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Do you remember your first orgasim?

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Started by #138923 at 14,Mar,11 06:24
I was a little kid in the bath tub. (I wish I remembered my age). I wondered what it would feel like to put my weiner under the running tap. It felt great. I came but didn't know what was going on. I was worried what that white stuff was floating in the water . I actually thought something was wrong. It didn't stop me from doing it every chance I could though. I didn't even realize where the white stuff came from but it worried me (). Do you remember your first one?

Similar topics: 1.The first time you masturbated   2.I need help!!!   3.*I REMEMBER*   4.how many remember this place when it was fun? and a place you looked forward to visiting   5.Do you remember when...?  

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By #692343 at 25,Apr,23 15:46
I had my first orgasm when I was 7/8 years old, playing with my foreskin and suddenly I felt a wave of heat and intense pleasure that I didn't understand but it felt good. First wet orgasm at 13 and I thought something was broken LOL

By lillboybell at 13,Jun,22 05:04 other posts of lillboybell 
I was 10 when i heard the biger boys talking aboute puling the skin up and down and how good it feels so when i got home i tried it. thats when i had my first orgasm ! i dident know enything aboute what am i doing and it was a shock ! nothing came out of the tip but the feeling was intens
By Jimjim at 22,Jun,22 01:11 other posts of Jimjim 
You guys that are uncut are so lucky. It has to feel so good when that skin glides back and forth!
By lillboybell at 23,Jun,22 03:17 other posts of lillboybell 
Yes it realy feels good but because of the skin the tip is always protected and because of it it is very sensitive in my case
By Jimjim at 23,Jun,22 19:34 other posts of Jimjim 
I have a cousin that is uncut and I remember when we were really young a babysitter was giving us a bath she pulled his foreskin back to wash it. He immediately got a raging hard on and I remember her telling me that he couldn't help it because it feels so good to pull the skin back.
By lillboybell at 24,Jun,22 12:27 other posts of lillboybell 

By #692343 at 25,Apr,23 15:43
Felt so good with first dry orgasms....and no need to clean up LOL

By #463848 at 22,Oct,22 13:26
Yes, and I wish it had happened later.

By yeehawboyy at 18,Oct,22 14:35 other posts of yeehawboyy 
I think so? Idk how old I was but I know it was dry and I thought I was peeing myself 😂😂😂

By Skinnywank at 25,Jun,22 12:20 other posts of Skinnywank 
I remember being young and grinding the bed or couch face down and it feeling good, but never did it till orgasm.

My first real orgasm was right after my 12th birthday. My cousin slept over in same bed. He woke up in morning with morning wood. Asked me if I touched myself. Said yes, but didnt know he meant masturbation till he explained more. He started to do in under the blanket and gave me some pointers. I started to rub under the blanket too not really knowing what the end result was. Felt like I needed to pee, but he said just continue to rub. Next thing I know, my dick is pulsating and it feels like my dick has taken over my entire body. I dont feel anything else on my body but my penis contracting and expanding. Nothing really came out but a very small liquid (not cum). From there, I was hooked.
By #625826 at 04,Aug,22 00:09

By #668890 at 08,Jul,22 04:00

By Gntlmn at 08,Jul,22 02:23 other posts of Gntlmn 
Yes. It was a Vox Continental, with a built-in Sprint subscription ID
By bella! at 08,Jul,22 02:32 other posts of bella! 

By bella! at 08,Jul,22 03:16 other posts of bella! 
Never mind, I Google'd Vox Continental and now I understand.

By #491031 at 23,Jun,22 19:37
What the fuck is an "orgasim"?
By #673917 at 23,Jun,22 21:46
When I was 10 playing wth myself in a bath I came Unbelevable best orgasm ever

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Jun,22 13:11 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
An animal, plant, or a single-cell life form, duh
By #491031 at 24,Jun,22 13:47
No..you're thinking of an origami.
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Jun,22 15:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Rubit at 22,Jun,22 01:14 other posts of Rubit 
No,,,, but I wish I did.

