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First time with a guy!?!

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Started by #199993 at 26,Dec,11 00:04
I'm 20 years old and live in the UK. I've always considered myself strait, yet have been curious to try things with a guy! Is it worth it?

Similar topics: 1.Friends - Bestfriends - Couple?   2.self reflextion   3.Masturbating - Your Usual Routine?   4.masturbating for the first time (guys)   5.The troubles of a **** Bi Relationship  

New Comment

By #94227 at 26,Dec,11 19:18
Go for it! Nothing better than a good dick

By spermkiss at 26,Dec,11 17:49 other posts of spermkiss 
Go for it, you'll be glad you did. And you won't have to turn in your straight membership card just because you had sex with a man. A lot of straight men do, and not just in inserter roles.

Turning things around, I'm as gay as they come and I've had sex with women. Most gay men have. That didn't turn me straight, but I do feel it made me a better person. Expanding your sexual experience to include men will make you a better person too.

By #147052 at 26,Dec,11 14:58
I love the taste, feel and just about everything else about a man stick....what are you waiting for????

By Rocksalt at 26,Dec,11 12:44 other posts of Rocksalt 
Yes, do it, I waited til I was of the few things in my life I regret.

By Ray10754 at 26,Dec,11 00:16 other posts of Ray10754 
Go for it you wont regret it at all!! rmember one thing!!! Cuiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back!!
And like Luckysucker said if you find it is not for you then dont do it again!!

Adult Discussion Forum