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>>>Who uses a Penis Pump, and how good are they?<<<

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Started by #95836 at 25,Sep,10 16:52
Can anybody tell me how good a Penis Pump is, and how much bigger you can get using one, also do they have any side effects, or if they are they safe.

How long does your cock stay pumped after you remove the pump?

All comments welcome, and if you have any picture's of you using one please post it here.

May be a before and after shot would be good.

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New Comment

By sailor at 27,Sep,10 13:45 other posts of sailor 
Go ahead and try it. I so enjoy it. I'm pumping right now. I just started pumping my balls also. It don't over pump, and hole it for too long. You can get what looks like a watery pocket, but so far vessels either. I am not trying to scare you away from it, but just be aware, your jewels are tough but also delicate.


By spermkiss at 25,Sep,10 19:24 other posts of spermkiss 
I would very strongly suggest that you not use a penis pump. First of all, see the "Penis Enlargement Scams" article on this very site for more information about them.

Yes, a penis pump can temporarily incresae the size of your penis, however the operant word in that statement is "temporarily". After a few hours or at most a day or so the penis returns to its original size.

And there are significant risks, including loss of sensitivity, loss of the ability to become erect and a ruptured blood vessel causing internal bleeding.

The best advice for any man who is concerned about the size of his penis is to learn to be happy with what you have. Short of surgery, there is nothing you can do to change it. And surgery is expensive, risky and has mixed results.
By #13219 at 26,Sep,10 03:04
I have one but I will have to agree with spermkiss. I did not find it useful to enlarge and use it to get a hard started but that is an old man's problem and You will not likely need that unless you are one of the over the hill gang. The instructions on mine said not to use it for more than a few minutes or injury could result. Save your money for some good porn.
By #95836 at 26,Sep,10 13:48
Thank's for the advice spermkiss & dances12, but I did not want one to increase the size as I am happy with that, it was more of the felling that you get from using one, I don't have any problem getting hard, It's more of a case of never getting soft. But as you say, it can cause damage so I think I will give it a miss and find something else to play with.

Any suggestions?
By spermkiss at 26,Sep,10 18:00 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, if you want to put your penis someplace that's warm, moist and feels good you could put it in my mouth.

By sailor at 26,Sep,10 04:43 other posts of sailor 
I agree with the above. I had prostate surgery. I am using it hopefully to get hard again. But in using it so far y es it will get you hard in a hurry,but it does not last. I am using it to try and maintain blood cell size. Been doing this for a year now 3-4 times a week. I still can't get hard on my own. With the pump they try to sell you restricton rings that you put on after you pump up to keep the blood in your penis. They are not cheep. and don't last long.
Other than that , for me , it still feels good to get hard, but as far far as having sex with it , good luck.I took some pics of me with it , and now have deleted them, they just don't look good. My girth increased, but sure did not look natural. Be happy with what you have.

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