By #64328 at 21,Jun,22 22:46
How could anyone forget the first time they got that feeling?

By #662360 at 13,Jun,22 06:50
I remember my first orgasm perfectly. I was 13 and getting good hard erections. I’d discovered lightly fingering my erect penis felt good but I hadn’t ever cum. Then one summer night I was laying on my bed playing with my erect cock and purely by accident I got the tugging action just right. It felt real good. Then after a couple of minutes of rhythmic tugging of my cock incredible pleasure swelled up in my cock and about a spoonful of white creamy liquid shot out up my chest. I’d heard boys at school talking about masturbation and I knew instantly I’d masturbated. It felt fantastic!

By Cummingforyou at 11,Jun,22 11:02 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Was totally out of the blue and with the help of a stranger. I was 15 and despite getting erections had no idea what to do with them or why they were happening. One summer’s evening I was out in a local park when a guy around 19 or 20 started to talk to me . We walked in a closed of area and sat down when he took his cock out to my amazement getting it hard . Was the biggest cock I have ever seen . He asked to hold it which I did and asked me to my penis whip his was small compared to his . He reach over and wrapped his hand around it telling me I had a nice cock . He then went back to his own Fock pulling the foreskin back and forth when this white stuff shot out . Despite being 15 had no idea what happened or what the white stuff was . He kind of figured and got me to stand up grabbed my cock which was rock hard . He then kept wanking me off giving me good feelings when I felt the urge to pee let him know. He just went faster when I got this incredible pleasure feeling accompanied by 5 to 6 blasts of the white stuff shot out of my penis . My legs just went weak . Thanks to this stranger for giving my my first orgasm
By CreativeOne at 13,Jun,22 05:28 other posts of CreativeOne 
That truly is an awesome story and so glad you got to experience it with a new found friend.

By Gntlmn at 13,Jun,22 01:16 other posts of Gntlmn 
'don't know what that is...

By Greek18cm at 20,Apr,22 16:36 other posts of Greek18cm 
Thise days I usually 99% don't cum.

But back ar my first experiences I remember have orgasms and cum as normal person.

My first was also the first time a girl gave me a handjob.

It was a female cousin that even younger she knew what to do and she show me how to play with it.

By nekekal at 20,Apr,22 05:59 other posts of nekekal 
I don't actually. I played with my penis all the time for as long as I can remember. I cannot remember a time that it didn't get hard. My brother was three years older and we played with each other almost every night. When he was about 12 or so he showed me how to masturbate with the classic up and down motion. His penis was not big enough for his hands but mine was.

So he masturbated my bigger penis until I ejaculated. Oh it felt so good. After that I spent every minute that I could pumping cum out of m body.. I must have been about 9.

By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Apr,22 10:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
My first orgasm was while being jerked of by my best friend. I don't know how old I was exactly, probably between 12-14 y.o.. He had discovered masturbation and wanted to show me.
We were out in nature somewhere, hidden in a reedland. When he jerked off he shot a big load of cum. I had never seen that before. I knew about it but wasn't interested yet in sex. Than he asked me to do it, but he said I didn't do it right, so he helped. It didn't take long for my orgasm to start. I never felt that before and it was overpowering. I wanted him to stop, but he continued and laughed. I was shaking on my knees and almost collapsing.
I said I didn't like it much, but he replied that I would like it soon. After a bit of practice on my own, he was proven right. The first times, I had dry orgasms and I think it would take another year or so before that changed. If I remember correctly, it was him again, claiming that first time too.

By leopoldij at 15,Apr,22 09:34 other posts of leopoldij 
No, but I remember my last one, 2 hours ago.

