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Ladies, is my dick too small?

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Started by #206416 at 15,Nov,11 04:13
I rarely get much response from the ladies (yes, I know there are less of them on this site, but I'm not sure this fully accounts for it), and I often wonder is my dick is just too small to garner much interest. Could some females weigh in on this? Please be honest.

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New Comment

By #205329 at 17,Nov,11 05:44
I have wondered about this same thing. Why not very many women comment, talk, or even answer back. But there are some, but they are few and far between. I've had nice "chats" with a few women and then all of a sudden they're gone, or they won't talk again. You'd at least think they'd be a little more sociable.
FWIW, I don't have a cam either, but that really shouldn't make any difference as to your question.

By #101508 at 17,Nov,11 05:23
No you are not too small. I would play

Adult Discussion Forum