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Started by #14216 at 03,Sep,09 16:41
I tried a short while ago to send some pics to my public collection, it said that the image had been uploaded successfully yet when I clicked on my page, the pics were not there. So I sent them again and it said "this image appears to be already in our database" so it must have gone somewhere. I left it awhile and then sent a totally different image to the ones earlier and that went through in the usual way without any problems. Very strange. Has this happened to anybody else?

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By admin at 03,Sep,09 17:12 other posts of admin 
Images here are protected from direct downloads. This is made for your own safety - you do not wish your private or for-friens-only pics be linked from some outside forums if your "friends" decide to put them there. Also, you do not want your private pics seen by other members of this site, who you did not intend to show them to.

This protection is bult so that there should be no difference for the browsers between plain images and protected - they send correct headers, with ETags and other stuff so that they can be correctly cashed, resumed in case of broken download, saved with a correct name, etc. But, regretably, some browsers, when set to high security, do not want to work with them, because those protected images ask for cookies.

Honestly, it would be much simplier for me to take that protection off at all and it would be definitelly much less load for the server, but then your private and for-friends-only images could be seen by anybody.

Bottom line is - if your browser does not show pics, try to lower the security settings.

Adult Discussion Forum