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strait sucking

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Started by #173259 at 13,Aug,11 01:34
Im strait. But I love sucking cock. Anyone else like this out there?

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New Comment

By #2331 at 13,Aug,11 10:29
Your gay!!
Admit this!!!
By spermkiss at 13,Aug,11 17:08 other posts of spermkiss 
It ain't necessarily so.

By #5532 at 13,Aug,11 16:37
Pretty certain that if you are giving another man head you are not straight. That would make you bi. Not a thing wrong with that.
By spermkiss at 13,Aug,11 17:05 other posts of spermkiss 
It ain't that simple. See my comments above.

By #115615 at 13,Aug,11 02:40
wouldnt loving to suck cocks indicate that you may NOT be straight?
By spermkiss at 13,Aug,11 02:58 other posts of spermkiss 
Nope! There are thousands of straight cocksuckers on this very site and certainly millions world wide. I've known quite a few in my personal life. This situation is a lot more common than most people think.

By #173259 at 13,Aug,11 10:23
Well no. Cuz I like to suck cock. But I do not like to fuck guys or get f
ucked. I also don't like kissing guys.
By spermkiss at 13,Aug,11 17:03 other posts of spermkiss 
Yep, you're a straight cocksucker alright. You self identify as straight, you do not like kissing guys and you have no interest in any kind of romantic attachment with another man. You're probably incapable of such an attachment. But you like to suck cocks. If sucking cocks is something you enjoy, then go for it. And don't let anyone else tell you what you should or should not be doing. The number one rule of sex is that no one has to do anything he or she does not want to do. If all you want to do with another man is to suck his dick, then do it.

And, hey, there are a lot of times when all a man wants is to get his cock sucked. So this is a win/win situation. The other guy gets his rocks off and you get the pleasure of sucking hime off.

By #134591 at 13,Aug,11 10:34
who cares for gay or straight? as long as its fun!

By #176420 at 13,Aug,11 01:49
I have a couple of straight buddies that love sucking cock as well. Damn!!! they give the best blowjobs.
By slipper at 13,Aug,11 06:11 other posts of slipper 
Straight here and never have, but I do well at everything I do, so I'd expect to get a good grade from you too!!!

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