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Question about Balls

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Started by jocstfr at 24,Aug,11 01:05  other posts of jocstfr
Sometimes after I shoot a massive load, my balls seem to disappear. Im left with an empty sack and it gets me nervous. After a few minutes they come back but it make me feel like a e[deleted image]unich. Is this normal?

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New Comment

By jocstfr at 06,Sep,11 01:25 other posts of jocstfr 
Thanks for all your replies!!!!

By #21594 at 24,Aug,11 01:37
Same here. Yet some guys balls seem to stay where they are when they cum.
By jocstfr at 24,Aug,11 01:50 other posts of jocstfr 
mine stay unless I shoot a really huge load. Then they disappear and I have an empty sac. Really weird! Guys cocks and balls can be so complicated!
By spermkiss at 24,Aug,11 23:38 other posts of spermkiss 
It shouldn't take much looking at the photos on this site and elsewhere to realize that balls come in a huge variety of sizes and hang at a huge variety of levels. I'm a gay cocksucker of mature years who's probably given eight ot ten thousand blow jobs to two or three thousand different men. Since I've been up close and personal with so many pairs of balls I can tell you that your condition is far from unusual. Indeed, it's normal for a man's balls to draw up at least a little when he shoots his load, even guys who have low hangers.

Now, what to do? You could do nothing and stop worrying about this, since it's a normal condition. If it doesn't bother your sex partner(s), don't let it bother you. As you can see from the other comments here, some people like to see their man's balls draw up after an ejaculation.

Another solution is to wear a cockring. My balls, too, ride really high and higher still when I have an erection. After I climax they all but disappear inside my body. And I, too, would rather that they didn't. Oh how I look longingly at the guys who have large low hangers that swing about when they are fucking and are still down there in the sack swinging around as the guy shoots his jizz. So I wear a cockring to hold my balls down in my sack. I've worn it 24/7 for twelve years now without any ill effects. And I really do mean 24/7. At nude beaches, in the changing rooms and showers at swimming pools and gyms, even to medical appointments. No doctor has ever batted an eye (they've seen everything) nor has any one ever advised me that it could be harmful, not even a urologist.

Send me a Private Message if you have any further questions.
By jocstfr at 27,Aug,11 16:45 other posts of jocstfr 
Its just weird how they completely diaappear and then just drop back into my sac one at at a time 10 minutes after I shot my load. Maybe I will wear get a cock ring
By spermkiss at 28,Aug,11 06:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it! It also makes for a bigger bulge in the crotch of your swim brief, especially after you get in cold water. And what man doesn't want a bigger bulge?

By slipper at 24,Aug,11 23:27 other posts of slipper 
All normal... in fact there is a nerve inside each thigh that can be stimulated to make this "sucking-up" happen. Unfortunately, I don't recall its name from school.

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