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Ladyboys' cock size

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Started by #96355 at 10,Sep,11 10:41
How come ladyboys/transexuals always seem to have such huge cocks?

Similar topics: 1.Ladyboys?   2.ladyboys   3.shemales/ladyboys with smegma!   4.Who love fat and chubby ladyboys   5.Chinese ladyboys  

New Comment

By andrew999999999 at 13,Dec,17 01:18 other posts of andrew999999999 
They don't

By #546418 at 12,Dec,17 22:06
I have wondered if there is some kind of correlation between penis size and sexuality. In my experience people with larger penises have more of a tendency towards bisexuality. Of course this purely anecdotal on my part, but I would love to see a study on the matter.
By #491031 at 12,Dec,17 22:11
In a very informal, but fairly extensive, study of that very subject during my wayward youth, I discovered that the cocks of bisexual men come in all shapes and sizes.

By Moench at 12,Dec,17 20:48 other posts of Moench 
i meet some of this gurls(thai) and it is true ,most have a big dick,some have no or little balls but most have big soft tits and this gurls know how to play with your dick and how to make you happy, we **** a amazing time together

By leopoldij at 12,Dec,17 17:09 other posts of leopoldij 
Because you only see the ones on the Internet...

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