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Boxers or briefs

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Started by #22384 at 11,Sep,09 23:14
I often wonder which is best, I see guys walking down the street in sweat pants and you can see there dicks, well not see it but you can see the outline, which makes me very horny. But then I wonder what they have got on, boxers or briefs. For me I like both, briefs for work as I dont like it too be swaying all over the show, but like boxers at home, after I have showered I but on a pair of boxers and walk around the house, only in them. But what do you guys prefer?

Similar topics: 1.BOXERS - for young guys   2.Boxers or Boxer Briefs?   3.MEN'S BRIEFS!!!   4.Boxers or briefs   5.boxers or briefs  

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By casado at 16,Jan,24 15:03 other posts of casado 
eu uso de todos os tipo, depende do dia.
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By #673642 at 20,Dec,23 08:37
More Briefs than Boxers, cause i have bigger bulge in Briefs

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By #628350 at 27,Jun,22 18:56
Stretch silk briefs for me when I'm out and about but at home commando every time.

By #668410 at 26,Jun,22 08:20
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joe snyder

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By #662360 at 24,Jun,22 20:39
[deleted image] Briefs definitely. I can’t see the attraction of boxers.

By APBay at 24,Jun,22 20:01 other posts of APBay 
I prefer commando but i do wear boxer when i have to go out back, and these days now i work from home commando all the time i am in the house.

By Ray10754 at 23,Jun,22 09:58 other posts of Ray10754 
commando the time 24/7 only way to go

By #463848 at 23,Jun,22 08:24
In a public place (whether anyone there or not), I like to see an outline of penis/balls through clothing of whatever sort.
If, a guy is sitting where he can be seen, I prefer him to be in shorts (if of the right style) as it always gives the idea that if he is wearing them commando, then it might suggest he is open to a friendly chat!

By nekekal at 10,Jun,22 05:00 other posts of nekekal 
Boxer briefs. Just briefs are too confining for my big cock. Boxers just let my cock hang down my leg. What is the point? So boxer briefs offer some control without pinching.

By #544883 at 25,May,22 10:18
Personally go for trunks which is a half way point of both of them but when I feel really brave will go without any when outside. We all know we want someone to look up our shorts or the chance of something popping out the top of our trousers for someone to see.
By mms123 at 27,May,22 03:34 other posts of mms123 
very good
By #544883 at 09,Jun,22 10:49
hey its almost summer so you never know what someone could be or could be not wearing.

By #275407 at 27,May,22 06:47
I wear them all depending what mood I'm in

By mms123 at 27,May,22 03:33 other posts of mms123 
Iam much fond of different underwers,jockstraps,langots,& I keep them in my stock.I hv more than a dozen variuos underweras with my cupboard,keep on using them regularly

By mms123 at 27,May,22 03:29 other posts of mms123 
Hello all,Myself love boxers,also jockstraps,I love my cock & balls securely tight in side

By #512385 at 26,May,22 08:19
boxers but i will wear my speedos, breifs, or jockstrap if the guy has a fetish for them.

By LGA6969 at 24,May,22 21:00 other posts of LGA6969 
I have a underwear fetish I have all kinds. You name it I have them.

By #667453 at 23,May,22 12:27
Boxers 🩳

By #646957 at 18,Jul,21 20:11

By #613564 at 08,Jul,21 04:45
Really soft, comfortable cotton/spandex panties, that my GF likes, and I like, because the fabric is much softer, more comfortable, and stretches where it needs to, to accommodate my parts!
She loves it, and it's just cloth, and comfortable too, so why not?

By DeepThroatThis at 07,Jul,21 19:48 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
briefs or nothing

By geranium at 07,Jul,21 15:07 other posts of geranium 
all kinds of undies except thongs and girls underwear.

By Bambou98 at 07,Jul,21 13:55 other posts of Bambou98 
Briefs everyday

By #575136 at 07,Jul,21 05:21
sexy briefs
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By onthelose at 06,Jul,21 19:18 other posts of onthelose 
If the stores that sell underwear are any indication of what is popular. Those briefs that look like knee length shorts are everywhere. Cant really understand the reason for them unless some men are conflicted and choose them as a compromise. I personally like thongs or g strings.

By #613564 at 06,Jul,21 05:12
Soft, comfortable panties! A lot of guys wear them, actually!! Probably because they are so much more soft and comfortable!

By Robben at 02,Dec,20 04:30 other posts of Robben 
Both works

By earthy at 02,Dec,20 01:16 other posts of earthy 
Usually briefs or boxer briefs for me. Any color really, but lighter colors make your dick more visible

By newwt10 at 01,Dec,20 03:16 other posts of newwt10 
Neither! Commando baby!

