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penis pump recommendations

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Started by #114565 at 13,Jul,11 19:58
hubby and I would like to check out penis pumps. are they safe? do they work? which brand? what do we look for? Is it worth the effort?
thanks. Cindy

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New Comment

By #280008 at 18,Feb,13 07:10
Amazon. Size matters tubes are great their pumps however suck ass they break after a few usages look for something metal if I remember right they have a nice brass one.

Start with a tube as close to his girth as possible and work your way up to larger tubes this way you avoid the painful experience of getting your nuts sucked into the tube... i had bruised testicals for about a week after my first pumping

By #166058 at 18,Feb,13 01:13
look on loads of toys on there ...they are fun to use for stimulation and foreplay... but only give temp affects but can increase sensitivity in his cock.. i loved playing with mine... id recomend going for it but jsut buy a cheap basic one to see how u like it then maybe work up to a better quality one

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