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Circumcised again ?

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Started by #182604 at 09,Aug,11 06:41
I was cut 12 years ago as a personal choice
I love being cut and if I had the opportunity again I would go for it immediately.
Just different style. Doc didn't explain and got cut low and tight. Prefer high and tight

If you had the opportunity today would you get circumcised again ?

Similar topics: 1.Thinking of getting recircumcised-can you get too tightly circumcised?   2. Circumcised penis cum pics please! ;)   3.Anyone thinking about getting circumcised?   4.Circumcised/Cut guys - How did you end up with it?   5.Originally circumcised and now looking like I could use to be circumcised again  

New Comment

By #107002 at 10,Aug,11 22:07
What a strange discussion!
It's all mutilation for me guys, sorry
By #182604 at 11,Aug,11 08:36
Hello Bone

You're uncut and I respect but how can you talk about something you don't know ...

I've known both status if circumcision was a mutilation do you really think I would want to do it again if I had the choice ....

By #185216 at 11,Aug,11 13:30
Bone is a bonehead, an idiot.
By slipper at 13,Aug,11 06:20 other posts of slipper 
No, not at all. The same valid point has been raised by both, cut and uncut... i.e., if cut at birth or shortly there after NEITHER cut NOR uncut knows what the other experiences.
By #185216 at 13,Aug,11 06:47
you are so right Slipper, those of us who were circumcised at birth will never know what it is to experience a tight foreskin, phimosis, balinitis (excuse the spelling, never needed to spell them) and also a host of other penis problems experienced by the uncut. not to mention the countless little boys brought into ER's with infections under their foreskins. plus, us circs never get to know the joy of remembering to skin it back in the shower so it doesn't develope an odor or smegma. yes, Slipper, you're right, we don't really know what the other experiences. like to talk farther, but i have to take my shower, one swipe with the washcloth and "bald knob" is clean. only drawback to mine is, my parents had to pay for my circumcision.
By slipper at 15,Aug,11 01:01 other posts of slipper 
...and, of course you (deleted member, since you take this tact in YOUR response that I initially thought would be rational) don't know the joy of a badly botched circ--some requiring sex reassignment or conversely in a more positive vein (oops, were those cut, too?) the thousands upon thousands of nerve cells lost in that typically 15 or so square inches of skin.

Cum on guys... sheesh, we are as we are, and we are all different in many ways! "Can't we all just get along!" (Rodney King)

By spermkiss at 10,Aug,11 17:55 other posts of spermkiss 
Like most American men born after 1920 I was cut as an infant. No regrets, I like being cut.
By 3fdfd at 12,Aug,11 12:12 other posts of 3fdfd 
Me too ... but I've wondered what I've been missing

Adult Discussion Forum