By #640078 at 15,Apr,22 02:59
I was 15. My dick was always hard. One day while home alone, I started playing with my dick and it got real hard. I had precum (didn’t know what it was) and my finger slid across my ass and I pushed it in. My hand was moving on my cock and I felt this tremendous urge to push my hips forward and sink my finger in my ass and I started cumming. All over the carpet. My cock stayed sensitive and semi hard all night

By Kylorent62 at 22,Dec,21 02:46 other posts of Kylorent62 
I was 12 or 13. I remember soaping my small circumcised penis and letting my hand slide over it. The sensation was amazing and I couldn't stop. My release felt so good. I wasn't even aware I had ejaculated at the time because it was so lathered up. I soon saw the jets of cum as I did it more.

By wycowboy at 17,Dec,21 14:51 other posts of wycowboy 
I was about 9 or 10. I had been getting erections for a while which could have been embarrassing but my cock has never been very big. Any how, one day I was in my bedroom and decided to play with my self for a longer time than usual. The longer I played the better it felt when suddenly an intense feeling overcame me which I tried to recreate every chance I could. I've been jacking off ever since. 50 years of great orgasms and counting.
By #539214 at 21,Dec,21 19:52
I remember when I was about 10 I was taking a bath with my cousin who was a couple years younger. We had very different looking penises mine flaccid is extremely small and looks like a little acorn and my cousin had a really long uncircumcised penis. When we were in the bath my aunt tells him to pull his skin back to clean and I guess from the sensation of the skin rolling back he got this raging hard on. I used to be so jealous mine got hard but even hard I couldn't compete with him at his smallest.

By #64328 at 20,Dec,21 18:31
I definitly remember mine. I've always wondered how many others experienced orgasms dry before they had sperm
By #514663 at 21,Dec,21 13:12
I did for my first few years
By #64328 at 21,Dec,21 16:27

By #652979 at 21,Dec,21 11:08
Can't remember when, but i guess i was around 11/12 years old, but i can remember that i was doing a cock massage which felt good and i got a hard one.
then i decided to do a stroking type of movement and went on until i came. Can't remember if it was a dry orgasm or not.

By #606526 at 21,Dec,21 01:25
a late starter at 15 when i had my first orgasm, and it was a guy that gave it

had been getting hard penis for years and never knew why or what to do . All changed when i met a com[late stranger in a local park as it was getting dark. he asked me if i wanked and had no idea what he was on about when he took out his cock , asked me hold it , my first ever feel of a penis that wasn.t mine . had me take mine out , got hard as he stroked himself when he shot this white stuff out,

he then put his hand on my rock hard penis pulling the foreskin back and forth which had me in estasy, he kept going when i got this urge to pee, let him know when he said let it all out , when this rush of pleasure took over me , my knees went weak , i said oh fuck when i shot 5 to 6 spurts shot in the air , in had to remove his hand as i became too senstive, i said wow and he that its called cumming , start doing at home and still to this day hooked on it

By #294596 at 20,Dec,21 19:06
Absolutely! I was 13. I woke up because I had just had a wet dream. I went to the bathroom to see what happened. I was unsure what the sticky white stuff was in my underwear. I smelled it, then tasted it. My dick was still hard, so I rubbed it a bit. Suddenly I felt pressure in it so I let go and I shot 5 or 6 squirts of thick cum all over the place. I was amazed at how good it felt!

After I cleaned up everything I went back to bed and laid there playing with my dick. I started feeling that good pressure build again, so I grabbed it and stroked it some and again I shot several thick squirts on my stomach and chest.

By #463848 at 20,Dec,21 09:55
Age 11. Was given my first wank and he also gave me my first dry orgasm. It was overwhelming as I didn't know what to expect. The build-up was nice but the orgasmic thrill was so unexpected.
I didn't do it for myself until after my first nocturnal emission.

