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New Category for Photos

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Started by #12822 at 17,Aug,09 00:15
This site deserves a category for cock in sexy panties and lingerie, much more appealing than a "Tortured Dicks" section, all in favor speak your mind...

Similar topics: 1.The inevetablility of non-original internet photos - a possible solution   2.category on the main page for verified pics only   3.Points....   4.Wrong category ....   5.Women posting on men's miscellaneous page.  

New Comment

By slipper at 22,Nov,09 02:21 other posts of slipper 
"Appealing" is all in the mind of the beholder. Personally, I'd like separate categories for cut and uncut, like other sites do.

By #1414 at 02,Oct,09 15:50
Instead of new catagories what about 'key words' for members interets. That way you could select members with same interests ? eg lingerie
By admin at 02,Oct,09 22:51 other posts of admin 
My experience shows that most of people can't spell things correctly or even decide what they really want. I.e. I have to present them a list of "interests" to select from. And I have no idea what those interests can be.

If you have something like that in your mind - feel free to write.
By #1414 at 05,Oct,09 14:28
Maybe start with just a few catagories for members themselves. There are already some such entries for members eg "John23wb seems to be a male, bisexual (interested in men & women), claims to be living in United Kingdom, london and speaks English"

Maybe a few more can be added so that members can split out people who they may be interested in. A few suggetions below but there are plenty of sites out there that do the same and could be used as a guide.

Sexual ortientaion m/f/Bi/not sure
body/build s/m/l/xl
Cock size vs/s/m/l/xl
pubic hair none/some/lots
Clothes(undies) none/men/women/both

Just an idea
By #1414 at 05,Oct,09 14:33
Could even add a check box for which sections members post in:

I post in:
Normal Yes/No
Modified Yes/No
Pierced Yes/No
Tortured Yes/No

If looking for members in a 'search' (if avail) that way you could screen out the members who post in one of the catagories you do not like or vs versa.
By admin at 05,Oct,09 14:44 other posts of admin 
That does not require any checkboxes, I can simply extract this information from the database. Thanks for the idea.

By admin at 05,Oct,09 14:47 other posts of admin 
Cock size?
I bet most of men will put XL no matter what their real size is...

However, penis size and pubic hair presence can be made so that they are defined by other users who view the pics, not by the member himself...

By #14216 at 17,Aug,09 04:51
I a;ways try to ensure I post my pics in the correct categories but like every other human being on the planet I am not perfect and I occasionally make a mistake - but never deliberately.
By admin at 17,Aug,09 04:59 other posts of admin 
Indeed, but with more categories a probability of errors also increases...

By admin at 17,Aug,09 04:34 other posts of admin 
"Tortured Dicks" category is there not because many people like it, but simply so that you do not encounter those horrible pics in other categories, like "miscellaneous". Some people post them anyway and are very persistent in it. At least now they are in the category where you do not go if you do not wish to see them.

As for the additional categories - many of you fail to respect those that already are here. And as someone correctly pointed out in one topic like this before, if I start adding categories I will never stop. People will ask for cut and uncut, cumshots, hairy, etc. untill you totally lost among them and almost noone post pics under correct categories.

Adult Discussion Forum