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Started by #201292 at 29,Nov,11 11:35
Well me and my boy were best friends from age 12 and we're very close. And yes both he and eye have girl friends. One night wen he slept over the other night and I let him in my bed. Ofcourse we done shit. Pretend to cuddle and he even kissed me. It was not until the next morning that I realize his big cock. How do I admit to him that I want to touch or maybe even suck it without ruinin my friendship.that night was one of the best for me

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By spermkiss at 29,Nov,11 16:17 other posts of spermkiss 
If he got in bed with you, cuddled with you and kissed you, then you can be sure he'd be quite happy to have you suck his cock. He'd probably also like to suck your cock. So go for it. Take your friendship to the next level to include sex. You'll be glad you did.
By #207133 at 29,Nov,11 17:06
you stupid old queen
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,11 18:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Lady, do you really think it advances things to stoop to the level of name calling?
By #207133 at 30,Nov,11 09:15
yes .seeing as you are the old pervert who thinks sex with a minor is fine as long as its consensual i would not trust your judgement if my life depended on it
By spermkiss at 01,Dec,11 04:02 other posts of spermkiss 
I didn't say that. I even said that on those few occasions when a precocious boy made sexual advances toward me I tactfully declined. Re-read my comment (you do know how to read, don't you?). I merely posted a comment inviting a thoughtful discussion on this subject. After wading thru all the venom that got posted by you and others to find the few words of wisdom I now conclude that I did the right think when I declined those boys.

By #146919 at 30,Nov,11 10:31
trust me she aint no lady.
By spermkiss at 01,Dec,11 04:03 other posts of spermkiss 
I think you're right. I doubt very seriously that she is.

By #146919 at 29,Nov,11 16:58
true friends are hard to find,many a friend ship has been ruined by sex,so why take the chance and wreck some thing that is good for some thing that might or might not be.
By spermkiss at 29,Nov,11 19:07 other posts of spermkiss 
This is a good point, but this gentleman's friend has given him plenty of indication (cuddling, kissing) that he'd like to include sex in their relationship.

For what it's worth, I've had quite a few straight friends over the years and I ended up having sex with some of them. I always waited until they came on to me or at least had given me plenty of indication that they were ready. In no case did it ruin our friendship. Indeed, it usually brought us closer together.
By #207133 at 30,Nov,11 09:36
first off this story is probably untrue,in fact i would bet on it,but you seem unable to tell fact from fiction.second you can get sex any where any time you want and if you cant you can buy it true friendship you cant.third just because,as you say, it worked for you this does not mean that it will work for others.forth i would rather have no sex and true friends rather than loads of sex and no friends.
By spermkiss at 01,Dec,11 03:51 other posts of spermkiss 
And you probably think you pussy is to pee thru.

By #199710 at 30,Nov,11 04:18
Try it and you will enjoy it

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