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Started by #22119 at 25,Aug,09 18:22
I'm happy my pix are so popular!!! I wanna upload a VIDEO but I want to make sure it is not downloadable. I just would rather it were not possible for anyone to download.....what is the deal?

Similar topics: penis videos soon for you peoples..   2.please cum on my hot tits   3.Auto-Censor .....WTF?   4.CUM in Glass   5.Video  

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By #22119 at 26,Aug,09 16:34 it. This stuff is all so new and fun - who knows where it is headed. I just wish we had a bit more control over the content we upload. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. But somehow I figured a video would actually be deleted by the webmaster after I decided to take it down and that would be the end of the story. But in the end you guys are right that there is inherent risk in all this stuff and the best thing is to relax or not play at all....again thanks.
By admin at 26,Aug,09 18:18 other posts of admin 
You are able to delete everyting you uploaded (Delete button is below the pic on every page, or on the category management page). Or your can delete your entire account.

By #21910 at 26,Aug,09 03:20
If it is stored as a file, as vid clips are, there's most likely no way to do that. Sites using streaming audio/video don't allow direct download. You'll see URLs starting with mms://, rtsp:// etcetera.

SYD most likely doesn't have that capability.and it would be more trouble than it's worth to the admin. And even then, there are programs that allow recording of streams. E.g., I use Replay Media Capture for saving vids from YouTube, Google and assorted other sites.

Old military axiom: the best ammo always defeats the best armor. And the best software for doing something is always defeated by the best software for undoing it.

General rule: if you put a clip on the Web, expect it to be saved by someone. If you want it visible, it will be recordable.
By admin at 26,Aug,09 13:26 other posts of admin 
Exactly. Even if I implement such a protection from direct downloads, there is still software that can save the stream. Basically - if you can see it, you can save it on disc. To make it impossible OS or hardware level protection is required (noone do this now), and still it would be possible to hack it, though much less people would be able to do this.

Adult Discussion Forum