By #631189 at 30,Nov,20 22:02
Full cut classic white briefs for me. I’ve always liked them and have worn nothing else since my early 20’ s. Was a Jockey Y front boy but now I’m mostly a Hanes man.

By #626775 at 12,Oct,20 22:26
I have no preference since I wear just about everything from boxers, briefs, thongs, speedos, swimwear thongs, even panties and even not wearing anything at all so yeah

By LGA6969 at 12,Oct,20 21:59 other posts of LGA6969 
I have a underwear fetish. I have a lot of different types........ briefs, thongs, boxer briefs, sq. Cut trunks, , ass out, crotch out, jockstraps you name I have it. Love them all

By #621517 at 12,Oct,20 07:16
Briefs. Especially really brief briefs tight over my kit! I developed a taste for briefs back at boys school when we were all required to wear grey school regulation briefs. The school obviously didn’t realise how sexy these looked bulging over our young sex kit when we stripped in the changing room for sports and how clearly they showed the ridge of an erect shaft and cock head. I’ve worn briefs ever since.

By #64328 at 02,Jul,20 17:49
As a boy I wore briefs, around 5th grade boxers became popular and asked my mom to just buy me boxers. Then in 2nd year of high school I stared wearing boxer briefs. Now I wear boxer briefs unless I am wearing a suit then I usually dont wear any underwear at all

By #516354 at 02,Jul,20 05:03
Briefs and panties for me.

By #500806 at 11,Jan,16 02:48
I prefer none. Gone commando for about 6 years now..and never going back!
By #591921 at 01,Jul,20 17:51
I went commando for nearly 30years because I could never find comfortable underwear before but now at my age I need something to keep my balls forward so I dint sit on them. So I found some endowed men's underwear or jocks do just that. So now I'm still comfortable but dont have to pull my junk out from between my legs everytime I need to sqat ir sit.

By #591921 at 01,Jul,20 17:47
Underwear can be very uncomfortable for me because the way in endowed. I have a cock a little larger than average but very big nuts. So I have to buy underwear for endowed men. I like wearing trunks. I usually buy either ergowear or Wildman T brand underwear and those hold me tight but give me the too I need and they dint have seems in them and that is usually what is bothersome in most box brand underwear.

By #285354 at 16,Feb,16 00:02
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I like to mix it up too- boxers, briefs or commando- It depends on the day

By #96761 at 06,Feb,16 05:10
Also like these. Brand is evolve. Target carries them and they are breathe able yet show off your assets. [deleted image]
By #488147 at 06,Feb,16 12:24
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Here are sum of my favorite trunks C-IN2

By #96761 at 05,Feb,16 21:16
Boxer briefs work for me. [deleted image]
By #488147 at 06,Feb,16 08:32
Sexy pose. I'm more of a boxer trunks myself
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By routemaster at 02,Feb,16 09:20 other posts of routemaster 
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Definitely briefs, nice and snug round the ass!

By #488147 at 28,Jan,16 01:23
I wear trunks

By #460385 at 27,Jan,16 22:33
Damn people still wear underwear?

By #359325 at 27,Jan,16 21:46
Tired of boxers and briefs. Gone commando for the past 10 years...

By BirdDog at 22,Jan,16 08:47 other posts of BirdDog 
i like both...but i wear briefs A LOT more than boxers

By cumjohn at 14,Jan,16 16:19 other posts of cumjohn 
Briefs definitely. They look sexier and feels better. They also give better support for my balls.

By MM_DD at 10,Jan,16 20:40 other posts of MM_DD 
Couldn't care less really. I'm far more interested in what's underneath.

By routemaster at 10,Jan,16 07:03 other posts of routemaster 

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I much prefer briefs to boxers, I like their snugness, plus they show your bulge and bum off better. In summertime I like to go out wearing football-style shorts over them

By spermkiss at 11,Nov,14 16:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Silk boxers with a suit or dress pants. Usually briefs or a thong with jeans or casual pants, sometimes commando. ALWAYS commando with shorts or sweat pants. Having one's dick show with sweats or shorts is one of the reasons for wearing these kind of pants. Any SYD member should understand that.

By #465203 at 11,Nov,14 04:08

By #455074 at 06,Nov,14 08:15
I mostly wear briefs

By #400852 at 16,Jun,14 21:21
I never wear anything under my clothes and walk around naked at home all the time.
By #463249 at 19,Jun,14 04:12
Me too.
By Gary5 at 19,Jun,14 13:51 other posts of Gary5 
Me too

By #102374 at 19,Jun,14 12:40
Commando. Everything swinging.

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