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Actual sexual creativity in written word

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Started by #184439 at 14,Aug,11 22:11
I hang around here quite a bit, just to see who passes by... Over my life I've been lucky enough to partake in many a fair few cybersex/sext/text/sex story based activities with others (female).

Never once have I been outdone on the creativity side of things, the explanation and detail. One girl came close, but most usually respond with "yeah I like that" or some other one line quick response. Now I realise this is probably due to the huge amount of spam being propelled at the girl from the other 40 guy's she's probably being hounded by, but I figured it was worth writing this on the off chance a creative soul reads it...

So if there's any GIRL out there who wants and gives I good level of creativity, message me.

Yes I also realise most people reading this have a sausage - I'm straight, while I have no problem mingling, sex chat with other guys just doesn't float it for me, yeah I've tried it

Good day to you all!

Similar topics: 1.Wank Song Game   2.The C word   3.The acronym game. With penis   4.Word Chain Game   5.Bi Sexuality, Lets open up a tread on that, haven't seen one here before.  

New Comment

By #176420 at 15,Aug,11 00:13
You have a nice pubic bush.otherwise you do nothing for me sport.. Not sure what your point is buddy.
By Gntlmn at 15,Aug,11 00:53 other posts of Gntlmn 
I'm with you, 'boots!...(about his lofty literary expectations on a dick-site)

Adult Discussion Forum