By #64328 at 18,Dec,21 16:52
First orgasm was a dry orgasm at 8 but so intense. A 13yo friend taught me how to masturbate by jacking me off to my first dry orgasm and I was immediately hooked and started doing it regularly several times a day

By LGA6969 at 18,Dec,21 14:14 other posts of LGA6969 
I would say about age 12. For quite awhile back then I use to lay naked in my bed at night many times humping my pillow. Well this one night I kept at it for a long time. Then it happened I was humping hard and fast and then I had this feeling through my body and and came all over the sheets and my pillow case. What a great feeling.

By mrseveninches at 18,Dec,21 00:14 other posts of mrseveninches 
At age 5 my cousin who was the same age showed me something he learned from an older boy. He taught me how to do it and said it ended when you got a "special feeling" in your dick.
I had my first ever orgasm after only a few minutes.

By #536019 at 17,Dec,21 14:09
I was 13. A same-age friend had described it to me, and a tried it out in the bathroom first time I was alone. I gripped my penis too tight, but the orgasm was intensely pleasurable, with lots of cum spraying out.

By #514663 at 17,Dec,21 13:12
I was about 8 when I had my first one. I would get erections in bed and would take my pants off and discovered it felt really good to rub my pillow on my penis. I kept doing it until I had what I know now to be an orgasm. I didn't start actually ejaculating until a few years later though

By #1102 at 17,Dec,21 06:21
i was 10 when had my first one int the tub

By #10886 at 14,Mar,11 22:19
Hell, I can't even remember my LAST one!!
By #13219 at 20,Mar,11 23:34
Soprry I knoiw I should not laugh. Pleas excuse me
By Gntlmn at 24,Jul,11 22:50 other posts of Gntlmn 
Stick it 2sim, "dances"......luvitluvitluvitluvit

By #107983 at 23,May,11 23:15
Bloody hell , i am having trouble trying to remember my last one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By #142641 at 22,Mar,11 12:13
I remember that I started masturbating from the age of 3. I didn't know then, that it is called masturbation but the feeling it gave me is just inexplicable. But of course at that time no discharge used to be there. Then one day, I saw a white thick and slimy liquid coming out of my penis. I got frightened as I thought that something has went wrong with my penis. So I abstained from it for about 6 months. But now I realise that that discharge was nothing but cum and that had signalled at the attainment of puberty. It still gives the same feeling and fun as it used to give earlier - staggering my whole body..... aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhmmmmmm

By #46165 at 17,Mar,11 02:16
Mine was similar. I used to lay in the shower and let the water flow over my cock. Id always have my eyes closed coz of the water so I never knew I was cumming (im slow ), just that it felt good. I kind of wondered why my belly was kind of sticky afterwards but never put it all together.

I was probably shooting cum for 2 months before I actually SAW it happen

By #129941 at 14,Mar,11 19:45
My cock had been very embarrassing for some time, the way it suddenly went stiff without warning. I was about 9 and had noticed it felt nice when I played with my cock. This day, I was on my own in the house with my pants down and I decided to play for longer than normal. I was totally surprised when a fountain of strongly smelling white goo shot out and oozed from my little cock. It was lovely - my body felt suddenly relaxed and I felt dizzy. I had to sit down, my legs felt suddenly weak. This was to be the start of a life of regular wanking and sex.
By boc at 14,Mar,11 23:30 other posts of boc 
Yes, I use to be terrified of riding the school bus. Because I would always get an erection that just wouldn't go down.

Luckily where I lived I could choose between walking and riding the bus, because I was right on the line.

By boc at 14,Mar,11 23:28 other posts of boc 
I remember the morning after, because it was in a wet dream. And my biggest concern was hiding the mess on my sheets from my mother.

But the first time I ejaculated from masturbating I was scared at what had just happened.

By #93552 at 14,Mar,11 11:36
In a public toilet, would have been about 10. I had been playing with my dick every chance I got for months. This time I started rubbing, and it felt good, so I kept going, and it kept getting better. Then my whole body shook and I wondered what had happened. There wasnt any cum. I can't remember when I first started to cum.

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