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All Your Junk on Google

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Started by #211547 at 22,Nov,11 18:48
Just found out that all the pics, ect. that are posted here are also on Google. Anyone Googling your site name can access most of them. Even if you restrict viewers, a
lot still shows. The more unique your the name you use, the easier it is to find.

Similar topics: 1.My Hump smell   3.My pictures are searchable with Google!   4.Look at my junk in the mirror at work   5.Google search  

New Comment

By #359325 at 23,Aug,15 00:28
Tried mine, but nothing comes up on google. But I went to and it does come up. I also tried a couple of other members that are my friends and they appear as well.
By #485312 at 25,Aug,15 02:12
l tried yours and it came up with a jumping castle company and fun park, all of which make us smile *lix*

By #454258 at 12,Aug,15 03:34
luckily my username just brings up adult cartoons and Hentai.
By #485312 at 15,Aug,15 15:04
l get a lot of tequila references and Mexican sombreros *lix*

By fila1305 at 11,Aug,15 19:59 other posts of fila1305 
Just googled my nickname and there was a link on there to a mirror site of this one, hosted on ''.

But then again, this is the Internet. Is it really that strange for a search engine to find sites that meet with the search criteria?

By #485312 at 11,Aug,15 11:21
lm an out and proud sex maniac, l love fucking and what better way to share the lust than with a good old google search *lix*
By routemaster at 11,Aug,15 12:04 other posts of routemaster 
Well said, lix xxx

By #147052 at 29,Nov,11 15:21
The administrator is 100% correct. I just looked and my pics, not all of them, are easily found. Don't post what you do not want someone else to see fools!

By #176420 at 25,Nov,11 00:58
Great... then why haven't if found more cocksuckers?
By fila1305 at 25,Nov,11 09:02 other posts of fila1305 
I looked and found you and 1Xspurt. But I didn't found it on my name. Maybe it has something to do with the settings. Maybe when your page is blocked for non-members it doesn't show?
By fila1305 at 29,Nov,11 09:19 other posts of fila1305 
Took another look. I didn't find my page, which is only visible to members, but apparently my blog is open to the public. And so are numerous of my comments to other members. I'm happy that I don't have the habit of leaving things like mail or phone in there.

Therefore I suggest you read this post as well:

By #122103 at 28,Nov,11 20:08
i had sent a priv pic to a few -with real name- and one person googled my real name to find out more....

was bit scary.
By admin at 28,Nov,11 22:10 other posts of admin 
Private pages do not show to anyone except those who they were sent to. Indeed they are invisible for google too. Google only can see public pages. And I warned numerous times until I got tired of this that you should not post your private info here. Nor give it to another people, because I've seen enough cases here when someone got in fights and then as revenge posted private info of other members on other pages (not on this site) - on public forums, etc.

By slipper at 28,Nov,11 03:54 other posts of slipper 
With my "name" it would be soooooooooo far buried no one would ever get past all the shoe ads to see it.

By #112729 at 23,Nov,11 22:28
I just went to google images and tried my name , your name and safe search or safe search off ... I didn't see any of your pics .... What are you talking about ??? I was actually kind of excited to see my pics there , but not a one
By #23212 at 24,Nov,11 00:33
Ha ha, Rob. I just entered '1XSpurt' into a Google Search, and your personal page here on SYD is the FIRST listing!!

I believe the poster of this topic meant to say, 'IN a Google search', not "ON Google", which is quite different.

I think that we all should be reminded that most anything anyone posts, anywhere on the Internet, becomes instantly available most everywhere!

Adult Discussion Forum