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Boxers or briefs

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Started by #127787 at 22,Sep,11 11:27
Do u wear boxers or briefs post u pics and comment

Similar topics: 1.Boxers or briefs   2.BOXERS - for young guys   3.Boxers or Boxer Briefs?   4.MEN'S BRIEFS!!!   5.boxers or briefs  

New Comment

By #631189 at 27,Dec,20 23:30
Yep, Hanes or Jockey usually. Always white

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By #516354 at 25,Nov,20 08:08
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Love wearing ladies thongs and panties when ever I can.

By Paulbald at 20,Nov,20 13:36 other posts of Paulbald 

Pants. The cheaper the better!

By #177288 at 25,Sep,11 01:48
tongs here

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By #101127 at 23,Sep,11 01:04
I like thongs 2

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By Ray10754 at 23,Sep,11 00:08 other posts of Ray10754 
Havn't worn them in over 30 years as a mater of fact I don't belive I even own any

By spermkiss at 22,Sep,11 16:39 other posts of spermkiss 
Depends on the pants I'm wearing. With short shorts ALWAYS commando. I like hanging free and feeling the breezes on my equipment. I also like the fact that I might sometimes hang out thru a leg opening. With Bermuda shorts and washable long pants, usually commando, sometimes a thong or briefs. With snug fitting jeans, usually a thong, sometimes briefs. I like an undergarment that holds my equipment up and out for a better contour in the crotch of my jeans. With a suit or loose fitting dress pants, silk boxers. It feels as though I'm going commando under my suit.

Adult Discussion Forum