....   5.requests?  

New Comment

By #7435 at 10,Jul,11 17:06
When placing yourselves on top of the "Members by their best pics" (when searching for members), one should have the ability to select their own best pic instead of the system selecting a pic representing the member!! I think its unfair of not letting the freedom of selecting your own pic after paying 50 points!!

I had already raised it with the admin.. but to no avail!
By admin at 10,Jul,11 18:46 other posts of admin 
There is no simple way to do this. Some members have over 2000 pics I just can't show them all for the selection. And I don't want to add another link to every pic just for this purpose. The interface is quite confusing for many of you as is already.
By #7435 at 11,Jul,11 17:01
Oh ok!! Although, your justification is valid but I feel its unfair when you spend 50 points and don't get what you want!! Just try and check if you could do something Thanks

By #88520 at 10,Jul,11 18:50
Wow that was quick, nice to already see the changes. Great job

By admin at 10,Jul,11 17:58 other posts of admin 
Private uploads do not show up in "Recent Comments on Member's Pics". This issue was noticed and resolved years ago. Friends pic were showing up for all members (not visitors), yes, I fixed this now. No one ever brought this to my attention.
By #88520 at 10,Jul,11 18:38
Ok great, it must have been friends only pics that I saw then

By #107080 at 10,Jul,11 13:13
you can edit posts.Just look at the top of post where it says "edit".This feature avail for 2 hrs after posting
By #88520 at 10,Jul,11 15:19
Yeah I know that it's possible for forum posts, I was talking about comments on pictures

Adult Discussion Forum