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Seeing who has visited me

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Started by #42017 at 15,Sep,11 14:11
I don't seem to be able to see who has visited my page anymore - I get the usual message 'due to overload etc...' This is probably done on purpose to encourage us to upgrade. I can't blame admin for doing this and I probably would if my wife didn't bother to look at my bank statements (I wouldn't like to explain the misterious amount being deducted every month). Also many of us donate hundreds of pics for the entertainment of others(at no cost) so I feel it it's not much to ask for the occasional peek at one's visitors.

Similar topics: 1.Most visited pics   2.Post your most visited photos   3.your most visited picture   4.Not being to get Who Visited You Page   5.Post your most visited video  

New Comment

By admin at 18,Sep,11 16:08 other posts of admin 
Sometimes I wonder what are you people smoking. "View who visited" was limited like a year ago. Both to 15 days and so that it loads only when server has free resource.

Autumn came, server load increased and naturally that page become less available. We moved database to SSD (i.e. memory) disc yesterday so it became more available again.

That's it. But apparently you just love inventing conspiracy theories and "suddenly" finding out writings that were for 1 year on that page...

By #59855 at 17,Sep,11 05:31
From Matt's Wife: I am strating to get the feeling that this is a way of getting rid of us
By Ray10754 at 17,Sep,11 11:29 other posts of Ray10754 
Looks like the viewing thing has been fixed,I Have been able to see who has viewed me all night and up to the current time

By #29349 at 17,Sep,11 03:27
I am having the same issue, have been for several days. If they are not gonna allow us to see who has visited us, so we can return the favor then i think they should just remove this option. This way we wont get so aggravated when we cant access it.

By #124358 at 15,Sep,11 14:47
you have to hit the reload button a few times..then it should work
By #42017 at 15,Sep,11 16:37
Good idea - I've tried that and still no connection
By #151792 at 15,Sep,11 20:24
I agree, I've tried for more than a hour and a half without any success. I also tried this a few times during the day as well!
By #151792 at 16,Sep,11 14:58
Since I cannot see who visited my page I must admit that I spent much less time on this site and thereby saving points, money and time on other productive stuff away from my pc! I will probably try in a weeks time again!

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