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Started by pifad at 25,Aug,11 02:54  other posts of pifad
WOW! I just found out someone banned me. I'm like stunned. Hey, if you have an issue with me, let's discuss it. No need to ban me. I'd at least like the courtesy of knowing and the chance to explain.
Does this happen to others on here?

Similar topics: 1.Banned from public chatroom   2.Silent banning from the chat room   3.Banning jerks in chat   4.Banning   5.Time to End Banning!  

New Comment

By #7976 at 26,Aug,11 02:07
I wouldn't worry about being banned. If you think about it, its a backhanded compliment. At least they have enough emotion about you to take the time to ban you from their life. You're better off for it and life will go on for the rest of us without them in it. Cheers.

By pifad at 25,Aug,11 06:12 other posts of pifad 
@Matt Wife: I don't hand out shit
By #59855 at 25,Aug,11 19:30
Thats good to hear.

By hotcock33 at 25,Aug,11 08:59 other posts of hotcock33 
Try not to take it personal I guess. I gave a guy a nice comment recently and got banned. Only reason I can think of is he was 18, and maybe considered me an old perv??? Hey, sorry, if ya have a nice cock or body, I call it like I see it, be it 18 or 81!

By #59855 at 25,Aug,11 05:11
From Matt's Wife: I ban people all of the time for many reasons. I don't put up with shit from anyone

Adult Discussion Forum