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Be proud and show your small tits

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Started by #187013 at 17,Oct,11 11:49
Hi there all you ladies out there who have small tits. I must admit I am always overjoyed to see smaller ladies showing what they have got......and I know I'm not the only one.

Similar topics: 1.PROUD or NOT about YOUR COCK ???   2.Asian Dicks are not as small as you think   3.Opinion on submitting hard and/or soft cock pics   4.hi gorgeous,you look so sexy,would love to fuc* you,and cum all over yor tits.   5.I have a small cock  

New Comment

By #7976 at 23,Jul,15 21:01
Big or small, I love em all... That being said, I generally enjoy something in the middle. Not too big and not too little however there are exceptions to everything. Firstly, how do a woman's breasts look when dressed and obviously, how do they look when nude. Not only how do they look but how do they move, feel, and her reaction when they're played with. One of my favorite things is a woman with larger than usual nipples. The kind that when played with are so sensitive that she quivers and moans almost as much as when a cock is thrust into her pussy. I love a woman who goes braless, in most cases. The sight of a woman with pert nipples pushing through her shirt or with breasts that sway and bounce with every step is enough to make my day. Not to mention straighten out my cock. I like the corner cases too. A woman with firm, cone shaped breasts and puffy nipples is truly exciting. Just enough breast to fit entirely in your mouth and let you flick her nipples with your tongue. And of course, those big breasted women who have immeasurably fantastic cleavage no matter how she wears her shirt. All-in-all, I love a woman's breasts in nearly every shape and size and love nothing more than fondling, kissing, licking, and nuzzling them. That being said, I'm equally fond of a wet, soft, luxuriously bushy pussy but that's another topic.

By leopoldij at 14,Jul,15 00:00 other posts of leopoldij 
I like small tits

By alexa123 at 17,Oct,11 14:25 other posts of alexa123 
By #187013 at 18,Oct,11 09:31
They're great

By slipper at 18,Oct,11 18:08 other posts of slipper 
Don't look "small" in that pic!
By alexa123 at 19,Oct,11 08:36 other posts of alexa123 
Only 75b Europe size... Thats really Not Big. But i like

By #135959 at 19,Oct,11 14:01
Ohh yes they are nice I coutd suck them all day

By qhaos at 24,Oct,11 13:45 other posts of qhaos 
not so small! i th8nk that my cock would stay comfortably between your boobs!

By smiley at 06,Jul,15 16:54 other posts of smiley 
Those are beautiful tits

By #473569 at 06,Jul,15 12:58
its really unnerving standing close to other girls with well endowed chests

By #253881 at 02,Jan,13 18:10

By dura2000 at 02,Jan,13 17:24 other posts of dura2000 
Small tits are the most beautiful tits of all. I love the feel and look of nice little titties.

By #220845 at 02,Jan,13 17:17
Love small titties

By #172995 at 26,Oct,11 02:18
Good things come packed in small packages. Small women can be super hot in bed.

By #198395 at 22,Oct,11 22:57
So some of us are small,, not much we can do ,and i would not go down the breast enlargement path
By #187013 at 23,Oct,11 22:51
Why would you even think about enlargements joycey. Your tits are smokin hot.

By #182635 at 24,Oct,11 09:58
It's true - they're very prettt. Sexy nipples!

By #187013 at 22,Oct,11 10:16
Come on girls get em out. The blokes have proven they love em

By MoeJoe at 19,Oct,11 11:13 other posts of MoeJoe 
My tits....

By #172995 at 19,Oct,11 03:09
Whenever I see small breasts, I want to kiss, lick and suck them.

By slipper at 18,Oct,11 18:09 other posts of slipper 
Let's hear it for tiny PUFFIES!!!

By mack at 18,Oct,11 15:15 other posts of mack 
LOve SMall Breasted women

By #182635 at 18,Oct,11 09:44
I gotta tell ya, moderately busted gals - you got it made! Not only do you stand a better chance f having immediately more attractive tits, but the aging process hits you ten years slower (if at all). I've never understood the big-breast craze. I'm a fan of 'nice' breasts. Give 'em over!

By #5532 at 17,Oct,11 14:27
I am very happy with my smallish breasts
By #187013 at 18,Oct,11 09:31
You have good reason to be happy. They are hot

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